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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. Sunday flashback X3...

    John James



    from their Dynasty days.....



    I thoguht I was the only one who loved John James!

    It's Thursday, February 04, 2016 and here's some quadruple hotness to help as we get close to the weekend!





    Who are they?


    I did hear about Holland Taylor being on AMC but I wasn't aware Anna Maria Horsford was ever on. And as Jesse's lawyer to boot. Going by synopses I figured Liza told the truth before it got to this point. Poor Jesse.

    The Opal and Ray scenes left me with a question. Were Opal and Jenny mentioned back when Tad was a child? 

    Opal abandoned him but at that time, from my understanding, she was referred to as 'Bertha'.  Not sure about Jenny.

  3. The problem with MAB is that she ended up copying a lot of things just for the irony or just trying remake history repeat itself: 



    -Attempt to correct Bill Bell's alleged biggest mistake. 


    -Attempt to correct Kay Alden's alleged biggest mistake. 

    What were there biggest mistakes?


    Please tell me the episode with this interview is coming up next! 

    I've always said that the Dick Cavvett stuff is the stuff I want to see most of.  Is I had a choice between her first appearance and these episodes I would pick the latter.

  5. How was Chuck affected by the Vietnam Conflict? Was he drafted too? If not, why?

    I will never forget this immortal line, delivered as only Marcy Walker could:

    Marian: I have been around the block a few times.

    Liza: A few times? Mother, you should have the golden arches as your headboard!

    Can you find that on YT?

  6. Will was written into a corner, too bad. Melanie was dull. Paige Turco has sure thrived since the days of Melanie/David...

    So, why was Will good for Dixie though? Did they have other planes for him other than turning him evil?

  7. AMC and Megan McTavish tried twice to make Del happen -- the first time, with Winsor Harmon; the second, with Alec "So You Want to Be a Soap Star?" Musser. Probably because they realized too late what killing off Will Cortlandt meant for Dixie in the long run. Still, I think the character itself was such a waste of airtime and attention.

    I'm not following. Why was killing off Will bad for Dixie? I was just born when he was killed LOL. Also, would have Melanie worked in the long run in your opinion?

  8. The way that the character of Tom Cudahy was introduced is that Little Phillip had been kidnapped. Tom was a young man just wandering though Pine Valley. Someway, he was able to learn about this kidnapping. (I think that he was perhaps a guest in the same motel that the kidnapper was.) He was able to rescue Little Phillip.

    He was then treated like royality by the Tyler and the Martin families. At first, I assumed that Tom was being introduced as a new romantic partner for Tara. Then, he became interested in Erica, and I thought that maybe Tara and Erica would have a fued. But this did not happen. Tom announced that he was using his football retirement money to open a restaurant that would be a more casual place than The Chateau. He and Erica fell in love. (I believe with all my heart that Tom is Erica's true love.) She, for a while, even opened a disco in the rear of the building which housed The Goal Post (named derived from Tom's football days).

    Back to the kidnapper, I am not even sure it this kidnapper was even shown onscreen.

    Brian Lima was playing Little Phillip at the time. I think that Karen Gorney had returned to the show as Tara. I think that this was following the departure of Stephanie Braxton.

    An Erica/Tara/Tom triangle would have been good, IMO.

  9. I am criminally behind -- watching January 1968 episodes -- and I can't believe it... Retro's already on 1969 episodes? That's great!

    Steve and Carolee are breaking my heart. Steve is such a cad. Openly and shamelessly flirting with Liz right after bringing Carolee home from their first date. I have to say, Steve was very sexy the way he wouldn't take his eyes off Liz and leaned in towards her.

    I don't have a ton of patience for the Polly story (I do think it's wonderfully acted and has some scenes, here and there, that I love) but when Polly was having John write the letter to her nieces and she said she is getting ready to die... Oh my God, John's reaction was heartbreaking. I just don't understand why there had to be six minutes of material in that scene before we got to that point.

    This show just tends to break my heart a lot.

    I have to wonder if Martha's was created to be a Polly 2.0 because I can see Polly doing the things Martha is doing. Maybe Polly was popular so they created Martha to fill the void?

  10. I actually found it pretty interesting from the first uploads up through the Anderson story. The few months of spring-summer 1968 though, seem more like an ongoing rehash (Karen, Maggie, Matt), listening to a 12 year old girl, the rather creepy Steve & Karen relationship.Maybe Nick should give his schizophrenia drug to Karen.

    I just entered June of 1968. I must admit that up until the Matt/Maggie/Althea/Nick Dinner I found it boring but the Althea/Nick chemistry kept me going. Also, the nostalgia factor keeps me going as well. What I have to keep in mind is that there is a HW change and that could be part of the reason why the show has slowed down a bit. That said, I do find the show more and more interesting as the Nick/Althea romance develops. I would just hang in because it seems as if the show will pick up soon, judging from the posters here.

  11. I finally entered the June of 1968 episodes!! I must admit, I found the show boring from the end of the Lilly Anderson cancer story up until the scene were Althea and Nick went to the restaurant with Maggie/Matt. I found Althea and Nick SOOO hot together!! There chemistry is unbeatable!! Now I see why everyone was excited, here, about there wedding.

    I also find some of the music great. I do think that if this show were around today it may have a very distinct style to it kinda like Y&R had during the Bill Bell/Kay Alden era. I think I would have given the show a slight neo-noir style. Of course, that may be odd for a medical drama but the scenes with Karen and Steve at her apartment when he was telling her to go after Matt kinda reminded me of one.

    I now can't wait to keep watching!! To get caught up gotta watch about 15 episodes a week though. I guess I need to start going to bed early so I can start watching at 5am.

  12. The ROSEMARY episodes are on Archives.org (https://archive.org/details/Rosemary04Eps). I love this show. It actually uses sound effects and it sets the scene so well. I know Irna and the Hummerts eschewed it, but it adds something when you're listening, especially on headphones.

    Agnes also wrote for YOUNG DR. MALONE when it was on the radio, too. It's always seemed to me that when Agnes stopped writing WOMAN IN WHITE with Irna, they completely parted ways until Agnes started writing for THE GUIDING LIGHT when it was on TV and radio. But based on my research, when Agnes left WIW, she moved to New York and Irna moved to California. But during that time, Agnes worked for Irna on YDM and she wrote freelance for soaps, primetime radio, and TV when it was in its golden age.

    Where did you here that she wrote for YDM? That's interesting. What other radio soaps did she write?

  13. She was 19 in 1968, terribly accomplished as an actress for such a young age. She possessed native talent.

    Why didn't she do anything else? I do wish that soaps would find actors of this talent again, then again, I think someone of this range at THAT age is a one-in-a-million.

  14. Does anyone know how old Pamela Toll was around 1968? I think she is one of the finest actresses on the show. I still can't get over the scene from the December episode were she was crying in her apartment because of Nick.

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