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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. The last regular episode aired here this weekend. Now there's only a Christmas special and then it's over.....:(

    The last episode did give me something I've wanted for a long time though....

    It was delightful when first Tom (a bit surprising) and then Edith (finally) gave Mary a good verbal smackdown. I almost cheered when Edith called her a bitch!

  2. So sad and upset to hear about Shirley Stelfox. I’d wondered why we hadn’t seen much of Edna in recent months.

    Shirley was an incredible actress - anyone who saw her in Keeping Up Appearances as Hyacinth’s trashy sister and then on Emmerdale as pious Edna can tell you that. She was also on Brookside, Eastenders, Corrie - you name it.

    I was just watching an episode yesterday from 2001, where Edna got drunk without realizing it, and she was just so believable - her head motions, her reactions, the slight slur of her words. No broadness or playing it up too much for attention. She was perfect. 

    She was always perfect. And that’s why Edna went from being a one-note harridan, a perma-scold, to being the core of the community, a truly kind and loving woman. 

    Just a few months ago I remember Val’s funeral where she was shocked at the male strippers, and disappointed at Pearl for clearly enjoying the display. And it just made me laugh so much, because it was so rightly pitched.

    There was so much I loved about watching Edna - her harsh judgment mixed with her sense of fairness. Her complicated relationships with characters like Aaron and her sister Lily (the wonderful Anne Charleston). Her grudging fondness for Sandy, a man she absolutely loathed upon first meeting him. Her tenderness with Pearl even after Pearl harshly rejected her following the death of Pearl’s partner Len (who’d always loved Edna). 

    Older actors and actresses on soaps rarely get their due. They are belittled as just being there because of past glories, or not contributing because they aren’t the lead in the shooting or fire or brawl of the month. But these actors are the backbone of their shows. They represent continuity, history, and most of all, heart.

    She gave so much to Emmerdale, and to us. I hope that Edna, and Shirley, will receive the proper goodbye they deserve.

    I completely agree with every word.

  3.     Historical questions:

    1) When Robert (old actor) left the show after Max died, did Robert leave because the actor left or what was the reason? Or did the show just decide to write him off?

    2) What was going on with Diane and Jack when Jack died (in real life).   It seems like maybe Diane had an affair?  I assume the storyline got derailed because Jack died in real life?  I did see the scenes where Jack dies and Diane reads the letter from him, etc., etc., so I know they "reconciled" the couple when he died.

    3) Did Diane ever know Robert at all when Jack was alive?  What was her relationship with Andy and Victoria when Jack was alive?  I do like how Diane is a surrogate mother to the three, but was she with Jack?

    4) Is Annie Sudgen still alive?  Is that where Debbie was? Wouldn't she be almost 100?

    5) Does Joe Sudgen have children, or is there children he could have that he didn't know about?  Seems like Sudgen cousins of Robert, Andy, and Victoria would be a logical thing to bring in ...

    6) Does Jimmy know how about Robert and Andy's causing Max's death?

    1. I think it was the actor's choice to leave at the time.

    2. Yes, Diane had an "affair", it never became physical though. The man she had the "affair" with was Billy Hopwood, Andy's biological father.

    3. Yes, Diane knew Robert. She came to the village in 1999 and Robert left in 2005. Jack and Diane was even married when Robert left Emmerdale. She has always had a close relationship with Andy, but if I remember correctly her relationship with Victoria became a little strained when her "affair" with Billy became known. 

    4. Yes, Annie Sugden is still alive and lives in Spain. I think Annie is supposed to be similar in age to Sheila Mercier who plays her, and she is 96.

    5. As far as we know Joe Sugden didn't have any biological children. He had two step-children, Mark and Rachel, from his second marriage to Kate, but they're both dead. Mark was killed in the plane crash New Year's Eve 1993, and Rachel was murdered by her boyfriend Graham in 1999. Joe did spend a few years in France in the mid 1980s though, so there is an opening, should they want to, to introduce a previously unknown child. The Sugdens have been very bad at procreating, but very good at dying.....

    6. I don't think anyone but Andy and Robert knows the truth about what happened when Max King died. Jack knew too of course, but he's gone.

  4. It really is amazing how they've decimated the Sugden family over the years, and it's hard to understand why.

    As for Amos, I don't think anything has been explicitly stated about him, but I think we can assume that he has passed away, just like his portrayer Ronald Magill.

  5. I agree that it's a mistake. This show needs characters like Ashley. The way things are going soon everyone will be some sort of criminal or psychopath. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's not believable in a show like Emmerdale which takes place in a small Yorkshire-village. Coronation Street or EastEnders perhaps, but not Emmerdale.

  6.   I'm so tired of seeing Chas weak and frail and being babied. I don't understand what has happened to this character. I don't recognize anything about her since I tuned back in this year. Kate Oates does not know her at all.



    Yeah, weak and frail are hardly words I would use to describe Chas Dingle. :P   Feisty, hot-tempered, impulsive and loud-mouthed would come closer to the truth, at least that's how she used to be.

  7. Ashley, who is a good, kind person who loves the community - something all too rare on Emmerdale now as it races toward being some sort of wannabe crime drama.

    This is so true! You'd hardly believe that this show takes place in a small country village in Yorkshire nowadays. With all the crimes, explosions, shootings etcetera it feels more like it belongs in a big city.

    This upcoming story with Ashley, however sad, is actually more the kind of story that this show should do. It should be more about the people of the village and their relationships, their trials and tribulations, not about a bunch of hoodlums and criminals double-crossing and trying to kill each other. How I wish they would just cut the entire Dingle family from the show! I used to like some of them, but now I can't stand the sight of any of them. They've taken over and almost destroyed the show. Especially since Cain/Charity/Debbie appeared. It's been downhill ever since.

    I'm sure a lot of people would disagree and call me anti-progress and hoplessly backwards, but I really think Emmerdale was a better show during the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s. It has lost its identity and is rapidly becoming just a generic soap.

  8. Two days ago, October 7th, was the 20th anniversary of the premiere of Kristina från Duvemåla, a musical by Björn and Benny (the B:s from ABBA). Even though I love ABBA, I have to say that I think this musical contains their best work ever....

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