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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. Apparently in todays episode everyone gets a chance with the Salem brain. Belle figures out Brady is being set up, Steve figures out that MarDevil is going to free Jan, and even Tripp was smart to play it cool when he came upon Marlena and Jan.

    I’m getting some weird vibes from these Kate and Philip scenes. Kate has gone from being 100% on Philips side to now appearing very concerned that her son Philip has a serious problem and has gone off the deep end. I won’t hold my breath that the show will follow through with Philip’s apparent and obvious mental issues, but they are being written pretty good today in a overall poor storyline.

    MarDevil knocks out another person with that hospital tray SMH this is getting tiresome.

  2. No problem. Yeah I can understand how some of that would not draw you in, much of the start of 89 in uneven in quality. Somehow by the late summer to fall of 89 there's a bit of a shift in tone with the show (when you start seeing Robert Calhoun's name in the credits) and the show is suddenly firing on all cylinders after that. 

    Joe Wilmore was such a terrible fit for the show as EP. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I have a question for the people who are familiar with this time period. I see on YouTube a user named has uploaded many full years including 1989-1992 and various years after that. I have started in 1989 and have watched about 10 episodes so far. I was wondering if this is considered a good year for the show?

    It's definitely considered a good year for the show (I believe it even earned the title of Most Improved or Best Show by SOD). IMHO the last half of 1989 especially is good, and it's the start of the last golden era of the show, lasting up until 93. 

  4. 3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Agreed.  It's very weird for him to have none of his own kids just because he's been on for so long.

    I watched every single day back then and I still could not explain that story to you.  I think I actually read a recap of it recently and it still didn't make sense to me.  I know it was scrapped early or changed, but the show never even tried with Mac again after that.


    I'm surprised Ron didn't retcon a child for Mac, nor even pick up the Mac doppelganger story again while he was there. 🤣

  5. 18 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    This show screwed up any potential Sam and Dante had. They are dull af now. Romantic stories or love triangles have no momentum on GH.

    Something has felt off with Dante and Sam for quite sometime, I don't know if it's due to the fact that they are no longer longing for each other while being apart, if it's due to Dante's beard no longer being present(lol), or his conditioning/ptsd story being wrapped up so quickly that took the wind out of this couples sails. I still like them, but it's just not the same now for some reason. 



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