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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. The time jump turned out to be the best that DAYS could do these days, budget constraints, this weak team of writers, etc. 😂


    That's not saying much, as my standards were pretty low going into this.  Hated RSWs acting. Loved having fierce Nicole back for the first half of the episode. Kind of wished Nicole and Eric had broken up and she was back to her old self, but alas I was wrong. 


    I guess Jack and Abby were too focused on Jen to notice J.J.s life downspirialing out of control? Jack I can possibly understand though, but the other folks in his life who have seen this before? 


    Re-Ron strikes again, Ben is set up for another crime, like the fire, and we are forced to sympathize for him for being set up. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Anthony Morina as EP doesn’t bother me at all really other than the fact he’s rubber stamps all of Griffith’s garbage. 



    That's my only problem with his tenure. And I don't believe nor he or Josh have any clear vision for the show. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, xtr said:


    Mal had his faults including that super long boring, JT storyline. But IMO, he wrote the young people (with an exception being Summer) way better than Josh is doing. Underneath Mal of the young people were actually interesting and viable, including the young men. Josh is writing this young set very poorly. Lola actually got even worse underneath Josh and the young men are not written well.

    I actually agree with this. The younger set were intriguing under him, and Summer/Kyle/Lola were interesting. 

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