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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 14 minutes ago, hsfolk said:

    what happened to innocent until proven guilty?


     You mean the principle that the Republicans and their presidential nominee conveniently "forgot" when it came to Hillary Clinton and her e-mails?

  2. Close to 600 actresses has signed a statement which was published in one of the major newspapers here, where they talk about their own experiences with sexual harassment. Many of them from state subsidized theatres like The Royal Dramatic Theatre. Many quotes were included and it was horrifying to read what these women had been through.

    I saw our Minister of Culture on a tv news show after this was published and, even though her demeanor was calm and composed, you could see how furious and appalled she was beneath the surface.


    The article about Harvey Weinstein has really opened up a huge can of worms regarding sexual harassment, and I hope that this will lead to real change. It's disgusting to think about how widespread this has been.

  3. 12 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I think it's either Moira (with Adam taking the blame and going away) or she killed herself. 


    I agree a suicide without the mystery would have worked better. 


    I guess at least it isn't as awful as the Robert shooting story.


    That scenario makes the most sense, especially since we know that Adam is leaving.

  4. So, I guess they're trying to replicate the Tom King murder inquiry with this story about Emma? I think I would have preferred it if she really had committed suicide.

    But since they've made it into a mystery who do you all think is the culprit? Moira, Ross, Pete, Cain, Laurel or Adam?  Or maybe they'll surprise us all and it turns out to be suicide after all?



  5. I really don't know how I feel about this. I'm a bit worried about the "Game of Thrones" comparison. "The Lord of the Rings" is a very different story than GOT.

    But I won't be too negative. I wasn't sure that these books could be filmed at all, but Peter Jackson did a wonderful job. But at the same time he set the bar very high for anyone trying to follow in his footsteps.

    But whatever happens I'll always have the books....  :wub:


    I do wonder if this project will get off the ground though, at least while Christopher Tolkien is still alive. From what I gather he wasn't particularly pleased with Peter Jackson's movies.

  6. Maybe I've been naive up till now, but I'm completely shocked by the sheer magnitude of this. I always suspected that these things happened in showbusiness, but there have been so many stories from all aspects of society that I'm stunned. Being a male myself this is not something that I've ever experienced personally, but I'm deeply ashamed of my gender these days.

    What is it with these (predominantly) men who seemingly thinks it's their right to act like this towards (predominantly) women?

  7. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Don't bother talking to a troll, just block and ignore like I do. Like most right wing devotees they can't ever talk about Trump himself and what they like, they can only talk about the opposition.


    I just wanted to give this person a chance to explain his/her viewpoint. Everyone deserves that much, and I was genuinely curious.

    Personally I'd rather chew off one of my own feet than vote for someone like Donald Trump.


  8. 7 minutes ago, hsfolk said:

    he's not Hillary


    That's it? That's your reason? Seriously??   :blink:

    You have no opinion about Trump or his politics, you like him because he's not Hillary Clinton?

    Sorry, but that's just sad!

    Do you think he's doing a good job so far, and can you honestly say that Hillary would have been worse?


    I do agree with you that Trump's nothing like Hillary Clinton. She's experienced and competent.

  9. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I'd say the current regime is somewhat less Dingle-oriented than some of the previous few. For instance, Kate Oates never would have had a mystery (Emma's murder) where only one Dingle had any major involvement, and they have also been used less as moral authorities of the village. 


    Gee, I wonder why? Could it perhaps be because the idea of a Dingle, any Dingle, as a moral authority is laughable to say the least.   <_<

    If the current regime has realized that then all the better.

    Now, if they could only start killing off some of the Dingles......  

  10. 1 minute ago, MichaelGL said:


    I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, but I couldn't resist. 


    It is hard to resist. You know in your heart it's useless, but you still can't help yourself.  I guess it's a normal reaction not to let absurd statements go unanswered.

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