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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. 7 minutes ago, Khan said:


    See, that was a PERFECT opportunity to incorporate real-life (COVID-19) circumstances into the storytelling (provided, of course, we can forget about that stupid time jump).  Will could have said he wanted to be there, but was practicing social distancing and avoiding potentially large gatherings.  I mean, I know some prefer their soaps to be more escapist, but I tend to think such attitudes are almost anathema to what soaps are fundamentally about.  But, again, that's just me.

    I agree with you on all accounts. And that haven't retconed the time jump?


    Are they legit going to celebrate NYE 2021? I can imagine someone flipping through the channels, seeing a 'New Years 2022' balloon (the text written on the balloon using chalk) and saying 'those damn soap writers! How stupid can they be? That can't get the year right!'



  2. 3 hours ago, Chris 2 said:

    Eh - it’s likely not “easy money.” Those shows may have issues with residuals. They haven’t been rerun in over 30 years and the original tapes likely need to be reformatted/digitized, and someone needs to review the episodes to make sure all the elements are cleared for broadcast. And P&G doesn’t produce much/any TV right now, so they’d have to hire people to do this. Retro is a small outfit and they’re not going to pay a lot. It may not be worth P&G’s time, from a business standpoint.

    Your point? Retro did this for TD.

  3. 23 hours ago, Dylan said:

    Question, I didn't watch AMC, But my mom did, shes excited for the reboot and i think i will watch it, So.. what was AMC about exactly? What happened in pine valley. Did they have any businesses etc

    I will give you what it says in the AMC bible -- I found a copy dated 1967 at Northwestern University.

    The last section reads:


    But underlying our story, the inexorable fact is always there; that in this, our human predicament, what happens to the LEAST affects the GREAT, the STRONG are indebted to the WEAK, that SORROW and FEAR are the absence of JOY and HOPE, and that without TRAGEDY there could never be TRIUMPH.


    Further, every Anniversary, beginning with the 20th, someone states:

    The Great and the Least

    The Rich and the Poor

    The Weak and the Strong

    In Joy and Sorrow

    In Sickness and in Health

    In Tragedy and in Triumph....

    ...you are All My Children.


    The 25th Anniversary has a Prime-time Special in which Carol Burnett says it. She actually reads the way it's written in the first page of the show's bible

    The Great and the Least

    The Weak and the Strong

    In Hope and Fear

    In Tragedy and in Triumph

    ...you are All My Children



    If you ask me, in short, every story when it was at it's best, had no character without redeeming factor. Even characters like Billy Clyde Tuggle, who trafficked women, raped them, got them hooked on drugs, and burried them alive had a redeeming factor. Billy Clyde was driven by what we all want--security. But, how we was going about it was wrong. Characters like him, Janet, Ray Gardner, all did horrific things but it was treated as 'wrong things for the right (or simply understandable) reasons. We HATED what these characters were doing but we understood why they were doing it.


    Of course, Erica Kane took the cake for that one. Start with May of 1991 on YouTube. That is the start of "Janet from Another Planet"--no, not a space alien. I'm currently in July of that year. Every damn scene reiterates the above.

  4. On 12/19/2020 at 11:06 AM, Soapsuds said:

    Finally saw all of the Christmas GL reunion fundraiser. Some observations..


    1. Not enough was spent on those new to the reunion.

    2. Other actors were happy to see James Goodwin.

    3. Alan accidentally brought in Beth Ethlers while Kim was on....lol

    4. Alan's cam literally came crashing down...lol

    5. The tension during the four musketeers reunion was heavy.

    6. When signing off Paul Anthony Stewart called Alan... "babe".   Ewwww ...I know PAS has better taste than that.....look at his hot husband. I had to lol at Alan reaction after PAS called him babe..lol

    Where in the video did the babe thign happen?


    I just read that Kristi Ferrell is from my hometown!

  5. I've been on a Marland binge. Started with Oct 1985 and now I'm at Chris' funeral. A lot of the audio is so terrible that I have to skip though.


    I am amazed by the pacing. It's so.

    Deliberate? Intricate?


    I know some hate the Snyder's but they really offset the Walsh's in a good way. And it's classic ATWT. Rich but unstable family clashing against a poor but stable family.


    I also have heard that the Snyder's, in essence, took over the show. I know this is blasphemy but is it really that bad of a thing for a new family to come in, as long as it's well developed? That's how I feel about Guiding Light. The families that were brought in, while not the Bauer's, at least were well-developed and embodied interesting characters. 


    I never felt that it's practical to expect the same damn family to rule a show for 30+ years. Actors die. Characters are hard to recast.


    My only two gripes: Sierra won't stop crying. I can't buy Hillary B Smith as the daughter of Lila and John.  She seems too old.


    How did people like this Betsy? I never seen Meg Ryan in the role but I do like this actress.


    I kinda feel bad for Tonio. I mean, he wants the thing most of us want, a family, but his overall sense of what that means is dated. A good representation of culture clash, I think. I don't think his misogyny is from a hateful place. It's from another time.


    In speaking of what Tonio wants, every EVERY character on this show fits the theme. At NU, in Aggie's archive, the bible of the show is there. Literally, the document, or a copy of the one shown to the suites, is in her files and bound in a beautiful green representational binder--includes the first few episodes. Anyway, the theme of the show is basically that we all want to be a part of a family as a strong family will weather the storm called life. Everyone on this show wants that but some of them, like Lucinda, suck maintaining it.


    Also, Marland's ATWT really does remind me of Harding's Another World in this regard.


    His Another World was the same thing but 'Family' was replaced with 'Dream'.

  6. 12 hours ago, Khan said:

    I think AMC lost a lot when they let go of scenic designer William Mickley and costume designer Carol Luiken.  The two lent such a distinct visual feel to Pine Valley and its' denizens.  You really felt like PV was a Main Line town in PA.

    When where they on the show?

  7. I  have been watching this playlist. I'm enjoying the show! I do have a question, what was Ada's last name known to be? Rachael was Rachael CORY. Felicia was Felicia Galant. On AMC, Erica was always Erica KANE and on OLTL Vicki was always Vicki LORD.



  8. On 5/25/2020 at 1:53 PM, DramatistDreamer said:


    Out of all the soaps that were around in the second Golden Age, Capitol seemed like it was the soap that would have been the most relevant today (provided they had the benefit of a strong "with it" writing staff) but I get the feeling as though Capitol didn't have the support from they needed from network in order to remain on-air.

    Why do you call this era the "Second Golden Age"? I can't find that term anywhere else to describe 80s TV.

  9. 9 hours ago, Franko said:

    Which run are we talking about, Bev's or Carmen's? If it's the former, I've heard it said that the Iris and Alex Wheeler storyline wasn't that great (wasn't it intended as TEXAS' initial marquee storyline?). If it's the latter, @j swift was talking not too long ago about the oddity of Iris falling for everyday kinda guy Hank Kent (which I think was her last story before the mess with Carl).

    It was the latter.

    How was she received?


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