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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 8 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Brooke is shattered with the news that Nick had died .She remembers the good times and the bad.

    Weeks later she finds that Grant Chambers died in a hit and run. Poor Brooke wonders about the odds of two exes dying in such short order.

    Then Eric takes a fall and is comatose.When he comes to, he says he felt like he was pushed.

    And on it goes Whip, Oliver, Bill , Thorne  and Ridge all die or face death.

    The lead investigator is Brooke's old boyfriend Dave Reed who is determined to find the culprit and protect Brooke. 

    Eventually Deacon is revealed to be the culprit as evidence is found that proves he was responsible.

    Sheila is convinced this isn't true but no one will listen

    Brooke gets closer to Dave again causing problems with Ridge.

    Eventually Sheila uncovers that Dave has been responsible and as a police officer was able to fabricate evidence against Deacon. He wanted vengeance against all the men that had married/bedded Brooke when he felt rejected.

    Dave finally snaps and Sheila is the one to save her.

    I'd definitely tune in to watch this. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Mitch64 said:

    Agreed...he should have been introduced early in the storyline as a random friend of Shayne's from school. Now I know the world renowned Pelphery ( I'm sarcastic..I like him, I just think like Deas and Zimmer, the directors let him have his way and the audience thought yelling and screaming was acting ) would have been too old for that role (at least for the actor playing Shayne at that time..) so you would need someone a bit younger (and more subtle) to pull it off. Some clean cut kid we wouldn't suspect who could play ice cold when needed. Plus, I think the intro of Jon without his siblings around kind of lessened the impact..Marah and Shayne should have had huge abandoment issues what with Reva disappearing constantly and their MommyAnnie, turning into a psycho..but they always acted like they were the Brady Bunch. Pelphery could play any, "bad boy" role they wanted to pull out of their butts.

    But yea, Jon was supposed to be the stalker, with that crazy guy they caught a red herring and Alex taking advantage of the situation to redirect both Reva and Holly's investigation into the Spauldings (and Gus being Alan's kid) instead of Alex being the main stalker which made no sense at all. Weston was going to make Sandy the stalker and introduce him talking to a sock puppet..( I kid you not..)

    And there was plenty of discussion about Reva's stalking being connected to the publicity she got after she went on trial for taking Richard off life support, so yeah it seemed like Jon would've been the likely suspect instead of Alex. 

  3. Guiding Light...where do I start? Having Ellen Weston finish stories set in motion by Millee Taggart and Carolyn Culliton turned out to be a MESS. None of the story resolutions made sense and some were never resolved at all.

    Reva's stalker should have been Jonathan Randall, not Alex. And if you wanted to make the story even juicier, have Edmund come upon the truth while Jonathan is still stalking Reva, and have him be in the know.  

    The battle for Spaulding with Alex vs Alan/Phillip, should have resulted in Alan-Michael's return and him siding with his aunt Alex. A-M recruiting Blake to be on his side, who had mentioned a desire to get back in the corporate world around that time. Blake and A-M grow close, and it leads to a Ross/Blake/AM triangle; not so much as a physical affair between A-M and Blake, but A-M being determined to woo Blake back; his intentions unclear as he would want Blake's shares of Spaulding, and Ross not being too keen on Blake's corporate ambitions, especially since they appear to be the opposite of his nephew Phillip. 

    If the show was going to give Alan another son in the form of Gus, he should have been the child Rita Stapleton had after leaving Springfield. There'd even be a question of whether he was Ed or Alan's son. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Bite. Your. Tongue.

    Honestly, as soon as Marlena was freed from the devil's clutches (FOR THE SECOND TIME), the story should have been over and done with.  Instead, Possession 2.0 has been like the bad soap opera plot equivalent of a car stereo that has a CD of "Whoomp! There It Is!" on repeat, and you can't turn it off, because you stupidly locked your eyes in the car and kept it running, and now all the neighbors are pissed, because it's been playing non-stop and at loud volume for over an hour, and they're just ready to grab some baseball bats and beat the [!@#$%^&*] out of you AND the car.

    ...Or something like that.

    This description is accurate 😂

  5. 52 minutes ago, Mitch64 said:

    The things is the original Victoria was very much like her sister Alex..she was strong but subtle and seemed that she would feel the ends justify the means..so that would have been difficult to have her and BevAlex on together. However, instead of recasting Alex they could have just had her leave all her shares of Spaulding to Victoria and then we could have avoided Dear Marj schreeching all over the screen.  Or at least when Marj was written out they could have replaced her with Victoria..instead of the idiotic idea that Amanda could take Alex's place. Though I always thought that instead of bringing Amanda back in a young new vixen form...they should have made her Vicky..though I would have gotten an actress who could have at least done a credible Caribean accent...the second Vickie looked like she just got done teaching at Vassar.

    I like the idea of Victoria taking Alexandra's spot after Bev's departure. Would've made sense. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Which is happening again by having Lucas kidnap her.

    Which is a puzzling story decision in itself; AS is not going to be on the show long, they could have put her with Lucas and have them ride off into the sunset together. Lucas is already seldom seen as it is. But now they are obviously throwing Lucas under the bus for a EJami reunion, just for AS to leave again. The whiplash from the constant back and forth is ridiculous. 

  7. In another thread poster mentioned instead of recasting Alan Spaulding with Ron Raines, they should've went with Roscoe Born, and ever since I've never been able to unsee such a good casting choice. It would've been amplified if they brought on Hope who would also be recast (Catherine Hickland? Robin Mattson? Julia Barr?). 


    Kimberly Mccullough as Michelle Bauer.

    Sharon Gabet as Claire Ramsey

    Brenda Epperson as Mindy Lewis.

  8. 36 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    I was pretty disappointed that Sam didnt bring up her infidelity with Sonny to Carly this week during their heart to heart about Sonny nd Nina's affair.

    Because Carly lacks friends on the show, so they force stuff like her scenes with Sam about Sonny's infidelity, with zero regard for each characters history. 

  9. Guiding Light....where do I start?

    Between 93-95 there were quite a few stories that looked good on paper, but were poorly executed. Roger/Jenna storyline seemed to be dragged out too long. Alan's return, with him and Alan-Michael being interested in the same woman (Tangie) looked good on paper perhaps, but played out as dull as dishwater, with nobody caring about the woman "caught" in the middle nor caring about Ron Raine's incarnation of Alan Spaulding. The story was convoluted and penned to prop one of JFP's pets. 

    Vanessa falling for a younger man (Matt Reardon), just didn't seal the deal for me with how it was executed on screen.

    The Brent Lawrence story, had some legs, but spiraled out of control in the end. 

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