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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. On 7/4/2018 at 9:26 PM, SFK said:

    I knew about them trying to get the rights to Felicia, but it surprises me that ABC would want to take on another (low-rated) soap and where would they put it??


    I adored the idea of Linda coming to ABC, I wish they'd given her more to do. I hated how they never gave her scenes with Robin. Actually, my big fanfictasy was for Victoria Wyndham to join the show as Dorian's cousin in a s/l where she befriended Viki then betrayed her, Viki and Dorian joining forces to take her down.

    We got shades of that with Echo.

    AW was intended to reduce to a half-hour then replace whatever was in the PC timeslot then.  



  2. 11 hours ago, SFK said:

    I was in an arts magnet program in high school and one of our freshman year projects was to create our own sitcom or soap opera. Our teacher taught us that one of the tenets of soap opera was that the word bitch was never used. This was 1994, and I was the soap "expert" in class like, "No! Where have you been!? I have certainly heard bitch on multiple occasions!" Meanwhile, I was miffed that she showed Seinfeld instead of Martin and Y&R instead of AMC when we watched examples in class. The saving grace was that it was a Jill-heavy episode.

    But yeah, she fought me and insisted that bitch was never uttered.


    10 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    I hate it when TV people think they know soaps when they clearly have not spent enough time watching them to truly know.


    It reminds me of when we learned about radio soaps in my high school history class and my teacher, whom I love and was a big inspiration, claimed that ATWT was the very first soap and had been on radio, along with GL and Y&R. I, of course, objected to this in the most dramatic way, and everyone laughed, so I piped down. My teacher smugly said that he knew what he was talking about because he was older than me and VERY snidely asked if I’d ever heard of The Edge of Night, assuming I hadn’t. I was literally already spending half of my life on this very message board, bruh, back tf off!

    God, I can relate. My biggest -peave is when atwt is mentioned as the 'first' and being on radio. 


    Ive been writing a book on soaps for 10 years, I'm now 26, I can even safely say that the term was coined bc they were used to sell GENERAL products but the serials were of HIGH QULITY.  Chit, ealy sponsors only interfered when the quality was bad bc they didnt want to be associated with low-quility writing.  So, when I was in history and radio soaps were mentioned I was being told what you were told and I remember acting in a similar fashion.


    Ot, but was your school participating in the 'history alive' program? 



    I hate it when you find all these tv encyclopedia books which have few, if any, soap references.  Of course, until the late 90s, it seems as if soaps were on there own island apart from the rest of tv.  Like, tv was the only device which could show them so they had to be on tv.




  3. 6 hours ago, DRW50 said:




    Poor Michele Lee having to come on right after Lucille Ball, bless her heart, all but opened a vein on national television (it's so hard to watch anything with Ball in the last 15 or so years of her life - she is just so broken). As a result Michele doubles down on her cutesy coo persona that reminds me of how difficult Karen became to tolerate as the years passed. The highlight of this is Lucy becoming increasingly tired of this snappy patter wink wink. It's a good thing the interview was relatively short as I think it would have gotten a bit ugly if it had lasted much longer.

    If I didnt catch that bit of her being on an anti-drug crusade id swear she was on coke.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I actually asked this in the monthly thread but I think someone in this might have a better answer. Do you guys know when it was re-written that John and Katherine were life long friends since they clearly met onscreen for the first time at Victor and Nikki's wedding reception?

    No, DA's Jill married John and Kay tried to break them up because of there friendship.  BD was all ready back by the time Victor and Nikki married the first time.


  5. On 2/20/2018 at 10:15 AM, Chris B said:

    I’ve been wanting to rewatch this show but am too lazy to pull out my DVDs and Amazon only had certain seasons for free. I noticed recently they made the entire series, including pre-Barnabas free with Prime so I’ve started re-watching and it is just as good as I remember. I’m currently to the point where Julia has been introduced and everybody realizes Maggie is alive. They build the suspense so well and the show rarely feels slow to me. I just reached the first color episode and it’s remindjng me how sad I was when it went to color. The show had such presence in black and white and I felt like it hid the budget restraints better. I do recall they eventually adjusted to the color style so I do look forward to that and 1795!

    Ive yet to watch all in while.  I do like the B&W feel.  I kinda think that when the 'noir' revival came in the mid-70s it would've reverted.  The show was like a 'Soap Noir' with a supernatural twist (albiet, later on).  I do feel that the show could've conintued by scaling the supernatural stuff for most of the year but then build it during the summer/winter.

  6. 5 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:


    Actually, an aggressive female patient also tried to abuse "Jane" (as Leslie was called in the asylum because the authorities did not know her identity), which was quite daring for the time. She even stole Leslie's food. I was terrified watching the storyline. never knowing if Leslie would be sexually abused or starve to death.


    I hate to say this, but while I found Mallory to be beautiful, charming and a very talented singer, I did not feel her acting chops were strong enough to convey the character's deep and conflicting emotions. Leslie changed a lot when Lynde left and Mallory took over. Instead of being like a fragile fawn with deep, fiery emotion just below the surface, Leslie suddenly had less depth, less raw emotion, and came across as...pallid. Rona Barrett's Daytimers published a snarky comment about Lorie rather than Leslie being the new focus of the show, thanks to, "...Victoria Mallory's colorlesss portrayal of the part...."


    When Mallory first took over the role, TPTB had her suffer a miscarriage after her husband accidentally hit her in the stomach with a heavy suitcase. Jon Michael Reed wrote in Daily TV Serials that Y&R was trying to build sympathy for the "new" Leslie by making the character lose the baby, but so far  it had not been really  successful.


    All this to say that while Mallory was adequate in Four L-era, I think the storyline would have been more effective and dynamic with Lynde in the role. The men's conflict choosing between the passionate, exciting and vibrant Lorie Brooks, and the tepid, restrained and colorless Leslie Brooks was...hard to fathom.

    Wasn't Lucas and lance a paralell to Lori and Leslie though?  Like, one being more sensual than the other?

  7. 9 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Dickson said it was very jarring to her as she felt Jill was now being written as a villain. I always wondered because while I haven't actually seen the late '70s material I get that type of vibe from some of it.

    She also says she preferred the villian...

  8. 10 hours ago, YurSoakinginit said:


    They're (we're) not acting like - or expecting that - it's supposed to be a shot-by-shot remake. What I think we're all saying, is that it looks terrible - devoid of things like intelligence, charm, witty humor,  multi-faceted characterizations, or memorable performances. It's a re-imagining that comes off as emotionally-vacant, unless self-serving and horny are considered emotions. Those alone are the driving forces of every character in every scene of this promo.


    Sure there are people who might enjoy this. But those who hear "Dynasty" and think of something culturally iconic might be bummed that THIS is what will be served. And yes, it is "just" a trailer... But a trailer is supposed to tease the audience with samples of the BEST of what's to come. If this reflection is wrong, it's a horrible trailer. But if it's right, it's going to be a horrible show.


    5 hours ago, KMan101 said:




    I actually thought the Cristal actress came off better than the Fallon actress. And Fallon/Steven seem so vapid and void of any real charm. It just seemed like a bunch of one liners that are meant to be bitchy or witty. It was terrible. One or two moments maybe had some promise but overall ... ugh.

    I'm not saying Dynasty 2.0 is going to be an icon and I'm not saying it was the best promo/trailer but that none of you are being fair.  Here is a premier promo for Dallas from 1978 and it doesn't show the heart of the show. 


    You guys need to chill out and accept that you only saw a glimpse of what's to come.  Here is what I got from the new trailer:  They are going to let Stephan be gay and he is witty; Cristal is enigmatic (they seemed to make it clear she isn't a gold digger) and a bit sarcastic; Fallon is determined to be in control but her stepmother is punishing her for being a jerk; The woman aren't only out for a man--they are also career driven; Blake is more down-to-earth and understanding. 


    Perhaps I'm wrong with these observation's as it was, as said, a glimps.  What saddens me is that you all, at one time, were far more introspective and patient and intelligent than you guys are now.   That is why I preferred SON. All of you have turned into prissy fools who look for conflict.  On that note, I'm not sure why I even took time to post this tonight.


  9. Guys, this is just a trailer and stop acting like it's a misguided shot-by-shot remake.  It's a reimagining.  Also, lets be honest, Linda Evan's Krystal was written like she was misunderstood as a gold digger but she wasn't played like that by the actress.  I think they are going for that again but this time forcing embossing the misunderstood persona.

  10. I finally got around to 3+.  I'm at the end of 4.  My heart goes out to Ciji!  She is so sweet and it kills me the way Chip treats her.  Also, I hate that Richard's redemption seemed to have ended so quickly. 

  11. On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 0:07 AM, All My Shadows said:

    Thank you. I tried to piece together a response to that absurdity yesterday, but I couldn't hack it. This has the eloquence for which I was trying.


    On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 10:34 PM, SFK said:

    Susan's popularity is thanks to the role of Erica which was written into the stratosphere.  While the ladies you list are all fabulous in their own rights, none of their signature roles were written with the epic scope of Erica.


    On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 4:32 PM, Jonathan said:


    Loved this interview.  Thanks for sharing!


    Manufactured?  Susan Lucci's charisma made her and continues to make her a star.  You can't manufacture charisma.  


    On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:09 PM, DRW50 said:


    I'd say beyond Erica it's also based on her work ethic and professionalism. Aside from the SMG stuff you rarely hear anything negative about Susan, any idea that she was some kind of out of control bitch and anything that follows many other soap "divas" of her era. 

     Sorry to all.  I was being petty because of that commercial. 

  12. 17 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Uggg.  I have such a love/hate with her.  The new commercial she's in makes me cringe.  So, I'm in 'hate mode' with her.  I swear though that her popularity was completely manufactured, or at least 75% of it was, because she has the same appeal as Robin Strasser, Sharon Gabet, or Eileen Fulton.

  13. 1 hour ago, Paul Raven said:

    From Miss Dickson's website

    This book takes you through my life in Hollywood from the age of 17. How I was first discovered as Miss California. It covers my home life, with my parents as a young girl as well as my love affairs with some of the most powerful men in Hollywood. This story is funny, sexy, hot and full of drama. This book is a movie. No one could have dreamed up the bigger than life characters and story.  But it is real!  It tells you what happened to Brenda Dickson’s “Jill Abbott”.  There is a romantic interest in almost every chapter. These are men you all know and love … they are famous, powerful and sexy. There are pictures of the people I worked with prior to “The Young and Restless” and until now. The book has fabulous and stunning Hollywood color photographs taken by top photographers throughout my career, including my bestselling posters and glamorous, over the top, head and fashion shots, and the gowns I wore and parties I attended in Europe. It also covers my multi-million dollar lifestyle with my two husbands.


    Me with the teddy bear at age 19, starring the play,”Send me no Flowers” with Francis Fisher(Titanic.) and star of Hogan’s Heroes, Bob Crane.

    It describes in detail the “Blacklisting” in Hollywood by Producer, William J. Bell, (the breach of contract and illegal firing), and the $11 million dollar fixed trial.  (How all my trials where fixed)  It tells how the “Mafia” cartel judges and attorneys were enlisted to launder $15.5 million, my one-half of my two divorce settlements, and how they ruined my multi-million career and left me homeless, TWICE! Why they kept me out of Hollywood because I brought in more ratings than the entire show!

    Some of the story is about the behind the scenes games the producers created on the set of “The Young and the Restless”.  The set was subjected to Bill Bell keeping an actress who came to work drunk, had blackouts and burst into manic fits of rage.  This actor needed professional help.  Bill Bell’s storylines about an alcoholic, who was struggling with an addiction, were derived from her real life!  So real!!!  The problem was… it wasn’t acting and it wasn’t good writing and, as a result, the ratings dropped lower and lower.


    Me at age 17, as miss california. I met congressman Barry Goldwater Jr. and fell in love.

    It is a shocking story of power, greed and the tactics used to get ownership of the show and how all the actors dealt with it.  How harassment tactics were used to drive talented actors out of their roles to make room for “Nepotism City”.  It addresses the sexual harassment and the cunning way Bill Bell got hold of me at a young age.

    My internet film, “Welcome to My Home”, which I directed, wrote and produced after I left the show, was taken off the internet in an illegal copyright claim by Sony Pictures (the Bells) in 2009.  In a short period of time it garnered 3 million viewers, and had they not taken it down it would have had more viewers than the entire show and was subsequently taken down illegally!!!  And they knew it!  The Bell Family thought they owned me!  News Flash!  This wasn’t Nazi Germany, or was it?

    My Lovers, relationships with Mike Nader, (Dex Dexter on Dynasty and Dimitri Marrick on All My Children). Richard Thomas (while filming The Walton’s).  Ernest Thompson, we dated when he wrote the Academy Award winning picture On Golden Pond; The famous upscale clothing retailer, Fredy Segal, now a publicly traded company.  Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr., my first real love.  It describes my two ex-husbands, who were directly connected to Bill Bell and how they kept me out of Hollywood.

    For those of you who watch “The Young and the Restless”, you will discover what really went on behind the scenes.  It’s all in this book, including the on the set love affairs.

    The Bill Bell Hype Train is about to crash and the truth is about to come out! Fasten your seatbelts, as you ride with me on the “Bell Family Roller Coaster”.

    I was about to ask so many questions like 'How does she bring in more ratings than the show'  Or, what does that actually mean?  But then I went 'Nah.' 

  14. n the paper today, I read that the actress who plays
    Liza will be leaving AMC to be on a brand new soap on
    NBC.  Boy, first Jenny, now Liza.  My suspicion that
    Tony and Liza might hit it off is shot.  My NEW
    theory is that Tony will kill Liza, thinking it was
    Jenny, and that Jenny will still go to N.Y.

    In addition, we`re going to get a new Nina.  The
    actress who plays her (sorry I`m bad on real names)
    is leaving the show.  Rather than kill HER off,
    she will be replaced.

    Lastly, according to the paper, we`ll find out Friday
    what really is in the West Wing of the Chandler mansion.

    Tom O`Connor

  15. On 1/25/2017 at 9:06 AM, DRW50 said:



    This is the first full, so far only, Malone-Era episode I've watched in recent memory (As in, the last time I watched was when they first aired when I was "<5"

    WOW!  This is incredible.  Tottaly diffrent from Ron's crap.  I no this isn't the right place to say this but I do wonder why DOOL didnt have MM with Griffith?  I think the show has a strong enough staff team.  It would need a strong EP though.....

  16. On 1/7/2017 at 0:22 PM, All My Shadows said:

    Watch it, Vee! It's delightfully old school. I feel as though I've been watching a marathon of a long-lost sitcom on Antenna TV or TV Land. The only thing missing is videotape and a live studio audience (there's a laugh track :( ). I don't think they even use background music.

    I do think that video tape would help the aesthetic.

    I think it's a combo of both studio audience and laugh-track.  I think they could have been a bit wary at first but now they may drop it.

    I did like that episode 11 (?) had a 'silent closing'.

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