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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. 7 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    @AbcNbc247  DAMN!!!!!


    The first pic leaves nothing to the imagination. I'll take the first guy on the left.


    The second pic I'll take the first guy and the last guy on the right....mmmmm

    I'll be the center of a bukake with all of them. Each can take turns boning my butt while I suck their c^ck!

  2. 12 hours ago, Khan said:

    I hope it's a good reunion, too, although the Murphy Brown in me would love to ask Francesca James about the allegations that she manipulated Julie Harris in her final years so she could be in her will and drove a wedge between her and her son.

    That is the 1st I've heard of that. Jesus! That's delicious!

  3. 11 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    Yeah, it is shocking and her reaction is justified.  It’s still incredibly over the top compared to the two other actors in the scene.  She was a teenager and that is heavy stuff so I don’t think it’s a bad thing.  It’s just so stark especially because Lisa Brown is so understated as Iva.

    Lisa Brown offered much needed contrast. I wonder how deliberate it was for her reaction to be low-key? It did seem deliberate.

  4. On 2/14/2021 at 7:20 PM, jam6242 said:

    I love her but it has to be Grayson Hall on Dark Shadows.


    Jesus Christ. Was she related to Dr Zachary Smith? (And I hope to GAWD a crossover was considered. Could you imagine him reacting to Barnabas?)

    On 2/14/2021 at 7:32 PM, Soapsuds said:

    The revelation of her parentage played off better when it originally aired. Now as I see again...it isn't that great. I thought Paul Lammers should've directed those episodes.


    On 2/14/2021 at 6:39 PM, titan1978 said:

    The scenes with Lily and Iva where she learns her parentage are so over the top from Lily, and yet Iva is there barely emoting, which creates this strange scene to watch.

    My thing about that is you have to watch the story as early as you can. On YT, a while back, I began with Oct 1985 and now I'm in mid 86. I watched the scene in question YEARS ago and, yeah, I felt it was OTT. And after I watched Chris' funeral I decided to skip to that moment with Iva/Lilly and it played better for me. I mean, Lilly didn't JUST learn she was adopted but also a product of incest and a product of rape and that she was in love with her Uncle.

  5. On 1/28/2021 at 1:03 AM, DRW50 said:

    Turns out an uploader that has put up promos and other content put up a short clip of Loving Friends a few years ago. They said in the comments they had one episode but will not be uploading it.



    Wasn't this a David Jacob's show?

  6. 34 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:



    200.gifEnglish isn't my first language. Did you get off publicly correcting me? I know i make a boatload of grammatical errors. Which is why i'm constantly editing my posts. But that was cruel and shady.

    Call it a free English lesson. No reason to get hysterical. What is your native tongue, may I ask?

  7. 55 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:


    Reid was an amazing character: A strong, unapologetic gay man -- Along the lines of Gale Harold's "Queer As Folk" character, Brian Kinney. The off the charts chemistry[period omitted] shared between Princess Luke and Reid was a sight to behold. Luke grew much more as a person with Reid [period omitted] than he ever did with bland Noah. Reid was the best thing to happened to ATWT [period omitted] In it's last days. He was a fluke [period omitted] that was foolishly killed off at the end.





  8. 31 minutes ago, Franko said:

    I feel like the tunnel of love (with boats named after all the men in her life) and the haunted house (with witches and ghouls that resemble the women who did her wrong) would be popular rides at Six Flags Over Erica. Why bother with a rollercoaster? It's not like Erica would meet the height requirement to ride one.

    Six Flags Over Erica! I actually love that.

    DAmmit, I miss Erica Kane. @All My Shadows I need Erica Kane :(

  9. 33 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    Knots Landing is the gold standard of primetime soaps.  Ingmar Bergman's Scenes of a Marriage inspired the creation of it.  

    It was also inspired by this film. In fact, the first episode of KL and the first act or so of this film follow the same story beats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_fOZ_wBJ0Q

    @Khan have you seen it?

    And yes. KL is the gold standard. I'm at the end of season 7. 5 episodes left.

  10. This is mostly about her amusement park. It got me thinking. What if Erica Kane opened an amusement park? What would it be called? What kind of attractions? I bet it would have a 'Big Tex' statue/robot like at the State Fair of Texas but it would be her (Erica).

  11. 4 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    These episodes were fantastic! Different from other 70s soap episodes I’ve seen. They seemed to have a style that worked for them and it makes the show stand out. It also felt very modern which I wasn’t expecting. I feel like the episodes moved fast, but they didn’t come off plot driven. There is also a lot of movement between scenes so it doesn’t feel repetitive. 

    The biggest treat for me is finally getting to see the first two Dorian’s and finally being able to say I’ve seen them all. Clair Malis definitely seemed more similar to Robin Strasser and I can see that being an easy transition for viewers. Clair is VERY different from Nancy Pinkerton who had such a dominating presence. I’d love to see more of her in something. 

    It’s always lovely seeing Ellen Holly, but it’s a shame we didn’t get to see her do more. Her exit and the fact that that wrong was never righted is the biggest missed opportunity for OLTL

    I'm glad you said modern. I was trying to find the right word.  I'm mid-way in the first 77 episode. The acting is so subtle for this period.

  12. I've only watched the 1975 episode so far. I actually like this Kathy can can see Robin Strasser in the role.

    Ellen Holly should have been the Jeanne Cooper of OLTL. She had a very strong 'movie star' presence. She really comes off like a Golden Era one like Bette Davis.

    Also, doesn't Ellen Holly, to any of you, have a 'Cramer Girl' look? She kinda favors Robin Strasser, Susan Lucci, Gina Tognoni, etc.

  13. On 1/23/2021 at 1:33 AM, will81 said:

    When Ashley found out she was pregnant she went to tell Victor but overheard Casey telling Victor about Nikki's terminal illness, she didn't want to split up that family with Nikki dying. She decided not to be a single mother and didn't want to raise the baby with another man (Matt offered) and had an abortion. Matt told Victor but he was too late to stop her. He confronts her in November 1986, we don't have those episodes but the scenes are part of the clips from 1986 in the vault.


    Ashley didn't tell him why she had the abortion and subsequent breakdown until May 87 when she went to the ranch and they had that big talk just as Nikki found out she was in remission and saw them together and decided to continue faking her illness, assuming once she told Victor he would go back to Ashley.

    What was Nikki's illness? 

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