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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. Of course Priya thinks she's pregnant now that Pete and Leyla have reconciled and become engaged....  How very inventive!  :rolleyes:

    Why can't the writers be a little more creative? Let's have some happy stories for a while instead of all this doom and gloom. It's becoming quite tedious.


    I just got to watch the wedding of Kathy and Jackie back in 1988. (Thank you DRW50!) There were no surprise pregnancies or infidelity revelations back then, and the only disaster was that Kathy's wedding dress was ruined when a pipe burst in the Bates' home. No crashing helicopters back then....

  2. 6 hours ago, Wendy said:

    Looks like the story was removed. But, as consolation, here. The Alt-Right shows their utter "decency" at proclaiming McCain's brain cancer as punishment for going against Trump.




    To call these people scumbags is unfair to scumbags. They deserve better than to be associated with this kind of behaviour. I really can't find any words strong enough to describe how utterly sick and vile these creatures are.

  3. 7 hours ago, OLTL #1 fan said:

    if the Dems go after Caitlyn (should she run) the Republicans can call them homophobic for attacking a trans woman


    That's ridiculous. By that kind of reasoning the Democrats could have called the Republicans racists for going after Obama.


  4. So Paddy is now working his way back into Rhona's life, to the surprise of absolutely no-one. Even Stevie Wonder saw that plot twist coming.....  <_<

    This kind of unimaginative writing makes me nervous everytime Laurel shares a scene with Marlon now. I don't feel that I can trust the writers not to try and put them back together, and that would be horrible.

  5. Sorry, but I think you both are being too hard on Cilic. Blisters can be really painful so I'm sure that played a part, but whether it did or it didn't, or if it was just the pressure of the moment that got to him, I don't see why he should be ridiculed for it. He's a human being, not a machine, and sometimes people's emotions just get the better of them. There's no shame in that.


    As for the Federer children, from what I can see the girls had blonde hair when they were younger, and it's not uncommon that kids who have fair hair when they're young grow darker as they age. I did so myself. I had very fair hair when I was very young, and both my parents have dark hair, and now my hair is darker too.

  6. 9 hours ago, OLTL #1 fan said:

    I'm starting to get the feeling that Robert isn't really the father of Rebecca's baby


    I really hope not. I want it to be his child, and for him and Rebecca to bond over it, driving a wedge between him and Aaron, causing Aaron to leave the village for ever. Thus beginning the exodus of the Dingle family.  ^_^

  7. 3 minutes ago, MichaelGL said:

    I agree to a certain extent, but Charity needs direction at this moment, it's horrid. 


    I know exactly which direction Charity should take.... out of Emmerdale and far, far away. Preferably with her entire extended family going with her!  ^_^

  8. 12 hours ago, Adamski said:

    And I love the idea of her being a mentor to a young woman and moulding her in her image. Would put Debbie's nose out of joint.


    Oh God no! We don't need a Charity knock-off running around. One Charity is quite enough (and really one too many!)   <_<

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