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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    The last three appearances of Faith Dingle (sadly her 2000 appearances are MIA...)





    I beg to differ. There is nothing sad about any Dingle appearance being missing.   ^_^


    The most recent episodes have reminded me why I've always had a problem warming up to Charity, apart from her being a Dingle. I'm so sick and tired of her scheming and doing stupid things. If this is the all they can write for her then just drop her instead. She should have stayed away after her first exit, just like Cain should have. 

  2. On 2017-01-29 at 9:03 PM, Adamski said:

    Frazer Hines radio interview from just after the 1:10 mark, where he talks a little about Emmerdale:


    Does anyone with knowledge of Joe Sugden's years on the show think it was a mistake to kill him off? Would he fit in with the Emmerdale of 2017?


    Of course it was a mistake to kill him off. There had been enough deaths in the Sugden family. But I think an even bigger mistake was to not give him any children. He only had two step-children, Mark and Rachel, and by the time Joe died Mark was also dead, and Rachel would be gone within a few years as well.

    On paper you would say that Joe should have fit in during the 1990s and early 2000s, since he had already been involved in business stories outside of the farm during the 1980s with NY Estates, but during his last years he had become increasingly isolated as a character, and perhaps he could have used a rest from the show and then returned. It would have been nice to have him now as a father figure for Robert and Victoria.

    It's funny how Joe was repeatedly so unlucky in love and relationships when he was actually a much nicer and more decent man than his older brother Jack. He had a few serious relationships during his years on the show, but they always ended badly with him being abandoned. First it was Christine Sharp, whom he married but the marriage only lasted a few weeks. Then came Kathy Gimbel, but she left the village after her father's suicide, Ruth Pennington left Joe for her former fiance, and his second wife Kate left him when she couldn't re-adjust to the village after her stint in prison.


    It was a huge mistake to kill of sister Peggy's twins and to never give Joe any children. This left only Jack's children to carry on the Sugden legacy on the show, and they also killed one of them, Jackie, before he could have any children.

  3. Thank you for posting that. It's always such a treat to see these old episodes. Not a Dingle in sight!  :P


    Those who say that nothing happened on Emmerdale before 1989 can't have been watching that closely. Just because the pace was slower and there weren't a lot of immoral, half-criminal characters running around doesn't mean nothing happened. I really can't stand people who have that attitude.

    It was a bit sad when Annie talked about how Sam had made peace with his impending death, and that it made it easier to take than when life was being snatched away from someone unexpectedly. I couldn't help thinking about how many members of Annie's family who suffered that very fate, having their lives taken away from them much too soon.  :(

  4. Amazing that Mirjana Lucic-Baroni has reached another semifinal, 18 years after her first (Wimbledon 1999, losing to Steffi Graf). It's also 19 years since she won the doubles title at the Australian Open together with Martina Hingis,

  5. I don't see why either couple (Paddy/Rhona & Zak/Lisa) has to get back together. They split up for a reason, infidelity!

    I fear that they are falling into the same trap that the US soaps have fallen into. That some couples are "destined" to be together and will always find their way back to each other. It severely damages the shows and limits the writing.


    I don't need to reiterate my feelings towards the Dingles, but I'm starting to put Paddy in the same position. Frankly, even though he's a veteran character by now, I wouldn't mind if they dropped him. He hasn't really worked since his time with Emily.


  6. I didn't mean for anyone to feel responsible in any way for my state of mind. If I did that I'm genuinely sorry. I enjoy reading this thread even though it's content is very depressing sometimes, because it's still an enlightening read, and at the end of the day I want to believe that somehow people with intelligence and common sense, like the posters here, will prevail and we will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


    But of course, then you get news like this, and it all feels depressing again...



    The new year has hardly even begun, but there has already been an attack.....   :(

  7. Something I found so sad when I saw it on the news today is that all over Europe they're putting up roadblocks in major cities and calling in extra police and military so that people can go out and celebrate New Year's Eve with a little less fear of terrorist attacks....

    They interviewed people in Copenhagen and they were grateful for this and felt it was a good idea.

    And in Gothenburg here in Sweden a big shopping mall decided to close early today because there were rumours that youth gangs were planning to shoot fireworks at people in retaliation for what they perceive as harassment from the police.


    How did we get to this point where people feel the need for these extraordinary measures to be taken just so they can go out and celebrate a new year?  

    Watching that and reading this thread has really made me feel a bit depressed. There's just so much hate and ugliness in the world right now, and there seems to be no end in sight.  :(


  8. 10 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I have to admit I'm sort of looking forward to Debbie returning (Charity isn't the same without her IMO) but not if she is back with Ross. I can't take that again. Ross is a lot better now. 


     I don't think they have any idea what to do with Charity. I know some want her to scheme for Home Farm - I'm so tired of that story for her. I wish they could put her back with Jai but they ruined that relationship. 




    I do so wish that Debbie wasn't returning. But I guess it's inevitable....  <_<


    As for Charity, I'm sure people won't agree with me, but I wouldn't grieve at all if they wrote her out. She's been so prominent over the years and done so much that there's really not all that much left for her to do. It won't happen of course, but one can dream, right?   ^_^

  9. Matt really was a special character. You rarely see someone like him today. Most people would probably consider him boring, but he was one of those essential characters that grounds a show.

    I loved him and Dolly as a couple, and it's sad that their marriage fell apart. Frederick's Matt worked so well with both Katharine Barker's and Jean Rogers' Dolly.


    It would be lovely to have them both back, even for a visit, but at the same time maybe it's best that they stay away so that their memories can remain intact.


  10. Today I think we all wish Happy Birthday to an Emmerdale Farm legend....

    Frederick Pyne, who played Matt Skilbeck for 1364 episodes between October 16th 1972 and December 7th 1989, turns 80 years old today!   :wub:

    I think it's quite logical that he left shortly after the show dropped the "Farm" and became simply "Emmerdale", because if anybody embodies the Emmerdale Farm era, it's Matt Skilbeck.

    Matt Skilbeck.jpg

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