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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. Regarding the Walt Willey/Susan Lucci reunion on Meridith, I wonder if this is to see how strong the demand is to bring the show back. Maybe ABC and PP settled or something? Or maybe NBC is interested? Didn't NBC show interest? I do know all about the lawsuit but maybe something happened we don't know about but I think something is about to happen.

  2. Talk to me about Phil Brent. I know his story from the start of AMC up through the end of his marriage to Erica, when he left her to reconcile with Tara. I'm fuzzy on the details after that. Wasn't he hit by a bus or something and killed a few years later? What was his storyline from the time his marriage to Erica ended through his death? I know Tara married someone else at had Kelsey/Kate with him, but I've often wondered why Phil was killed off.

    I know the role was recast at least once (as was Tara), so I'm guessing the reason for killing him off extended beyond "the actor wanted out." It did occur to me that by the late 70s/early 80s, Phil's birth mother Amy was gone, his birth father Nick Davis had left town, his adoptive father Ted Brent was dead, and his adoptive mother was remarried to Joe Martin. Still, Ruth was on the canvas, and Phil had little Phillip/Charlie with Tara, he was friends with Chuck (which gave him a connection to the Tylers), and he'd been married to Erica (who then got involved with his birth father before marrying Tom Cudahy), so even though a lot of his family had been killed off, it seems like there were still reasons to keep him around or to at least leave the door open for him to come back later.

    I do think he could be allive. Wasn' he on a mission or something when he died? If so, witness protection or "on the run" ALA Jessie.

    Also, if the show came back, that would be a good way to restart the Erica/Tara/Phil triangle. Hell, while there at it, they could add in Dimitri or David.

  3. I should have guessed all this was over a music licensing issue. Though while the theme music is certainly beautiful and lush, it doesn't really stand out as something that would be causing trouble for episodes made 47 years ago!! If it was contemporary pop music of the day, I could see that.

    In any case, let's hope this puts the issue to bed at last and we can enjoy the episodes!!

    That LIz Hubbard was one hell of an actress on Monday's episode!!

  4. My understanding of Nick is that he was definitely a complicated anti-hero. He was the guy from the wrong side of the tracks who knocked up a girl and left town never knowing he had a son (Phil Brent). He made some money elsewhere and hoped to come back to Pine Valley and establish a business and reinvent himself as a member of decent society in PV. I believe that Mona had been his good friend in high school. He immediately rubbed a teenage Erica the wrong way by basically telling her what to do and to treat her mother better. He fell for Phoebe's daughter Ann Tyler, and Phoebe was of course, aghast that this social climber wanted to be with HER daughter.

    I loved that TPTB brought Nick back over and over again, but I wish he'd been willing to stay longer. I loved his friendship with Mona. I thought he and Susan Lucci were fabulous to watch together, no matter what they were doing. There's a scene after Erica dumps Nick's grandson Charlie on what should have been their wedding day, when Nick comes to visit Erica, and they talk about her relationships. At one point, they full on kiss each other, and it's disturbing because she's just been engaged to his grandson and because that kiss is far hotter than anything Erica/Charlie did.

    Wasn't he kinda like David Hayward?

  5. The person who was uploading said people could try to get one of those antennas. I can't get one where I live but some may be able to, I don't know.

    It wouldn't suprise me if saynotoursoap would buy one to get one unless he doesn't get the channel

    My Retro TV station covers a 25 mile radius in the DFW area but I live right on the 35 mile mark. I called and they said if I had one of those leaf antennas I could get the channel.

  6. That rat needs his butt kicked. What freaking business is it of his who wants to stream. He's probably one of the snitches that gets youtube users flagged for uploading.

    Here is what that fool should do:

    Step 1:

    Put the god damn videos on private so only those who have the link can access them.

    Step 2:

    Create a private FB page that is totally hidden, for example "Y&R-The Classic Years", then post the private links on the page.

    Step 3:

    Ask us if via PM what are FB pages are so we can be invited.

  7. Interesting about Bergman possibly being Jeff. I was going to say that I thought Peter Bergman was too young to play the part, but I checked and he's actually only about 6 years younger than both Charles Frank and Susan Lucci. I wonder what led TPTB to go with the character of Cliff instead.

    Also,Peter Bergman was originally intended to be Jeff Martin but the character evolved into Cliff Warner.So possibly,Jeff would have beenmore prominent throughout the 80's.

    It would have been interesting if they had him play Jeff and had him be Nina's love interest. Assuming Jeff and Christina broke up I could see that happen. Also, the Cortland's basically took over the prominence of the Tylers so the feud would have integrated both the Martins and the Courtlandt's a bit better.

    Then of course we would have two Bobby Martin's.....

  8. Emma Frame Ordway and Bert Ordway. According to AWHP there were 3 brothers, Henry Sterling and Wade and a sister, [Rhoda] Molly who was on the show in the 70s. She married Mike Randolph.

    I am kinda new to the shows history. I am basically wondering how she came onto the show.

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