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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. That gap of time is one where they could have come back and said that Erica did something/something happened to her/she met someone, etc. since she was off the show for about 3-4 months.

    Hell, if they wanted to make Josh Erica's son, they could have said that she found out she was pregnant by Tom after she was in CA, and she gave birth and either didn't want the baby or maybe it had health problems and a nefarious doctor (ie Greg Madden) told her the baby wouldn't live and then stole it or something. That would have made a hell of a lot more sense than what we saw.

    I hope they can retcon Josh by stating Erica and Jeff had an affair after her break up with Tom. Maybe they could state she got drunk before she went to the fat farm and went to visit Jeff (Did he leave already) and she got pregnant that way.

    Basically, I hope someday they will retcon the story so the abortion would still take place along with the birth of Josh. The Gregg Madden stuff during Josh's introduction wouldn't be erased (though I wish it would be).

  2. I love the idea of Lyman playing Opal's long-lost sister! Maybe they could say she and her sister stopped talking because her sister couldn't stand Ray and tried to talk Opal out of marrying him. Then Opal was too stubborn to try to contact her after Ray's death and admit she was right all along.

    I have been wanting that for years!

  3. There's been some talk about the possibility of OLTL coming back on TWOP, and Kassie and Jim DePaiva have both come up in the conversation. I shared KDP's quote on her husband's firing in SOW in 2003, and wanted to share it here:

    Considering how she's not usually known for speaking out on stuff like this, I'm surprised I didn't get this out and share it earlier.

    It also makes me sad, because he's never been on another show. I think he's a theater actor first and he's been in several plays since leaving OLTL, but I'd love to see him on TV again.

    What is TWOP?

  4. Pretty much. Before Agnes Nixon sold ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE to the network, her company, Creative Horizons, Inc., was virtually responsible for both shows' operating costs, with ABC providing the licensing fees (I think). However, the longer they stayed on-air, the more cost-prohibitive they became for her and for the company. It's the same reason why Claire Labine and Paul Avila Mayer sold RYAN'S HOPE to ABC as well in 1979.

    Why was it getting more expensive to produce? Wasn't she basically the only writer for the show (AMC) and the EP for AMC?
  5. Off Topic Question but why did Agnes sell amc/oltl? I know she did not have a distributor such as screen gems, which is what the Bell family used along with the Corday's, so was it financial issues? If it had to do with the fact that she couldn't do the distribution why didn't she have someone like screen gems do that part for her? If she did I wonder what the condition of OLTL/AMC would be in today or at least during the final years.

  6. I think the whole Gretel Rae/Sky story was a good concept but not with those characters. Instead of Gretel they should of had a character with some significance like Karen on OLTL and instead of Sky they could have used a newer character on AMC or a character that had less significance but one for quite some time. Maybe they should have picked Karen being the mother and Greenlee being the daughter since Greenlee was new at the time. I would have loved to see Greenlee at the Q thanksgiving episode back in 2001 instead of Sky! Also, the fact that Jackson was not yet revealed to be the father of Greenlee until 2004(?) and to the best of my knowledge that did not damage either characters too much so stating that the father was Allen still could have worked. Also, I would love to see Karen the Hooker VS Tracey the Spoiled Brat!

  7. Here:






    Chad Duell (Michael)

    Sean Kanan (AJ)


    Julie Berman (Lulu)



    Leslie Charleson (Monica)

    Jane Elliot (Tracy)

    Laura Wright (Carly)


    Maurice Benard (Sonny)

    Kirsten Storms (Maxie)

    Dominic Zamprogna (Dante)


    Kristen Alderson (Starr)

    Ian Buchanan (Duke)

    Finola Hughes (Anna)


    Bradford Anderson (Spinelli)


    Roger Howarth (Todd)

    Jason Thompson (Patrick)

    Emily Wilson (Ellie)


    Teresa Castillo (Sabrina)

    Kelly Sullivan (Kate)

    Bergen Williams (Alice)


    Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth)


    Brandon Barash (Johnny)

    Robin Christopher (Skye)

    Kelly Monaco (Sam)

    Tristan Rogers (Robert)

    Erik Valdez (Trey)


    Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis)

    Lisa LoCicero (Olivia)

    Kelly Thiebaud (Britt)


    Sean Blakemore (Shawn)

    Carolyn Hennesy (Diane)

    Anders Hove (Cesar)

    Kimberly McCullough (Robin)

    Scott Reeves (Steven)

    John J. York (Mac)


    Kassie DePaiva (Blair)

    Wally Kurth (Ned)

    Haley Pullos (Molly)

    Brooklyn Rae Silzer (Emma)


    Michael Easton (John)

    Anthony Geary (Luke)

    Florencia Lozano (Tea)

    Kristina Wagner (Felicia)


    Derk Cheetwood (Max)

    Drew Cheetwood (Milo)

    Stuart Damon (Alan)

    Anthony Michael Jones (Father Coates)

    Robin Mattson (Heather)

    Lindsey Morgan (Kristina)

    Tequan Richmond (TJ)

    Constance Towers (Helena)

    Sonny being lower than Monica and of course Tracy just made my day! Even if it were just one episode!
  8. You getting snow in Texas? Hell is surely freezing over. Look at the November episode count:

    November Episode Count

    Here's the monthly count for November. I did not count the body doubles for Edward (2 episodes) and Lila (1) and the actress who played Lila Rae is uncredited as of this post. Enjoy!!

    Number of Episodes in November: 20

    Chad Duell (Michael Corinthos) – 16

    Sean Kanan (A.J. Quartermaine) – 16

    Julie Marie Berman (Lulu Falconeri) – 15

    Leslie Charleson (Dr. Monica Quartermaine) – 13

    Jane Elliot (Tracy Quartermaine) – 13

    Laura Wright (Carly Jacks) – 13

    I cant find the GH November 2012 episode count. Should it be posted already?
  9. I know there is a scene where Opal is giving Brooke a massage at the Glamourama, and trying to make Brooke jealous.

    Donna and Tom were romantically paired at one point for certain, but not sure how serious they were.

    Yes, Tom and Donna became a couple for a VERY short period. They lived together. I think this was before she married Benny.

    Also, at one point (when Dorothy Lyman was playing Opal), Opal decided that she was going to get with Tom. This was ironic because Ms. Lyman and Richard Shoberg had played brother and sister on The Edge of Night.

  10. I get where she's coming from, but I feel that most of the things she wanted to see in the last hour were covered, intentionally or unintentionally, over the last year. Through all of the silliness, there was a definite sense of culmination in those final months. Of course, I wanted to see a nice long nostalgia fest at the end, but "a full hour of montages" of clips that were already shown for the 20th anniversary, 25th anniversary, 30th anniversary, 35th anniversary, 40th anniversary, Mona's funeral, Phoebe's funeral, Myrtle's funeral, Palmer's funeral, and any of the other tons of episodes that relied heavily on flashbacks (including several in the last year) wouldn't have been very effective, IMO.

    That's one thing I have been complaining about. Every anniversary they show the same flashbacks! I wish they showed more variety after the 25th year because it became predictable on what they where going to show. They could have at least shown different flashbacks of the same story lines they are trying to showcase. I wish they showed flashbacks of "Raising Kane", "Chicken Shack", Tara/Phill, Kitty (or Kelly)/Linc. I know they have them. Didn't Agnes sell AMC to ABC in 1975 only if ABC agreed to to keep Master copy's of the episodes from 75' onward?? If so they could have shown Brooke finding her real mom in the homeless shelter, Phoebe meeting Myrtle for the first time to break up Linc and Kitty (or was it Kelly), then show a montage of footage of the Linc/Kitty (or Kelly) romance from that point onward?? They could have shown montages like that for all the Anniversaries after the 25th instead of repeating the same ones over again.

    Oh, they could have shown the the clip when Ruth found out Phil died and even footage of Anne/Paul!!

  11. Omg, now I'm at the Free Erica Rally. This is TOO MUCH. B5 just showed up out of nowhere and started dancing, singing & rapping outside for Erica. LOLZ. I didn't realize this was how the story went, it was a bust laugh.pnglaugh.png


    I think that was one of the first episodes I have ever watched! Can you put it on YT??

  12. OMG! I just watched the episode where Annie tripped over one of Emma's toys & popped her head over a stair railing at Ryan's penthouse, leaving a nasty gash on her forehead. Now I know what really caused her to snap! This bitch told Ryan (who arrived seconds later) that a man broke in & attacked her. LOL

    I thought you liked Annie! I can not ever not like Annie. I have always been a sucker for the crazies. Everyone I attract is off-the-beam one way or another. I think I am going a Little cray cray myself!!

  13. AMC was the only soap that always felt like home to me, too. So I know exactly what you mean.

    I'm not expecting anything on TV, but I think eventually either ABC or another company similar to Soap Classics will put out DVDs and probably have Agnes or Lorraine explain their original ending and include anything they taped for the finale that didn't air.

    Someday, I hope, they will shoot the original ending to the series. They probably just need to tweak it by taking babe and JR out and adding Stuart.

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