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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 2 hours ago, Liberty City said:


    Though, in watching episodes from 1997, it does seem like under the work of Paul Rauch, the true definition of Alexandra began to slowly creep back into play.

    It's funny how for all of Rauch's faults, it was under him that happened, and again in 2002 when he cast JC as Alex. Two brief moments when Alex as a character was being written properly. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    That’s exactly how I feel. If it somehow managed to have LGBT characters (not necessary but would have been great), it would be my idea of soap perfection.

    Can you imagine how much greatness we would’ve witnessed had someone like Lorraine Broderick (and Wisner Washam who once worked on the writing team) was there to take the reigns from Curlee/Demorest. So disappointing.

  3. 23 hours ago, Liberty City said:


    Didn't Dante go to some unseen sessions with Kevin, and it was all taken care of?

    If that's how they resolved this story, I'm truly disappointed. 

    This would've been another way to cleverly bring Sam and Dante together. They were definitely implying at the non-wedding that there was more going on underneath the surface with Dante than something that could simply be resolved in therapy. 


    Oh well, missed opportunity. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Mitch said:

    This totally describes Marland's ATWT..not only do the couples lack those two attributes but the families do too. Everyone seems to be together because they have to be, not that they like each other or have any deep bonds.  That's why Longs and Curlee's GL was so much better then ATWT..despite it not being structured as tightly as Marland would do or use history as much...ATWT is the friend you invite to the party because you would feel guilty if you didn't while GL was the friend you wanted to be there as you don't know what might happen.

    That pretty much sums up my attraction to GL compared to ATWT

  5. On The Doctors, didn't Maggie have a pregnancy storyline that resulted in miscarriage? I'm sure it was in the early 80s when the show had a revolving door of writers, I remember reading some summaries around the Maggie being pregnant and it creating a rift between her and Matt. Even though it was a late in life pregnancy, I wouldn't have minded the pair having a child of their own. 

    Ed and Maureen also would've been nice to see share a kid.

  6. 4 hours ago, Forever8 said:


    So we get these tepid stories with Sasha Not Fierce, Willow, and Brando instead. 

    HA Sasha "Not Fierce" 🤣

    I wish they had given Willow an edge by developing an unhealthy attachment to Wylie after the truth came out, showing that something may not be psychologically ok with her after being led to believe her baby had survived. Instead Willow is a complete saint and has successfully integrated herself into the life of the child she once thought was biologically hers, and there's very little conflict stemming from Michael and Willow alone. 

  7. I don't believe Morgan/Kelly would've lasted very long; and the two seemingly were being pulled in two separate directions during the tail end of Marland's tenure? Kelly's demanding job in the medical profession; Morgan becoming a model/Josh Lewis etc. and seemed like there might be some conflicts from that. 

    Weren't Kelly/Claire a pairing under Long? Seemed interesting. 

  8. I don't think any of those can compare to how good the show looked in 2007 during Ed Scott's era, last time we had moving cameras and interesting camera angles/in depth stunts.  Though I was impressed with how much effort was put in when Kate and Sami tried to dispose of Nick's body in the river (the last time they put effort into a outdoor set), I believe that was under Gary Tomlin in 2013.  

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