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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. Help!

    I am a SERIOUSLY addicted newbie, having just found EMMERDALE on youtube this month.

    Following a friend's advice, I started watching the highlights of the Aaron story, and have gotten through hundred of clips from 2009 to 2015.

    I adore Aaron, Paddy, Chas, and so many of the characters, and want to start watching full episodes from as far back as I can find them, not just the Aaron clips. (I must say, however, that the Aaron and Jackson story and its aftermath was responsible for getting me hooked, and had me crying my eyes out for weeks. I understand why people want to both throttle and protect Aaron; watching him screw up his life through bad choices is infuriating, but watching him suffer is just agonizing. I love, love, love his relationship with Paddy, and when Aaron called him "Dad," I lost it.)

    Anyway, I also want to find detailed storyline and character background information, so I can figure out how those darned Dingles are related (LOL), and understand the past relationships of all the characters better.

    Does anyone know of good websites where I can find in-depth character biographies and explanations of how the families are related? Synopses of past storylines? Full episodes going back as far as possible?

    I don't know much about the show's current state in 2015, but the writing and acting from the Aaron and Jackson era was great, and I hope that I won't be disappointed in EMMERDALE's present storylines.

    If anyone can direct this neurotically-obsessed new fan to EMMERDA:E websites, I would appreciate it.



    Here's a good site to start with


  2.     Anyway, someone has put up some ED episodes (4) from 1978, 1988, and 1989, including the infamous one where a certain Doctor Who actor gets gored by a bull.


    Great episodes.

    In one of the 1978 episodes I did spot a possible mistake when Reverend Hinton and Annie were discussing his children. He referred to his daughter as Christine, but when she appeared on the show a few years later she was called Barbara.

  3. Wow that's true about Diane? How odd. Andys reaction made sense but Diane's seems odd, as did Victoria's detached reaction. Considering Andy killed Roberts and Victoria's mom, you'd think they'd all be s little bit more open minded.

    Am I a bad person that I still feel sympathy for Robert? He's such a complex character with his background etc, although should be better written.

    You're definitely not a bad person. Robert is a fascinating character, worthy of much better writing than he gets. I've always felt more sympathy for Robert than for Andy. It used to annoy me how Jack always sided with Andy and always seemed to have more affection for him than for Robert, his biological son.

    Technically Sarah wasn't Robert's mom, only Victoria's. But his biological mom died when he was only 4-5 months old, and Sarah was the only mom he'd ever known. It must have been so hard for him when Jack did everything he could for Andy after Sarah's death, but almost seemed to forget Robert.

  4. Awful writing to have Diane go on about how she can't forgive adultery when she had an affair with Andy's father, a child abuser no less, an affair that helped send Jack to an early grave.

    AWFUL, AWFUL writing.

    Any damn time she's around the Sugdens, the show makes her look tin-eared, self-righteous, and annoying as hell.

    She's never been a mother to Robert and I wish he'd tell her to [!@#$%^&*] off and die. I'm bored to tears with it.

    She also married Jack Sugden, a serial adulterer, not to mention the fact that her daughter is an adulteress, and her sister committed adultery with her then husband....

    I agree that it's horrible writing when they have characters do and say things that make them seem so hypocritical. Had it been Victoria it would have made more sense. She has been terribly affected by adultery throughout her life.

  5. Lovely to see it again, but I agree, it was a bad choice to end the episode with Chris and Kathy. They really should have ended with Annie and Amos.

    I do think it's a bit odd, and I remember thinking so at the time as well, that Marian, Henry's daughter, didn't come to the funeral. I realize it's a long way to travel from Rome, but Spain is also far away and Amos came. If neither of the two actresses who had played Marian could make it I'm sure a recast would have worked. It would have been better than not having her there at all.

  6. It's possible that the little girl with Andy and Robert is Victoria. It's hard to tell, but it looks a little bit like Hannah Midgley who played Victoria at this time.

    The guys with Scott are Adam Forrester (played by Tim Vincent) and Carlos Diaz (played by Gary Turner).

    Adam was a vet who worked for Zoe for a while. I think he arrived in the village around the time of the bus crash, and stayed about a year before he was sacked for giving the wrong injection to a horse.

    Carlos was a chef who worked at Kathy's diner. He was in a relationship with Nicola, but at the same time he had an affair with Bernice. She became pregnant and didn't know if Carlos or Ashley (her husband at the time) was the father. This all came out at his wedding to Nicola, who in turn had pretended to be pregnant to make Carlos marry her.

  7. I'd totally forgotten about Kim having a son. So many legacy kids could be brought back at some point to reintroduce the Tate name. I feel this part of the show's history has been forgotten for too long, but, that may have something to do with the kids being too young to drive story. If this was a US soap, they'd SORAS the lot of them. LOL. How old would James be now?

    James would be almost 19 now. He was born in September 1996.

  8. Can someone remind me of how Lady Tara left? I loved Tara, as much as I loved Kim and Zoe. I wish they would bring Zoe back with her her kids, and build up the Tate name, again.

    Tara left together with Sean Reynolds. I don't think they did anything special, they just moved away to start a new life somewhere else.

    Even though it would be great to see Zoe again I don't think it's gonna happen. She's been gone so long now, and there's really no reason why she would move back to the village. She didn't grow up there so she doesn't have that sentimental connection to it, and she has no family left there either.

  9. Thanks. You're one of the reasons why I started.

    The saddest part is there is still that quality in the show now, sometimes - that makes it even more frustrating.

    When was the story with Seth's son, BTW?

    It started here in episode 527, which originally aired in May 1979

  10. If not for the old episodes I keep watching (and uploading what I have of those years) I would walk away in rage. I know this is a soap, it's not real life, don't take it seriously, but it doesn't have to be THIS stupid and THIS cheap.

    I'm so grateful that you, and some other kind souls, have been uploading old episodes. It's been such a treat to watch them. And compared to today's soaps the difference in quality is immense. Yes, it was slow-moving, and maybe some of the acting wasn't always of the highest calibre, but the stories were realistic and interesting. Stories like the collapse of Joe's marriage to Christine Sharp, or when Seth's son Jimmy and his wife visit Beckindale, and Jimmy tries to hide that he's been in prison. Character-driven stories that didn't rely on plot but told the stories from a more human perspective.

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