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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 14 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I know I come on here and post this every day but I am so bored with Drew being the town therapist. Every scene is him listening to someone's feelings and trying to help them sort it all out. How do they already have absolutely nothing for him to do? Just make him a motivational speaker or something at this point. As for him and Carly almost kissing? No, just no. No offense to CM because I like him, but Drew could disappear tomorrow and I probably wouldn't notice. They brought him out of captivity just so he could do nothing.

    I did like that Victor saved Charlotte.

    You'd think they'd give Drew a storyline similar to Dante's when he returned, dealing with the affects of being held captive so long. But nope, he's the town therapist..


    14 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I know I come on here and post this every day but I am so bored with Drew being the town therapist. Every scene is him listening to someone's feelings and trying to help them sort it all out. How do they already have absolutely nothing for him to do? Just make him a motivational speaker or something at this point. As for him and Carly almost kissing? No, just no. No offense to CM because I like him, but Drew could disappear tomorrow and I probably wouldn't notice. They brought him out of captivity just so he could do nothing.

    I did like that Victor saved Charlotte.

    You'd think they'd give Drew a storyline similar to Dante's when he returned, dealing with the affects of being held captive so long. But nope, he's the town therapist..


    14 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I know I come on here and post this every day but I am so bored with Drew being the town therapist. Every scene is him listening to someone's feelings and trying to help them sort it all out. How do they already have absolutely nothing for him to do? Just make him a motivational speaker or something at this point. As for him and Carly almost kissing? No, just no. No offense to CM because I like him, but Drew could disappear tomorrow and I probably wouldn't notice. They brought him out of captivity just so he could do nothing.

    I did like that Victor saved Charlotte.

    You'd think they'd give Drew a storyline similar to Dante's when he returned, dealing with the affects of being held captive so long. But nope, he's the town therapist..


  2. 46 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    Christopher Sean did great acting on the show, he was committed to his scenes, and had lots of magnetism/dynamism.  So I didn't really care about details of the retcon that brought his character Paul to the canvas.  Drake and CS vibed so well together as father/son, it was really amazing.

    I remember the show trying to turn Paul into sort of a action hero like his father, and I approved of this. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    I got back with Guiding Light around 2002-03-ish and felt it was weird. But when Tammy and Jonathan happened in 2004 I was so hooked again and every other story was moving again. 
    i even liked GL 2005 to 2008.

    Lizzie and Bill were one of my ultimate couples

    But in 2009 the whole new camera filming thing ruined the show and sealed their faith! 

    All I remember from 2008, before the switch in the production model was everything took place either in a hotel room, Main Street, or Ellen Wheeler's actual office posing as a set🤣. Things were bare bones before the switch, and they didn't get any better after the switch either; instead it got worse. 

  4. Guiding Light

    1975: No longer titled "The Guiding Light", Allen Potter and the Dobsons take over the show, and transform the show with more contemporary storytelling. 

    1983/1984: Kobe/Long/Culliton revive the show with the Four Musketeers, introduction of Reva, India, and Alexandra. These stories would help to set the focus of the show for remainder of the 80s, and it was very much different from the show it was at the start of the 80s under Marland. 

    1989: The return of Roger Thorpe, Blake's transformation into a vixen in the Phillip/Beth story, Josh and Reva wed, reveal of Dylan being Reva's son, Billy and Vanessa on and off again until Nadine enters the picture. Behind the scenes, Robert Calhoun becomes EP. So much transpired in this year, it helped to set up the shows last golden era until 93. 

    1993: Maureen's death. Beverlee McKinsey's departure as Alex. Kimberly Simms's departure. Justin Dea's arrival as Buzz Cooper. So much transpired this particular year for GL, and much of it not for the better, and its ripple effects would be felt for the rest of the show's run. 

    1997: The first time since 1993, that the show appeared to be firing on all four cylinders, and then everything went south with the clone, the mob, San Cristobel, etc. The show had consistent energy, reached several highs, and then could never recover after E&B's/Paul Rauch's missteps. 

    2002: Again the show appeared to still have some life in it, with Taggart and Cullition tapping into the show's history and bringing the storytelling back down to earth. Rauch seemed to whip the show into shape his final year which coincided with the shows 50th Anniversary on television. Production values improved, the day to day writing was good, and I was shocked that actors like Maeve Kinkead and Peter Simon came back to the show. 

    2004: Wheeler and Kreizman assume the reigns of the show; Roger Thorpe is killed off, introduction of Jonathan Randall in the form of Tom Pelphrey, Gina Tognoni cast as Dinah/Dinah's return. A transformational year for the show; where some decisions helped keep the show on air for a few more years. 

  5. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4954636/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl

    Per IMDB

    This show was a Primetime episode. Victoria calls Cole. Victor arrives at the ranch. He wants to talk to his daughter. Jack and Hope discuss Victor and Victoria's relationship. Hope wants to go to the ranch and talk to Victoria. Nathan has vanished with little Nate. Thanks to Lynne, Neil gets Nayhan's address. He goes to Nathan's place, soon followed by Olivia and Drucilla. Nathan is adamant; he wants little Nate to stay with him. Olivia collapses. Robert calls Heather, tells her that April doesn't want him to see her and asks her if there a way for her to meet him out of school. Heather says she'll find a way. April wants to leave Paul's apartment. Paul calls Chris. He would like her to come and tell April that going back to New-York would be the biggest mistake of her life.

  6. 5 hours ago, te. said:

    I'm not as as down on Ron as some people are, but his strength does not lie in writing stories like that.

    Exactly, that is what I fear the most. Her death under Ron is not going to have long lasting effects, I bet we won't even get an appearance from JJ at her funeral (or even see him mourn for his big sister at all). I probably would be a bit more accepting of Abby's death if it was under a different writer, but Ron? No way. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, me. The early ‘90s were top notch but oof, did things fall apart circa ‘93-94. 1997 was also great, but again, mess afterwards. The ‘80s also felt a bit all over the place. 2000s had some good stuff and some awful, unprofessional stuff.

    Definitely agree. 80-82, that period between Marland and Long/Culliton was a off period, and then things picked up for GL from 83 til perhaps early 85 (I'm being generous by including 85 at all 😂) The show really wouldn't pick up again until 89. 

  8. Someone said one of their favorites not topping many of these lists, Guiding Light, because it was too erratic, and I would agree sadly. And the decades GL would probably top, was before my time.

    1990s: Honestly if we're going by consistently good, All My Children, Bold and the Beautiful, and Young and the Restless. Runner up General Hospital. 

    2000s: Very mixed bag here but I'm going to go with Bold and the Beautiful. Runner up being OLTL, and GH (GH for production and day to day writing). 

    2010s: DAYS with GH as runner up. 

  9. 3 hours ago, LondonScribe said:

    Funnily enough, it wasn’t always like this with Josh Griffith. I thought he steadied the show somewhat in 2008, during the Writer’s Strike, after the mess Lynn Marie Latham made of it  (though parts of that period were a giant nothing burger).

    As well as 2012-13 as Head Writer, after Maria Arena Bell/Scott Hamner/Hogan Sheffer took things off the rails. Introducing Hilary, amongst others, and going some way to at least explaining Sharon’s behaviour under Maria Bell, even though I believe he started that paternity switch with Summer, Jack and Nick. I can’t recall. 

    And I’m one of seemingly few people who actually liked his very (and I mean VERY) dark take on Days Of Our Lives in 2015-16, though I accept he likely went a couple of steps too far at the end with Hope killing Stefano and Ciara’s rape.

    But this 3rd go around with Y&R?… this isn’t it. For all the reasons stated before and more succinctly. 

    ^This! All of this.

    It was until those missteps Griffith had at DAYS is when I started having serious issues with his writing. However his Y&R is atrocious. Storylines are started, and then suddenly stop at the drop of a hat. His tenure on this show lacks any drama, any follow through, and there are very little or zero stakes. He's supposed to be penning a soap opera, but Y&R in it's current incarnation is anything but that.  And I am so annoyed that so much is either based on what transpired off screen. 

  10. On 1/19/2022 at 11:33 AM, zanereed said:

    I still think a good Alan recast in 1993 would have been George Reinholt, and I can't even take credit for that idea...someone mentioned it to me back in 2020. I never thought of it before, but I think Reinholt could have made Alan a complex character in the vein of Bernau. Roscoe Born would have been perfect, as well, but I really like the idea of Born as Andy Norris, Andy being fresh out of his prison stint and looking for help from Holly. 

    I think the show missed the boat with Holly's family, in later years. There was so much potential. 


    You also had the fact that Andy had a past with Trish Lewis; he could've ruffled some feathers within that family as well. 

  11. I liked Cosgrove and Alfonso too, and I echo that it's a shame that they ruined such a relationship. 

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I actually liked Hope and Giles Marini's character Ted Laurent. I liked the contrast of commissioner/cop Hope Brady getting involved with a character who had questionable morals but on the rare occasion did the right thing (similar to Jack Devereaux). 

  12. Didn't RC have a story planned for Hope where she falls for a Navy SEAL? If Hope is going to be recast, I assume RC is just desperate to tell this story of his (possibly recycle old scripts from his OLTL days involving Brody).  

  13. Ron's stories always include someone obviously acting out of character, a character then stumbling across the truth, followed by a very thin plot point of someone being kidnapped, held hostage, or blackmailed; which delays the truth from being revealed. It gets dragged out (scenes start becoming repetitive), and whoever is responsible for keeping said bombshell suffers little or no consequences. Rinse, wash, and repeat, and there are no long term or lasting effects.  

  14. On 1/15/2022 at 9:41 AM, Michael said:

    Craig's one of those characters who I'd believe was bisexual all along. It would be an interesting twist (if this is where they're going) that Nancy has known their entire relationship that Craig was bi and had relationships with men before her, but he's also loved and genuinely been attracted to Nancy this whole time. And they never revealed it to Chloe, who resents being kept in the dark.

    This would be more true to character than anything, but leave it to Ron to make a mockery of coming out late in life. 

  15. 14 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Those episodes are a total treat. Over Christmas I watched all of the Lucas Shoots Franco Kelly/Sami Execution storyline and was impressed with 1) how great the show looked 2) all the music cues and 3) how riveting it was to watch. 

    It's interesting how we watch episodes/stories like that now and it's riveting, but at the time I remember the whole the Franco saga getting flack for being heavily drawn out. However looking at back at that time period (I've watched a few episodes myself too recently) I can agree that it's good stuff at least compared to today's show. 

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