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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 1 hour ago, Paul Raven said:

    Those 70's scenes are definitely a cut above the ATWT eps of that era.

    Sets look classier and better lit.

    Kim's apartment from that time on ATWT looks cheap and the lighting is stark. The women's makeup looks garish.

    It looks like Love of Life also had better production values in the 70's.

    Funny how you compare SFT to ATWT's production values, because if I'm correct, SFT's EP Mary Ellis Bunim leaves that show become producer of ATWT in the early 80s. 

  2. 11 hours ago, Chris B said:

    When Eileen returned to play Susan for Will’s return from the dead, she really spoiled me when it came to Susan. Yes she was playing Susan, but I felt like she humanized her as a mother who lost her son.

    THIS. I can't believe this is the same Head Writer who wrote such humanizing scenes for Susan then.  She's a complete and total cartoon now, and barely interacts with said son she was distraught over losing years ago. 

  3. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Remember when I said that Frank only interferes in the summertime and that October to March is usually pretty good. Unfortunately, it looks like I have to take that back lol

    Chase DID NOT have to lie and say that he was the father of Baby Bailey. The two actors have enough chemistry so that, and that alone could be used to bring Chase and Brook Lynn together, not some fake charade. You would think after the fake affair mess from last year, the show would stay away from charades like that, but they just keep doing the same old thing.


    Why couldn’t Maxie had burst in and confess Bailey is her child, and then all three come to agreement to keep up the charade that Bailey is Valentin’s.


    And WHY WAS MAXIE TAKING SO LONG, if she knew their secret was under threat of being uncovered. 

    Dan and Chris build up a good storyline and then always let me down in the end. Sheesh.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Not to jinx it more than it already is, but given how much of a sham this trial has appeared to be from the beginning I'm legit surprised the Rittenhouse jury is taking this long.

    True, but I'm not getting my hopes up. 


  5. DAYS and GH: C+

    Both shows have glaring problems, but overall I find each entertaining in their own way. 

    B&B: D+

    Y&R: F When you have me longing for the days of Mal Young, you've failed as a writer. JG is obsessed over writing about events that did not occur on screen, and not properly resolving stories. 



  6. On 11/4/2021 at 9:24 PM, AlexElizabeth said:

    Just watched Wednesday's episode and all I can say is WTF?!

    Nicole kills zombie Deimos, and Rafe finds a dead body in his kitchen, so naturally, they... have sex?! HUH?! If Rafe/Nicole actually had fans, I bet they'd be pissed! What a bizarre buildup to two people finally having sex. They really talked about Duke before they f-cked, too.


    This is the same show where Gwen and Xander got turned on after joking about killing Julie. Good ole Ron!

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