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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. What I found interesting, was the pacing of the first episode; Tony/Anna/Austin/Carrie are discussing Austin's plans to surprise Carrie; next we see Tony/Anna arrive at the event and running into John/Marlena who had also been discussing the event earlier as well. It seemed like an excellent execution of what Mal Young had wanted do at Y&R, but it was much less jarring. If this was on the original show, the auction would've taken place a few episodes later. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    It’s a shame because Emily O’Brien is great and was initially great in this role. But everything happened in her story and it came to what? We compared Abby accidentally throwing a “pregnant” Gwen down the stairs to Reva/Annie on GL. The latter story led to a long murder trial and had implications throughout Springfield. Abby/Gwen led to what? Abby leaving town? Gwen being blackmailed by a doctor who was swiftly killed off? Gwen killed a pillar of DAYS history (Laura) for what? None of this sh!t matters, which is one huge reason why I can’t get into this show.

    Bingo. In Ron's world, these are all just plot points, but they don't lead to anywhere or have lasting affects. It really doesn't matter. 

  3. Today’s episode was enjoyable. I’m really liking the direction they’ve taken Johnny and EJ’s relationship. At first I had hoped he’d be a troublemaker, and he could still be down the road, but I like how doesn’t want to be a chip off the old block like his father. DF has also won me as EJ and it’s the scenes that he has with Johnny that have really helped solidify that. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, will81 said:

    Not sure if you have checked out frenchfan's Look into the past thread. I posted Sep - Dec 1973 synopsis from Bryna Laub's daytime serial newsletter and frenchfan has posted Dec 74 onwards. So almost all of their run is there if you haven't already read it. 

    Thanks I'll definitely make my way there and get buried in the plethora of information in that thread. Thanks to you and @FrenchFan for your hard work :)

  5. 10 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Um...Ann Marcus certainly did not "whip Days of our Lives" into a "top-rated show it now is."

    It instantly and noticeably collapsed under her tenure.

    Speaking of soaps turning around quickly, I must say that when Claire Labine and Paul Avila Mayer assumed the reigns of Love of Life, the show almost instantly started to soar. Its total rebirth (from a drab and turgid, lethargic oldtimer to a fresh, entertaining and more modern drama) was astonishing. Everyone always praises Douglas Marland for saving a dying General Hospital in the late 1970s, but to me, Labine and Mayer worked similar miracles with Love of Life.



    I've always been curious about the Labine/Myer era of LOL. Heck I'm even curious about their time on Where The Heart is.

  6. Last night I was thinking why does GH has such a large amount of dead wood. Other than Frank's incompetence, I wonder if the show is just setting up a catastrophic event down the road to take out some of these useless characters that we've in the very least grown to tolerate (or like).

    But aside from that random thought; Jax and Willow would be the PERFECT characters to have caught in mob crossfire, the repercussions would be fascinating to watch. 

  7. On 8/14/2021 at 7:44 PM, AlexElizabeth said:

    Ingo is probably a real possibility, and it would be no loss if they canned him. Literally all Jax does is worry about Josslyn's safety. 

    Jax is really expendable as a character at this point. The writers could easily have him stumble upon the fact that Sonny is alive and create some event where either he dies or lands in a coma (of course Nina would be relieved, but feel some type of guilt over Jax's condition or demise). It ups the stakes in the Sonny story and takes care of some deadwood on the show. 

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