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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. I heard that Mariska Hargitay was on FC. What was her story arc? Who did she interact with?

    In short, she played Carly Fixx, paternal half-sister to Dan Fixx (Brett Cullen), who at that time was involved with Melissa. They later found out that they weren't really related and developed feelings for each other. She also bonded in a way with Angela.

    She mainly interacted (from what I can remember) with Brett Cullen, Jane Wyman and Ana Alicia.

  2. Very interesting article.

    I take it that "Falcon Crest" wasn't as popular and successful in the U.S. as "Dallas" or "Dynasty"?

    Here in Sweden it was very popular, much more so than "Dynasty" and I would even say that it almost matched "Dallas". "Dynasty" was canceled after just a few seasons here, and was only aired in its entirety years later during daytime. "Knots Landing" has, as far as I know, never aired in its entirety here. "Falcon Crest" on the other hand has been re-run several times on different channels.

  3. Did Maxwell Caufield want to leave early?

    Because if not, they could've just kept him (along with Maisie, Nathan, and Will) and just have Natasha shoot (but not kill) him. Then send Natasha off with the door open and make Faye the "lady of the manor" and put her back with Mark.

    I think he wanted to leave, just like Amanda did later.

    Personally I never thought that either of them would stay long. They were both fairly well-known actors and those never tend to stick around on soaps. They come in for a short stint, bring publicity to the show and then leave.

  4. I've been taking a stroll down memory lane, listening to music from my childhood, especially music from movies and tv-series based on the books by Astrid Lindgren. Listening to these songs as an adult I've realized just how beautiful and sweet many of them really are. Especially those from the stories about Emil.

    And this song is probably the most famous of them all. It's sung every year in primary/elementary schools all over Sweden when they close for the summer holiday.


  5. I guess that means Donna will be back.

    Most of my favorites are dead or unlikely to return.

    It wouldn't really make sense for Donna to return. Her relationship with Marlon was dead by the time she left, and her entire family, except her two small half-siblings, is gone from the show. (I'm still bitter about them killing of Viv by the way). Of course that won't stop them from bringing her back if they want to.

    The one person I would have liked to see back, if I was still watching, would be Robert. That he wasn't there to support Victoria when Jack died was unbelievable.

    Another blast from the past they could bring back could be Sam Skilbeck, son of Matt and Dolly. He left the show with his mother when he was only 8-9 years old, so he would be a blank canvas, yet at the same time a link to the old Emmerdale. He would be in his early thirties now and could have a family of his own. With him back they could also have Matt and Dolly make the occasional appearance, but only if Frederick Pyne and Jean Rogers played them. No re-casting thank you very much. Ok, Katharine Barker would be ok as well for Dolly since she originated the role before Jean took over.

    But this will naturally never happen. I doubt they even remember the Skilbecks now.

  6. A little question. What is your definition of a classic movie? Are all movies made/released before a certain year to be considered classics, or are there any more criteria they have to meet.

    And what about more recent movies? When can they be considered classics? I know Disney often labels their theatrical releases as classics almost instantly, or at least they used to. But how old should a movie be, or does age have nothing to do with it? I'm sure most people would now consider movies like "Star Wars", "Jaws" and "E.T" as classics, even though they were released comparatively recent.

  7. With the recent death of Joan Fontaine I would highly recommend "Rebecca", in my opinion Alfred Hitchcock's best movie. Starring the aforementioned Ms Fontaine, Laurence Olivier, George Sanders, and Judith Anderson as Mrs. Danvers, among others.

    "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again......"

  8. The Bey haters are out in full force, scrambling to find any reason to declare this sad/pathetic/flop/whatever. LOL.

    This is something I will never really understand. The seemingly endless need from people to spew venom over the internet. Why is this so necessary? Do the success of other artists diminish their enjoyment of their own favourites, and that's why they feel they have to diminish what they achieve?

    The internet is a wonderful invention in many ways, but it sure brings out the very worst in some people.

    I've never been a fan of Beyoncé, but you cannot help but be impressed at what she's managed to do. To keep something like this secret in this day and age is worth respect, not ridicule.

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