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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. A writing team where Lorraine Broderick, Richard Culliton, and Carolyn Culliton are elevated to the helm would be ideal for this show. 

    It's funny how over at GH, I approve Dan O'Connor being the top scribe, but wished that he had stronger script and breakdown writers. It's the complete opposite at Days where I despise Ron Carlivati as HW, but his writing team contains some of the strongest currently employed in daytime.

  2. I've always wondered how Pat Falken Smith would have done on The Doctors; because out of the three that helped to revive General Hospital in the late 70s into early 80s(Marland and DePriest), Smith was the only one who had not written for TD. I assume she would've kept some of the focus on the Dancy family (probably giving them a pub or boarding house to run) while also focusing on the Powers and probably would have put Mike in a more engaging love triangle than Sarah/Colin.  Not sure how she would have written the Aldrich family; such as Steve, Mona, and Carolee. 

    Looking back at GL and ATWT in 1999, I'm going to be honest, I think GL would've benefited more from Hogan at the helm. ATWT still had some of it's soul/foundation intact. GL was continuing to descend in quality and getting further away from the show fans had come to know and love. Hogan may have been received better at GL considering he'd have more room there to create his own characters and focus on some of the new ones brought on by B&E. 

  3. This might be a bit off topic, but I don't see how JFP even made Y&R modern. She made it quite stale IMO. If there was any EP that Y&R had recently that attempted to shake things up and bring it to the 21st century, it was Mal Young, for all his faults, made a valid attempt to freshen up the show. 

  4. Still was rooting for Trina and Cam to get together, but I can dig Trina and Spencer. But Joss and Cam are soooooo borrrriinnngggg. The show could've had a viable triangle if Trina and Cam had actually started a relationship, and shortly after Dev's manipulations had been revealed. Throw Spencer in the mix and it would write itself, and you could still end up having Trina and Spencer together at some point. 


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