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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 44 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Abby has never really clicked. And they’ve now isolated her from both sides of her family. The Abbotts and Newmans are both embroiled in story, and Abby’s involved in none of it.

    True Abby has never clicked which is a shame and embarrassment of riches considering her family ties.


    SSM was the only writer I felt had a vision for Abby and made her interesting; by making her and Victoria rivals. That’s only time she clicked. 

  2. Maybe Cyrus will cause Sasha to miscarry thus making her or Brando a suspect in the obvious murder mystery coming up lol


    I’m sure it’d be to much to ask that if Sasha and her unborn child were to die, it would cause Brando to go down a darker route. That’d be too complex for this writing team to handle. 

  3. It’s fascinating how Bell went from writing the number one soap at the time ATWT then to becoming the head scribe at DAYS a brand new soap which was lower in the ratings. 

    The death of Susan’s son and subsequent trial sounds similar to TGLs story of MetaBauer/Chuckie/Ted White. Of course it should come as no surprise that Irna Phillips influenced much of Bells writing. 

  4. How many evil deeds are they going to have Peter commit before he finally receives his comeuppance??? I was annoyed that the wedding was not the end of this travesty but they’re now saddling the character with more evil acts. It’s overkill at this point and Wes just gets horrible with each passing day.

  5. 19 minutes ago, zanereed said:


    Then in 1984, Pam Long wanted to write for Mike Bauer, so she made Mike part of a love triangle with Alexandra (the sister of his on-again/off-again nemesis, Alan), and Lillian, and the issues from that triangle would have an effect on Beth/Lujack. But, apparently Bev and Don did not get along well, so Stewart was resistant to the storyline. Kobe decided to fire Stewart by the end of the summer in 1984.


    Firing O'Rourke was a huge mistake on Kobe's part, especially after the well-written paternity reveal in 1983, after a 6 year (in real time) secret being kept on the show. The audience was never given an opportunity to see how the Phillip/Justin/Alan dynamic would have changed. 


    Agreed on Pennock. I loved him in other roles, but he really didn't fit Justin at all.

    I would’ve really liked to have seen a Lillian/Mike/Alex triangle play out, eventually turning into a Justin/Alex/Mike/Lillian quad. So many wasted opportunities from the Kobe era.

  6. 4 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    So let me get this straight, not a single character is going to mention the age difference between Sally and Jack? They all just hate Sally and that’s their only issue with it? 

    This is so unrealistic. Are they trying not to hurt Bergman’s feelings or something?

    Has age differences ever been brought up between Victor and one of his former much younger lovers? In the past 15 years?

  7. On 3/21/2021 at 11:43 AM, RavenWhitney said:

    Doug had his issues but he made a huge and positive impact on The Doctors, GH, GL and ATWT; his one pock mark is Loving but that was Aggie's failure too.

    His impact on TD was hardly positive. 

    I get a sense that if Doug had stayed on to be Co-HW with Pam, we most likely would have never witnessed the decimation of the Bauer’s like we did. While I believe Pam never wanted to initially write them out, Marland would have fought tooth and nail against network brass to keep them on the show. 

  8. 1 hour ago, detroitpiston said:

     They'll probably swap her out for another round of Melanie if the actress ain't busy



    I will miss LG. She brought energy to the role and any story she was in. I’ll also miss her and Xander as a couple; they were unlike any of the recently paired couples on the show. I don’t believe RC really planned for those two to take off as a pairing the way they did. 

    Her acting ticks aside, overall I thought she was a good actress and there’s going to be a void on the canvas in her absence.

  9. I felt the scene between Cameron and Liz needed better scripting/writing (more denial and then gradual realization that it was true) and yes maybe better direction in regard to how Lipton played out the scene.


    I echo those who say that I could care less about Franco, but I’m interested in seeing those affected by his death; Scotty, Liz, Cameron. 

  10. Growing up during the 90s I could never get into Another World. I could easily get into soaps like DAYS, GL, even ATWT for they had families such as the Hortons, Bauer’s, and Hughes to keep it grounded, as well as other family units. AW was a different animal, it seemed to lack a set of core families with the exception of the Corys (the Hudson’s I was not fond of).  I came to learn later on about the existence of the Matthew’s, but growing up AW simply seemed it was more based upon friendships rather than families. 

    Y&R was another show, but appeared to be more about business than anything else; and it appeared to be slow moving storytelling wise. 

    Suffice to say, over time and as my tastes matured, I came to actually like the above listed soaps after having watched videos from each of their golden periods. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    Yea, like Rick says to Phillips "Oh you thought it was your brother" (which is weird as AM is Rick's cousin and in real life would just use his name..) and Phillip is like, "Oh, yea, that is what Dad wanted me to believe but it was him all along..so what's for dinner?" after months and months of searching for A Spaudling and blaming everyone. Blake would have been great, especially with her BIG secret..but as you said, this was the start of message boards and people figured it out and TPTB freaked like it was some big twist out of nowhere and the fans ruined it. It would have been good as Amanda (hey they totally redid her character so lean into it) hated Blake and could have blackmailed her and then Phillip finds out and causes this big explosion. But it went out with a whimper and then we got..."Amanda is Brandon's daughter" nonsense.


    And your right, that summer of GL sucked..Reva in LURVE and screwing that troll Buzz, Roger and Lonatrat...Dinah as the poor put upon heroine..actually outsmarting Roger..Alan wanting to "Destroy 5th Street..bwhahahaha" all because of Reva, the recast AM fading into the woodwork and you could see him struggling with his line, Alex just kind of wringing her hands about Alan and essentially saying "Now boys, don't fight" Ed left, Vanessa having a soap disease and planning her own fake death..(cause that would be much, much more kind to her family) and Chele in love with wooden Zachary, believe it or not an angel.  No wonder McLaiby was kicked to the curb.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane; the show was so very bad. Yikes. 

    The show looked good, I loved nuBoarding house and Revas super modern home, but the writing was atrocious. 

    I always wished they would play up Blake being the outsider (and Rogers daughter) wanting to topple the Spaildings somewhere later on; but that never came to fruition. 


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