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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. That's idiotic! The Laurel I knew would never betray Ashley. She was crazy about him for years before they were married.

    Why are the writers so un-creative and shortsighted? You need to have some stable couples to keep a show viable, and Laurel and Ashley was a perfect candidate for that.

  2. I love doing these lists, so here are my choices ...

    Laurel - Ruined beyond belief. I want Rhona to go crazy and kill these bitches

    People I would write out:

    Laurel - NOTHING and NO ONE represent the stench of death the way Laurel Potts now does. She cannot stay on this show if it wants to survive.

    Laurel: Ruined beyond repair. She needs to go pronto. Preferably meeting a sticky end.

    What has she done that is so horrible? I read somewhere (I think it was earlier in this thread) something about an affair with Marlon. Has that come true?

    Whatever it is I'm sad to hear that she's been ruined. It just confirms that my decision to stop watching this show was right. I loved Laurel when I was watching, and I would hate to watch her being destroyed.

  3. More children's programs. This is the opening to the British tv-series "The World of Peter Rabbit", a series of short animated films based on the beloved stories by Beatrix Potter. Playing Beatrix in this live-action opening is actress Niamh Cusack.

    And here's the end credits, with the beautiful song "Perfect Day", sung by Miriam Stockley:

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