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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. On 4/17/2022 at 7:37 PM, DRW50 said:

    That was Gemma.

    Lachlan caused a car crash that killed his mother and grandfather. Later on he killed his friend, Graeme. It was that moment that made me finally stop watching Emmerdale on a regular basis. 

    Thats around the time I quit too; or maybe before that. Between getting rid of the Bartons and Whites, I gave up on ED. I tune in and out to see how they execute those watercooler moments, but honestly there's no longer a connection there between the show and I. 

    I will say this about the recent Meena plot, it's interesting how little David and Victoria played in the resolution of this Meena story lol But with what took place BTS I'm not surprised. Sucks that this thread of the story was left hanging. 

  2. I don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it, but Another World, after trying to imitate the Supercouple/Adventure era in the 80s, felt more like a ABC soap under Swajeski/Laibson. I think it would've flourished on that network, and probably would've lived longer as well. 


    Re: Doug Marland's plans for Kelly and Nola

    I could see Nola being torn between Quint and Kelly, and taking in consideration the chemistry between Tylo and Brown, Nola eventually choosing Quint in the end. The show seemed to also be setting something up with Josh and Morgan, so it was obvious they probably would have ended up together. 

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