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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. I've been following the election campaign off and on since it affects us outside the U.S too, whether we like it or not. Whoever sits in the White House has an enormous influence all around the world, and it's unbelievable that this is even a contest. Anyone with half a brain should realize that Donald Trump is not qualified to hold the office of president. I simply cannot understand how anyone could seriously consider voting for him. I realize that Hillary Clinton isn't popular among many Americans, but I defy anyone to deny that she is infinitely more competent and qualified than Trump. 

    Can you even imagine Donald Trump at a political conference with other world leaders? I'm almost embarrassed just thinking about it, and I'm not even American. 

    To all those who might vote for Trump just because they don't like Hillary, and I realize that there are very few, if any, of those here, I have just one thing to say. Think long and hard about what you do, and if you really cannot vote for Hillary then at least don't vote for Trump. Stay home instead. and don't vote at all. Normally I would never encourage anyone not to exorcise their right to vote in an election, but this is a very special situation. Donald Trump in the White House would be an unmitigated disaster.

  2. Thank you very much. I hadn't seen those episodes in over 20 years, since they aired here the first time.

    I'm so glad that both Dolly and Matt got to leave Beckindale alive, unlike so many other members of the extended Sugden family. And the mere mention of Deena Payne still makes me angry. The way Viv and Terry were discarded was so sad and unnecessary.

  3. This is appalling! His staff can come up with any lame excuse they want, he knew exactly what he was saying. He chose his words with care so they could be interpreted in different ways, and he was very well aware of that.

    There are a lot of sickos out there, and I just wonder what kind of pathetic excuse Trump and his staff would come up with if someone actually shot Hillary.

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