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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. :wub:

    Thank you. It's always a true delight to watch old episodes.

    I wonder if this was the first sign of marital discord between Matt and Dolly. She's clearly starting to feel that he's giving the farm more attention than her and Sam, and it was this that eventually led to their divorce.

  2. Harriet and Cain as a couple doesn't work on any level whatsoever. Have they even shared a scene before all this started? Nothing about this story makes any sense at all, and I don't see what the point of the story is. It feels like they just put those two together to give them some kind of story regardless of how illogical it is.

  3. I feel that both Matt and Dolly were somewhat pushed slightly into the background during the 1980s. They were the solid couple providing the show with some stability to the turmoil surrounding them. In a way that was always Matt's role. He was the solid, almost stoic, rock that everyone else could depend upon. Even when he had major stories, and he did, things always happened to him, he was himself never the catalyst for these stories.

    That's why I feel that they should have kept Dolly more like she was when Katharine played her. She had more fire and was a bit more pro-active than she became. It's hard though to know how much of that was down to the writing and how much was down to the way Jean played her.

  4. I do enjoy it, very much.  :wub:


    It's amazing how much better the show was back then, at least in my opinion. And all those saying that nothing happened on the show before the 1990s should take another look. Sure, there were no explosions or stuff like that, but things happened nonetheless. I also find it so refreshing to see a criminal (Harry Mowlam) portrayed as a criminal, and not like some hero.... (looking at you, Cain Dingle!)

    I love the contrast in this episode between Pat realizing that she's pregnant (with Robert) and Dolly mourning another miscarriage. (No offense to Jean Rogers who's wonderful, but oh, how I would have liked to see Katharine Barker play out these scenes. I've always felt that she played Dolly with a little more fire than Jean did)


  5. On 2017-04-21 at 1:37 AM, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

     I 'm surprised they've never brought back Daz either to come scoop up Victoria. It would be nice to see him and Adam feud over Victoria. I just need Victoria knocked up this year, so the Sudgen clan is being rebuilt and replenished.



    Bring back someone connected to the Sugden family? What show are you watching?   :P

    No, if Adam leaves, then they will surely bring in some nice, distant Dingle-cousin for Victoria, don't you think?  :ph34r:

  6. Do you think that Serena will come back? After all, she was probably seeing the end of her career approaching even before this. How motivated will she be to come back, and to put in all the effort needed?

  7. I hope Rebecca keeps her baby. It would be a welcome addition to the ever-shrinking Sugden family tree, and maybe it could also release Robert from his unfortunate Dingle-association.  ;)

    It's time for the Sugden's to start procreating, and not just die or leave all the time.

  8. You can never have enough older episodes of Emmerdale available, so do put them on Youtube if you can. The Dingles weren't as dominating back then as they have become since, and Tina is a perfect example of a good Dingle. She left and hasn't returned!   :P


    I'm sorry if I sound like a real grinch with all my moaning about the Dingles and about how everything was better way back then.... I'll try to keep it a bit more to myself in the future.  


    I had a thought, which is really far-fetched and improbable, but since the Dingles have supposedly lived in the area for years and years, I think it could have been a good idea for the show to tie them, however loosely, to a family that had already made an appearance on the show. It's not like they didn't have plenty to choose from. A lot of families appeared very briefly during the years. The Gimble family, the Hotson family, the Tolly family, the Longthorn family, the Fletcher family, the Middleton family..... the possibilities are endless.

    It wouldn't have made a difference to newer viewers, but I don't think it would have bothered them either, and it might have mattered, even just a little, to more longtime viewers, or even to newer viewers who are interested in the show's history.

    And it might have made the Dingles a little more tolerable to people like me....   :D

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