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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. More children's programs. This is the opening to the British tv-series "The World of Peter Rabbit", a series of short animated films based on the beloved stories by Beatrix Potter. Playing Beatrix in this live-action opening is actress Niamh Cusack.

    And here's the end credits, with the beautiful song "Perfect Day", sung by Miriam Stockley:

  2. But yet... according to the Republican party, the United States being anything remotely like your country would be the end of life as we know it. We are told that you are a socialist state, and every person is made to live like paupers.... and if we were to become anything like you, we'd all start bleeding from the eyes and drop dead or something. They say there are NO rich people in Sweden, There are even no middle class... they say Sweden is a country full of peasants, with a few rich elite running the government. They also say that Swedish parents take 10 year old children into hard core sex shops all the time. I've heard ALL of that from talk radio pundits.

    If there was an emoticon rolling around laughing I would use that right now. But I guess this will have to do: laugh.png

  3. Three classic Swedish children's programs from my childhood:

    "Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter" (rough translation: "Five ants are more than four elephants")

    This is a Swedish version of "Sesame Street"

    "Stjärnhuset" (rough translation: Star house")

    In a house high up on a mountain top a woman named Mytha tells stories from Greek mythology to a young friend named Astro

    "Trolltider" (rough translation: "Trolltimes")

    In a small forest glade lives a group of tiny trolls, a fairy, a witch and a gnome with a cap that can make him invisible....

  4. A federal court has ruled against a Texas law that would require voters to present photo IDs to election officials before being allowed to cast ballots in November.

    The three-judge panels says that presenting a photo ID to vote imposed "strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor" and noted that racial minorities in Texas are more likely to live in poverty.

    Now, I'm struggling with this one and would like someone here who sides with the three-judge panel's decision to explain to me how showing a photo ID is a burden. I realize some of these people may not have a driver license... but neither does my son, who just graduated and is 18, but he carries with him a school ID that has his picture on it. (Hopefully he'll get his actual driver license today - he's taking the test! Please send me good thoughts that my car doesn't get smashed!!)

    How do people without a photo ID get jobs or, if unemployed, draw benefits... etc. Help me with this... how does a person NOT get a photo ID - ANY sort of ID? I think the fee for a Driver License in California is only $30... I know, I know... that is eggs, cheese, and milk for a poor family. But still... anybody here NOT have ANY photo ID or proof of existence?

    I can be swayed to the left on this one if someone has good some good ideas on this...


    You don't need to have photo ID to vote in the U.S? blink.png

    That is definitely a requirement if you want to vote here! I just assumed that was the case everywhere. Or at the very least that you would have to produce some sort of identification.

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