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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. I too was stunned at the mention of MLK and RFK. They have mentioned Vietnam several times before, mostly in reference to Ed Stark and Anna Ford, who were both seriously injured over there when working as a medic and war correspondent, respectively. Never had they mentioned the assassinations until now, but it worked in the context of going after what you want while the world at large was in complete turmoil.

    Althea/Nick - pure magic. I'm looking forward to the wedding scenes already!!

    We've seen Peter Burnell's first episode as Mike and I like him already. Plus, his being there will breathe new life into the Matt/Maggie relationship. I'm tired of the drama involving Karen and am ready for them to move on.

    Again, I'm so glad RTV took a chance and introduced this gem of a show to a whole new generation. It doesn't really feel like a "soap" per se - it's like many of the half-hour primetime shows of the 1960s but straight up drama with hints of comedy and a splash of romance.

    can you find the episode were they mention the assassinations?

  2. I stopped watching a little while back because I had to work and now I'm watching again as managed to find time to do so. Anyway, I need someone to fill me in a bit. I stopped, BTW, when the lady who was in the cult was taken to the hospital.

    What are the major stories right now? What shifts were made with Rick was made Co-HW? Was he any good when he flew solo?

  3. I really wish D&D had respected AMC's history and brought back Ross instead of creating Caleb and made Erica's lookalike Jane either Connie, Julie or Silver's unknown daughter instead of some random woman who idolized Erica.

    Those are really great ideas, actually!

  4. I love seeing the actors interact with each other when they don't have to. I mean, I understand going to PR events for the network or something, but I think it's nice to see that some lasting friendships came out of AMC.

    And Linda isn't here for a lengthy commentary about the #1AA SuperCouple made by Agnes Nixon with Emmy winning actors. Pity.

    Speaking of who, Debbie FINALLY blocked Linda.

  5. But will it available to cable? I subscribe to Time Warner Cable here in NYC- can I get Retro TV through it starting next month?

    probably not since they are Low Power stations. Try to get a DTV antenna and move the antenna to the direction the the station is in NYC. Like, if there is a window that faces the direction the station is place the Antenna there.

  6. Regarding the Walt Willey/Susan Lucci reunion on Meridith, I wonder if this is to see how strong the demand is to bring the show back. Maybe ABC and PP settled or something? Or maybe NBC is interested? Didn't NBC show interest? I do know all about the lawsuit but maybe something happened we don't know about but I think something is about to happen.

  7. Talk to me about Phil Brent. I know his story from the start of AMC up through the end of his marriage to Erica, when he left her to reconcile with Tara. I'm fuzzy on the details after that. Wasn't he hit by a bus or something and killed a few years later? What was his storyline from the time his marriage to Erica ended through his death? I know Tara married someone else at had Kelsey/Kate with him, but I've often wondered why Phil was killed off.

    I know the role was recast at least once (as was Tara), so I'm guessing the reason for killing him off extended beyond "the actor wanted out." It did occur to me that by the late 70s/early 80s, Phil's birth mother Amy was gone, his birth father Nick Davis had left town, his adoptive father Ted Brent was dead, and his adoptive mother was remarried to Joe Martin. Still, Ruth was on the canvas, and Phil had little Phillip/Charlie with Tara, he was friends with Chuck (which gave him a connection to the Tylers), and he'd been married to Erica (who then got involved with his birth father before marrying Tom Cudahy), so even though a lot of his family had been killed off, it seems like there were still reasons to keep him around or to at least leave the door open for him to come back later.

    I do think he could be allive. Wasn' he on a mission or something when he died? If so, witness protection or "on the run" ALA Jessie.

    Also, if the show came back, that would be a good way to restart the Erica/Tara/Phil triangle. Hell, while there at it, they could add in Dimitri or David.

  8. I should have guessed all this was over a music licensing issue. Though while the theme music is certainly beautiful and lush, it doesn't really stand out as something that would be causing trouble for episodes made 47 years ago!! If it was contemporary pop music of the day, I could see that.

    In any case, let's hope this puts the issue to bed at last and we can enjoy the episodes!!

    That LIz Hubbard was one hell of an actress on Monday's episode!!

  9. My understanding of Nick is that he was definitely a complicated anti-hero. He was the guy from the wrong side of the tracks who knocked up a girl and left town never knowing he had a son (Phil Brent). He made some money elsewhere and hoped to come back to Pine Valley and establish a business and reinvent himself as a member of decent society in PV. I believe that Mona had been his good friend in high school. He immediately rubbed a teenage Erica the wrong way by basically telling her what to do and to treat her mother better. He fell for Phoebe's daughter Ann Tyler, and Phoebe was of course, aghast that this social climber wanted to be with HER daughter.

    I loved that TPTB brought Nick back over and over again, but I wish he'd been willing to stay longer. I loved his friendship with Mona. I thought he and Susan Lucci were fabulous to watch together, no matter what they were doing. There's a scene after Erica dumps Nick's grandson Charlie on what should have been their wedding day, when Nick comes to visit Erica, and they talk about her relationships. At one point, they full on kiss each other, and it's disturbing because she's just been engaged to his grandson and because that kiss is far hotter than anything Erica/Charlie did.

    Wasn't he kinda like David Hayward?

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