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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 1 minute ago, MichaelGL said:

    The only reason such a rumor might hold weight is due the basic fact that the current regime would love to bring back anyone just tie them to the Dingles. Sad but true.

    But I also agree, I doubt it's really Joseph. 


    I can't argue with that! Just look at Robert!

    I had such high hopes for his return, but now I wish he would have stayed away.   :(

  2. On 2017-10-29 at 7:05 AM, TimWil said:

    I’m liking the speculation that Tom is actually Joseph Tate.


    Even though that would be a nice twist, I doubt it. This show has very little interest in its history, and I'm not sure the people in charge even remember that Joseph exists. The Tates have been gone for well over 10 years now.

  3. 4 minutes ago, MichaelGL said:

    Apparently facts are bias too.

    A nine person committee approves of a uranium deal, and somehow it's turned into a Clinton-get-rich conspiracy theory. 


    But it's fake facts, don't you know!   :rolleyes:

  4. I only keep up with the show through the re-caps at Emmerdale Wiki, and  for those of you still watching, did they really have Chas turn up after her absence just to pounce on Paddy the very first thing?

    No visit to her son, instead she went straight to Paddy?

    If it really played out that way I'm even more glad I've taken a break from watching. Pathetic!

  5. 5 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Wow. I had no idea the Weinstein issue would cause such reaction internationally. I know there's been some stuff in the UK as well, with Parliament. I guess it was like a dam breaking.


    It's all over the news here. The #metoo campaign has opened the floodgates and women from all over society is coming forward with stories. And it goes all the way to the very top. Even our current Secretary of State has revealed that she's experienced groping and unwanted attention during international meetings.

  6. All this has led to some of the biggest scandals in Swedish entertainment industry ever.

    One of the most popular tv-personalities here, a man who has been the host of a home improvement show for over 20 years on tv4, Sweden's biggest commercial channel, has been accused of sexual harassment, sexism, racism and homophobia by former co-workers, both male and female. Rumours about this has been floating around for a few years, but now it has exploded. What makes the scandal even bigger is that his bosses have been aware of the accusations  against him for several years, the first complaint dates back to 2008, but they have done nothing to intervene. Even the production company behind his show wanted to have him replaced, but the hierarchy at tv4 refused, because the show was popular and brought in huge amounts of advertising money to the channel. Now he has been fired, but the people higher up are still clinging to their positions. But there are more and more calls for them to resign or get fired as well.


    Another popular tv personality, on SVT, our public broadcaster, has also been accused of sexual harassment and the police have started an investigation. He denies everything and his program will remain on air for now, but depending on how the police inquiry goes his show could be taken off the air too.


    And it's not confined to the entertainment industry. One woman, who held a high position in the Swedish Football Association, revealed earlier this week that on numerous occasions she had received dick-pics from some former Swedish football players who had played for the Swedish national team. She revealed that when she had reported it she had been advised not to take it any further, because it would cause trouble.


  7. They both look great, and their presence is sorely missed! I would love to see them back on the show. Such a shame that they killed of Joe. They could have kept him alive and have him pop up now and then. And Kathy could come back and rescue The Woolpack from the clutches of Charity and Chas.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Khan said:


    And I hope they follow through with their threats.  Trump is sabotaging the ACA for one reason and one reason only: to make "that uppity n****r" Obama look like a total failure as president.  He couldn't get Congress to pass a repeal/replace bill with his Dollar Tree mafioso tactics, so he's just gonna cut off the life support to Obamacare instead.  What a jackhole.


    The only one who is a total failure is Trump himself, and frankly that's being kind. I am constantly amazed that he has any supporters left. He's an unmitigated disaster, and clearly totally incompetent to be president as anyone with half a brain can see. I was stunned and fearful when I first heard that he somehow had been elected, but I could never ever dream that he would show himself to be so totally inept, petty and borderline insane that he is.

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