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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. On 3/2/2021 at 10:09 PM, AlexElizabeth said:


    I usually enjoy when Susan pops up, but I can't take this Susan/Kristen/Brady/Chloe stuff. It's awful and I can't believe it's being featured every day. How many times can we see "Susan" whine about how Chloe is a tramp going after Brady? I can't barely make it through these scenes.

    And this was why I wasn’t a fan of this story from the start, and besides how many times is Ron going to go the route of lookalikes/doppelgängers switching spots? At this point I just want Kristen/Susan off the canvas because I need a break.

  2. GL:

    The Lighthouse Gala was supposed to be in time for GL’s 50th Anniversary on television coordinated by Meta and the Spauldings. Mary Stuart passed and Josh and Revas wedding was then plotted to coincide with the anniversary. I personally hoped they would keep it, as a rival to the Nurses Ball on GH

    At the time Martha Stewart did time for insider trading, GL was teasing of a similar story for Phillip under Taggart/Culliton. This could have also been used to keep Phillip and Olivia apart for some time, however as soon as ConWest took over this was dropped. 

    Everyone knows Alex was NOT MEANT to be are as stalker. 

    Danny Santos and Cassie Layne were supposed to be more than just a flirtation. 

    Mallet and Mindy were dropped too during the Curlee era. 

    During the ex wives club Alex was blackmailing Mindy I believe? That was dropped and never revisited with ConWest.


    During one of India’s visits wasn’t it implied that Dorie(the child India took in during the mid 80s) might be in trouble or Alan was holding something over that was related to Dorie. 

  3. Ron not only kills off Bill Horton, but he kills off Laura too? 😠


    Yeah I’ve been meaning to take a little break from DAYS and I see this might be the perfect time to do so. I’m already annoyed at the Kristen storyline, the Ben/Ciara story is the dumps, I’m not here for Nicole being put through the ringer for her impending affair with Rafe. It’s just all too much. I might drop in to see Sami’s return or Jackee Harry characters debut but that’s it. 

  4. Really enjoyed the Tripp and Patch scenes for some reason yesterday, especially the comparison Patch made about him behaving the same way when he was Tripp’s age.


    It just sucks that so much investment has been given to Tripp/Patch and not Patch and his other children.


     I’m going to miss Xander and Charlie’s friendship. It showed a very different side to Xander. I hope the show continues to have Xander interact with other characters outside of the Kiriakis circle. 

  5. Trump’s comeuppance-Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence turning against him, has played out like some William J. Bell story, a slow burn for almost five years all culminating in one moment. 

    I love it. Today is a glorious day. 

  6. It’s always good to see what little there is available of Marlands time at GH, especially in the beginning. It sucks how he was never allowed to flourish as head scribe at The Doctors, so many missed opportunities. 

  7. RC really wrote himself into a corner when he brought EJ back from the dead as a bandaged figure. 

    Now that JS is unlikely to ever return, what is he to do? Smh. The only option is to cast a new actor to play EJ after plastic surgery, and eventually have it revealed that this guy is not actually EJ (similar to Drew/Jason on GH) and write him off; thus permanently reuniting Lucas and Sami.



  8. People thought EE was bad under John Yorke 2.0 last year but I actually enjoyed what his vision of EE came to be, it just needed a few months to take shape. 

    I am betting that it is another fake out Re:Tina. At this point I don’t even care. They’ve taken a story that could have educated and taught the audience, and turned into a plot driven mess purely played for shock value. 

  9. Ron thinks all these violent plot driven confrontations between Tripp and Allies family is him trying to portray both sides; he is sadly mistaken. Lucas and Allie nearly killing Tripp doesn’t do what her character went through any justice, it just makes it cartoonish. While anger and rage is part of ones reaction, it shouldn’t be written the only reaction from those involved. It’s getting tiresome. 

  10. Sharon a murderer? Smh. 

    How many terrible regimes can this show withstand 



    The showdown between Denise and nuChelsea was electric. I really liked the mother/daughter chemistry between the actresses. During Lucas and Patrick’s confrontation it’s obvious that Lucas hasn’t changed. 

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