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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. Boy... Akin just stepped in every pile of poop he can find. This guy is such an ass. From a personal standpoint, if I were a woman who was raped, and got pregnant... I would never have an abortion (I would have done morning after pill), because I personally don't believe in it, and I can compartmentalize, in my mind, a new life being brought into the world would be the ONLY good thing that could come from that bad situation. So I wouldn't get rid of it, when it's the only good thing. It's not the baby's fault after all, the circumstances regarding conception. But I know lots of women just want to get rid of it, because they feel it would be some kind of permanent reminder or something. Some women just don't have the strength and fortitude to look at it logically instead of emotionally and not kill the baby because someone ELSE was a vicious monster. So therefore... I would never legislate something like that.... prohibiting the abortion or anything.

    With all due respect, I find it very difficult to imagine that anyone would be thinking very logically after being raped. It's all very well to speculate about how one would react, but I just don't think one can imagine something like that. And, frankly I think that applies even more to both you and me as males, especially when it comes to the matter of pregnancy after rape.

  2. A classic movie based on a classic play. This is a scene from "Pygmalion" based on the G.B. Shaw play with the same name. Wendy Hiller, playing Eliza Doolittle, here becomes the first actress in British film to utter the word "bloody".

    Co-starring as Professor Henry Higgins was Leslie Howard.

  3. It's sad to read about the state of Emmerdale nowadays. I quit watching earlier this year and it was surprisingly easy. I thought it would be much harder to let it go, since this was the first "grown-up" show I ever watched. My mother used to watch it in the 70s, and I watched it with her. It came on at 6.15 p.m., right after the early evening news, and I was allowed to stay up and watch it before going to bed. I had no idea what was happening, since this was before I could understand English, and before I could read properly, but I remember loving the theme song.

    I then watched it on and off during the 80s, but became a steady viewer from the early 1990s. But the last few years it has become more and more a chore to get through each episode, and I finally gave up. The death of Jack Sugden robbed this show of its heart, and I don't think it can ever get it back. And when I read here about the insane decision to kill off Viv and Terry that was the last straw for me.....

    R.I.P Emmerdale Farm.....

  4. Has anyone beside me ever seen The Adventures Of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn? I think it is one of the greatest movies ever made.

    <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Evof-iVDOwQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/f4c_pbp8Hvw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Of course! Another true classic, with the, perhaps, greatest swashbuckling hero ever in Errol Flynn. He made so many fantastic movies during the 30s and early 40s. "Captain Blood", "The Charge of the Light Brigade", The Sea Hawk", "They Died with Their Boots On" and many more.

  5. I saw this being suggested in another thread, so I thought why not....

    Let's talk about classic films! Which ones do you like? Which ones don't you like? Which movies do you consider classics?

    Favourite actors and actresses?

    Let's start with the perhaps most classic of all the classics.... It might not be the best movie ever made, but if any movie can be labeled a true classic this is it:

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