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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. On 4/5/2021 at 11:47 AM, titan1978 said:

    Well, I did like Ryan at first.  Maybe he won’t be shoved down my throat again.



    I'd sure like it if he were shoved down my throat!

    Te he he!!

    On 4/5/2021 at 12:53 PM, Errol said:

    i have this feeling that there was a 10 years later clause in ABC's cancellation of "All My Children" and "One Life to Live," otherwise "General Hospital" can't carry this many actors, especially on contract.

    What do you mean by that kind of contract? I feel it's that these actors are playing out their contracts.

  2. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    David was Julie's boyfriend. She planned on eloping with him, but Tom talked her out of it. In anger, David had a one night stand with Susan (it was her first time) and got her pregnant. Julie found out, but still wanted to be with David. But it was the 60's, so the child had to be legitimized lol David ended up marrying Susan, with the intention of divorcing her and marrying Julie once the baby was born. The baby was born, but soon after, he fell out of a child's swing that David bought him and died. Susan then had a breakdown and shot and killed David. She was tried, but found not guilty.

    All of that seems so riveting.


  3. On 4/5/2021 at 11:22 AM, AbcNbc247 said:

    This all took place around like 71-73


    Susan blocked it out because she was "sexually frigid", and her encounter with Eric brought up a lot of bad memories of David, and everything that happened to her (sleeping with him, getting pregnant, her baby dying, killing David, etc.)

    I know sh*t. So, what was the situation with her and David?

  4. 2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:



    With Greg and Eric Peters. Eric was the jealous younger brother and he wrote a book titled “In My Brother’s Shadow” They got involved in a triangle over Susan, who had random sex in the park one night with Eric. She then blocked it out, cried rape, then found out she was pregnant. Greg was her doctor and they began dating. When she met Eric, she realized that he was the father of her baby and her “rapist”. Through hypnosis, she realized that the sex in the park was actually consensual. Eventually it all came out and her and Eric ended up together.


    While that was happening was when Eric wrote his book, which included a chapter about that night in the park with Susan.



    What years? And why did she block it out?

  5. 19 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Although between the generically named "Men's Line" and anachronistic "Brash & Sassy" they needed a stronger marketing department.  And, how many makeup lines produce their own photography ads in-house?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but Christy Turlington wasn't being shot by her uncle in the basement of the Calvin Klein building.

    How is Brash/Sassy anachronistic?

  6. On 3/26/2021 at 6:31 PM, Soaplovers said:

    Marland had some characters he struggled to write..happens to every writer.


    Penny on the Doctors 

    Holly, Hope, and Rita on GL

    Steve and Betsy on ATWT (yes..Betsy stayed till 1988 but she was not used well).


    Mctavish seemed to struggle to write Nola on GL


    Pam Long struggled to write the Capwells well on SB


    Labine seemed to not get Blake on GL.


    And any writer other than Long didn't get Reva at all on GL.

    Any examples?

  7. On 2/27/2021 at 8:09 PM, All My Shadows said:


    Peyton Place needs to be revisited by capable hands, periodt. I don't care if it's a retelling of the original story or a sequel focusing on whomever is in the town all these years later. And not a wholesome, happy-go-lucky Hallmark-style story of small town "drama." Give us all of the mess and scandal of the original work, just updated and set in current times.


    I'd hope that the atmosphere would remain intact. Have the same 'charm' but with contemporary issues. When shows did stories about racism, it was usually backdrop against towns like Peyton Place. And so, have the backdrop look near identical, down to the same music, but, say, a Muslim family facing racism.

    So, idyllic but old fashioned in background but including modern problems.


    And  I wouldn't add any tongue-cheek sh*t that a lot of writers would add.

  8. On 3/16/2021 at 11:09 AM, Khan said:

    Even when AMC was doing silly stuff like the Silver/Goldie/Damon Lazarre storyline, there still was this sense that everything that happened on the show was within the realm of possibility.  However, the Natalie-in-the-Well storyline seemed to upend all that.  I mean, one sister assuming the other sister's identity (and husband)?  And they're not even identical twins, like Adam and Stuart?  In what universe, AMC?


    AMC still had its' moments of brilliance afterward, but for me, the show never felt quite as "real" again.

    I've always has mixed emotions about that story TBH. I decided to watch the SL just as Janet was introduced and I'm currently at the point in which Janet kissed Trevor.


    It feels as if Janet could have gone in a myriad of other directions. For a split second, I was thinking that a Pygmalion story with her and Adam would have been  interesting (had they not reformed Opal with Palmer). I do like her general awkwardness that is barley on the edge of insanity and I feel that, at this point, she could have been a good long-term character. Basically a female Stuart. Hell, on that note, Janet/Stuart (before) we realized how nuts she was? They would have been a good younger version of Phoebe/Langley. (And now I can't get the image of them two on a double date out of my mind).


    It could have been a really good story about mental illness.


    That said, at least Natalie resented Trevor for going through with the wedding. So, the show at least acknowledged that this was out of the realm of reality (in some weird way).

  9. Who is WR?

    1 hour ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:


    I didn't think it was bad at all! Crossposting from the GH thread - with WL's performance, I genuinely saw the pain of a teenager reacting to a loved one dying rather violently (mind you this character has gone though SEVERAL losses over the last few years). I also find the comparisons to WR's performance unfair - with WR, I just saw a classically trained actor who got lost on his way to a Shakespearian Theatre and ended up on the GH soundstage.


  10. On 2/28/2021 at 12:01 AM, Paul Raven said:

    June 1969 - one year in...



    "EACH PERSON in our story is fighting for what he wants in his life to live," she says. "They are not always facing outside obstacles, but more often forces within themselves." 

    That is the perfect description (granted, she did create the show).

  11. I read the first few posts just now. I strangely hadn't heard of this show and I'm surprised that a show on CW is actually good. After a while, I stopped watch Dynasty and Riverdale. Both seem like dumpster fires now. Granted, I did like the superhero shows but I kept getting too many erections so I had to stop watching them. I might give this show a shot though.

  12. I got that video from a 1972 David Frost Special. It was a great special, actually and what Bev said about Ruth applied there until the second half. The first half featured only actors (Ruth W, Don Stuart, Mary Stuart, Eileen Fulton, and Jim Pritchett). The 2nd half included Irna Phillips and Agnes Nixon.


    Yeah, Irna in the same room with Eillen and Mary. That was great tbh and when Irna walked in Mary turned 7 shades of green. At the start of the segment, Irna stated:

    "I sometimes wonder why we have mediocre shows. Now I know. They (She faces the actors and waves her arms at them) don't know what they are doing!"


    And the whole time she called Eileen Fulton "Lisa". That said, Eileen (literally) poked Irna as she spoke just to ruffle her feathers.


  13. 14 hours ago, SFK said:

    Thanks to @teplinfor sharing a wonderful interview of Beverlee McKinsey that her son Scott posted. Click on the link and scroll down. I encourage you to watch the full interview but I’m sharing this with AMC fans for the juicy and hilarious dish starting 36 minutes in. https://www.facebook.com/scottmckinsey



    Are you serious?

    Yes/No. I am legit wondering who that woman is. It's clear she is related to Travis/Jackson and I'm curious on why they aren't southern. I kinda wish the show had some large southern family like the southern family on "Auntie Mame" with an over-the-top southern matriarch.

    14 hours ago, Jonathan said:


    Oh Ruth. LOL!

    That was a great interview and I believe her about Ruth.






  14. On 2/24/2021 at 2:42 PM, Pine Charles said:

    Was this the storyline everyone hated - Erica as a diner waitress named ‘Sally’??


    The show seemed so heavy during this period - nothing in the way of brightness.



    Whose the babe at 17:30?

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