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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. The credits say Bill Levinson. How soon until Labine? And I thought that Sonny started when her episodes started airing but I do know that she didn't actually create him -- I heard Sonny's debut coincide with her start.  And there is something very Labine about the scenes.

  2. On 7/1/2021 at 5:44 PM, Liberty City said:


    I'd be interesting... Broderick leveling out McTavish's more out-there stories with some heart. Though, Broderick's final months felt like a return-to-form for years-to-come had ABC not ended things.

    Why are you posting with center justification and not left justification?

    On 7/1/2021 at 5:44 PM, Liberty City said:


    I'd be interesting... Broderick leveling out McTavish's more out-there stories with some heart. Though, Broderick's final months felt like a return-to-form for years-to-come had ABC not ended things.


    10 minutes ago, Pine Charles said:

    Yes, she’s a truly nasty person - sadistic and vindictive.

    She probably wrote Janet’s dialogue when she’d visit the well to taunt & torment Natalie. LOL

    Wisner Washam LOATHED her, which is why he exited the writing team shortly after she was promoted in ‘92.


    What else! What else!!

  3. 25 minutes ago, SoapDope said:

    I ran across James Lipton's interview on the Archive Of American Television site, and I could not sit through it. He was pretentious and arrogant when asked about his time on soaps. The interviewer wanted to go in depth and Lipton quickly cut him off and said " Your spending too much time on this subject and that when he was in daytime he felt he gave it his all, but he has done far greater things compared to that. He did talk a bit about Irna and that she knew how to plot out storylines better than anyone, but said she could not write dialogue to save her life. He then mentioned how she taught him the ropes and was training Agnes Nixon and Bill Bell. 


  4. On 6/3/2021 at 3:01 PM, Brent said:


    Outside of this group I think there are 7 people who even knew about the shows existence and only 2 of them watched when it was on the air. It'll be safe.

    On 5/25/2021 at 2:08 PM, Brent said:

    I have discovered that I have a tape recording of the original theme music, (opening and close and announcer) to "Where the Heart Is," taped in the summer of 1970. To my knowledge, (correct me if I'm wrong) this is not extant on the Web, however, I'd be afraid to post lest I violate ASCAP or other copyright laws. Have no idea who wrote it, but the visual was a butterfly in flight, photographed in slow motion.



    Outside of this group I think there are 7 people who even knew about the shows existence and only 2 of them watched when it was on the air. It'll be safe.

    On 5/26/2021 at 5:24 PM, SoapDope said:

    I just watched Robyn Milan on a 1973 episode of Hawaii Five-0. She played the wife of Bo Hopkins (Dynasty etc....) She, her husband( Bo), her husbands parents (Slim Pickens & Barbara Baxley) and little mute sister were a family of serial killers who wiped out people when they needed money. At the end when they all get arrested, the mother of the clan tells a horrified Steve McGarrett when he asks them why, she say's they weren't kin, so it doesn't matter. Dead people don't need money.

    How very John Waters. Seriously, Divine could have been the matriarch of a family like that.

  5. 6 hours ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:


    Late 2012/Early 2013

    I'm binging 1998. I started at June and now I'm in mid-July.  I absolutely LOVE Sharon. It's so sad that they trashed the character by giving her an insulting story.

  6. 6 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    The ratings info I have are from a variety of sources, but mostly Daytime TV which published monthly ratings from a few months prior to publication date.

    They don't detail whether the ratings they show are the monthly average or just the results from one particular week from that month.

    Nonetheless they give a good guide to how GH was fairing pre Monty/Monty and Marland and then Monty and PFS.


    By April 77 GH was not in top 10 soaps or top 15 daytime shows AMC, OLTL and RH all outrated GH. AW on NBC and All in the Family/Match Game on CBS were trouncing GH. ABC tried new writers to rev up GH.


    Nov 77

    GH not in top 15 daytime shows


    ABC hires Doug Marland late 77 and then decides to expand to 60 min and hires Gloria Monty.

    Jan -Aug 78

    GH #6 in soaps 7.2/25 #8 overall. AMC was #1 soap in that time. So over those months show makes a dramatic comeback.

    Nov 78

     #7 7.1/25

    Dec 78

     #2 8.8/30

    Jan 79

     #2 9.7/29

    Feb 79

     #3 10.29

    March 79

    #5 8.0/27

    April 79

    #5 8.0/31

    May 79

    #6 7.9/26

    June 79

    #5 7.4/28

    July 79

     #4 9.0/32

    Aug 79

    #2 10.2/33

    Sept 79

    #2 8.5/30


    Pat Falken Smith too over in August 79.


    Thank you. I have a question. Can you somehow digitize the the reports and email them to me? If you do not have a scanner I suppose you can use your phone. 


    This is fora project I'm doing in school.

  7. On 4/16/2021 at 11:52 PM, j swift said:

    I was reading the weekly synopses of the introduction to the character of Stuart Chandler and it got me thinking.  I don't want to use the term "offensive" because I did not feel that way.  However, in retrospect, it was not just politically incorrect, but also poorly written and acted. 


    First, it seems like a choice that Stuart's "mental problems" were always obtuse.  Was he psychotic?  Well, there were no hallucinations or delusions.  Did he have Autism?  Well, he maintained romantic relationships with two women, which would suggest that he did not have delays in socialization, and he did not display any restrictive interests or repetitive movements.  Was he intellectually deficient?  Well he seemed capable of taking care of his adaptive skills such as cooking and cleaning himself.  The lack of diagnosis seemed to be in the service of not having to advocate for any specific disease, but it left many open questions.


    Second, his portrayal as being cute and immature was disrespectful of people with brain injuries.  Most men with brain injuries do not indicate their level of impairment by wearing crewneck sweaters.  And men with structural damage to their cortex don't speak like little boys or want to play with toys.  Writing and acting the character of Stuart as lovable because he seemed younger than his age was problematic.  Could he consent to a sexual relationship with Marion given his level of functioning?  Who knew, because it was so ill defined.


    As I recall AMC got accolades for the portrayal of Stuart and fans enjoyed his romances with Cindy and Marion.  But, given my own experiences knowing people with head injuries, Autism, and chronic mental illness, it was just grossly out of touch.  AMC tried again with the characters of Lily Montgomery and Jonathan Lavery but the acting in both cases was atrocious.  Jonathan's miraculous recovery from a brain injury was worse than when soaps have people spontaneously walk after paralysis, or see after temporary blindness, because Jonathan inexplicably had to act as if he was still delayed in order to maintain his relationship, and then was found out when Jackson heard him speak "normally."  On what planet would that be considered sensitive or tasteful story telling?


    I guess we should applaud the efforts to show intellectual diversity.  However, when the only stories for people with disabilities are either about being abused or trying to find love, writers have missed the opportunity to mine the real dramas in the lives of people with neurological differences and their families.


    No mental illness is that clear cut -- always exceptions and grey areas. Remember, people who have mental illnesses are people too. Stuart is a lot like my Aunt Mel. Like her, he is simple and childish but is able to take care of herself on a basic level. She could never learn how to drive and her relationship with 'symbols' is off. For example, the lady is, always has been, in poverty. Yet, once she accidentally dropped a 20 dollar bill on the sidewalk and my Aunt Debbye, who has back problems, told her about it. Aunt Mel said, "Oh, I'll just get it later". Aunt Debbye grabbed it, hurting her back a bit, and tried to explain to her 60 year old sister the significance of the bill but she simply couldn't grasp it (Now, Mel lives with her).


    I also know that Mel had been married and had a boyfriend for about 15 years. But, can she ever drive? No. Could she raise a child, MAYBE with a lot of support. I know she's very artistic as well, like Stuart.


    Regarding Stuart, his early psychotic tenancies were a result of being gaslit by Adam and Joanne (his first wife).


    Nothing distasteful about the situation with Stuart. However, I do find your rigid and black/white view of mental handicap HIGHLY offensive and crass. Please, remember that people with disabilities have personalities too.

  8. On 3/30/2021 at 7:12 PM, titan1978 said:

    The ratings had already been climbing before Luke even arrived on the show, and according to Denise Alexander, the show went to number one on the back of the Monica/Rick/Lesley storyline.  AJ was born in December of 1979, and the rape was a couple of months before that.  Alexander said they got them to number one, and then the Luke & Laura thing just kept it going higher.


    Monty’s first year the show shot to 3rd place from the bottom of the pack.

    Question, can you or someone else find me actual documents (e.g., news paper clippings, articles, press releases)?

    I don't doubt you AT ALL, but, for my research I'd like to have some hard evidence. And again, I don't doubt you I just need something to cite.

  9. On 4/10/2021 at 9:41 PM, j swift said:



    Also, (with even more respect of your opinions) I reject all arguments that the reason soaps don't produce well rounded LGBTQIA representation is because they are afraid of online criticism by gay fans.  Soaps have won GLAAD awards and gained popular media exposure for doing the least amount of representation possible.  The same argument would never hold water when applied to other types of minority representation.  Black and Latinx fans would not accept poor examples of their culture played out on screen and neither should gay soap watchers.  We should always strive for more respectful portrayals of our experiences and we should never accept the idea producers don't demand gay characters because they are afraid of backlash from the LGBTQIA community.  Gay fandom has never received the respect we deserve and our loyalty has never been rewarded with proper consideration of what we want in terms of plotlines.  60 years later, networks still only care about 18-34 women who buy laundry detergent, but that doesn't mean that the gay audience should just take the scraps that we're given because we still get some entertainment value out of the occasional shirtless hunk or bitch fight.

    I personally am getting to the point that a show shouldn't write for gay characters if there isn't a gay on the writing staff. And then I remember "Felix" on GH and his first few scenes and how much I found the writing repulsive. That said, I also know that any gay character will offend a gay audience member. The scenes between Paul and Will a few pages back made me cringe as I have never EVER heard someone ask a guy if they are gay in that manner. I'm not sure about others but when I try to figure that out I check out their social media accounts. Either that, or I have someone ask for me.


    I feel that the best way is to create two, make them siblings. And have both of them on either end of the spectrum. One being flamboyant and the other being subtle. Most importantly, of course, is to explain WHY these personality traits exist.

  10. 18 minutes ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:


    I've felt this way about GH's colour-grading style for YEAIRS (it wasn't this way pre-FV). It has infinitely more sets than Y&R, yet it is a very cold soap visually.


    He should take notes from Brenda Dickson. 😅

    And DOOL is worse, to be honest. I use to defend Frankypoo -- thinking Ron's influence clouded the show. But now I know he was equally week.


    I'm inclined to believe he already did :)

  11. Firstly, I do feel that there is on part of Wes Ramsey a very 'decided' choice to act that way. It's the wrong acting choice, by a long shot,  but it's oddly intricate. He seems to be making active critical choices but his critical choices suck. Maybe before social distancing the directors had to slap the crap out of him to get him to not do that and now they cant? It's hard for me to call it bad acting because it is intricate and very decided. But, this is the wrong place and the wrong time.


    Secondly, what is that blueish hue in each scene? Due they just not know Davinci Resolve is free?

    Thirdly, the scenes with Wes and JPS, with the sound off, is kinda hot tbh. I am going to have a wet dream tonight...


  12. 17 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Ashley in the sanitarium is clip (187) from 1987. The abortion scenes were uploaded somewhere in 1986 but I can't find them at the moment.

    And why was she locked away? What all led to it?

  13. Have the scenes in which Ashley and Victor talked about the abortion in the rain been uploaded yet?


    How about the sanitareum scenes?


    Also, can someone give me a timeline of 80s Ashley? I'm really curious about what led up to the abortion and the nervous breakdown (and when it all happened).

  14. On 4/8/2021 at 7:38 PM, Dylan said:

    Abby and Chance wanted to have a a baby, They found out she can't carry because she had a miscarriage in 2016 and theirs scarring, and chance has bad sperm because he was shot and the medication they used. So they asked Mariah (the one half of the only lesbian couple in town). And Devon (a black man). To be surrogate and sperm donor.

    That is sloppy. An egg donor and sperm donor is too much for one story. 


    Now, if it were two separate stories, and two separate character orbits, and this is interconnect both, I could kinda buy it. 



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