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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    In all my years of soap viewing, nobody ate show like they did on ABC in the 2000’s.  OLTL tried very hard to be more of an ensemble at times, probably because Frons paid less attention to them.

    AMC- Ryan Lavery.  Again, a character I have enjoyed, but he was just used way too much during their last decade.

    AMC: How could I forget Babe and Krystal....😠

  2. 2 hours ago, ironlion said:

    Often, charachters eating a show has a negative connotation. Were there any examples of charachters occupying ALOT of screen time that you were okay with?

    Honestly, looking back on GL, I was okay with Billy/Roger/Alexandria occupying a majority of the storylines & airtime under Curlee/Demorest. 2 out of the 3 had good writing most of the time. (Alex until the whole Mindy/Nick mess)

  3. I always got the sense that the Beacon Hotel was separate from the lighthouse. The hotel started off as being abandoned until Cassie or someone wanted to restore it. The Beacon was located near the lighthouse or across from it. 

    Folks are going to either find the 2002 opening horrible or just be ambivalent to it lol I just remember being excited that the show was finally updating it's opening credits, because almost every other soap was doing the same, most notably its lead-in ATWT which was looking better and being produced better than its sister soap. I rank it better than any of the following opening sequences the show would have after it was replaced, including that Ellen Wheeler talk show theme one that showed clips of the show and publicity stills. 




    Alan-Michael and Gilly

    Danny and Cassie (long term romance)

    Ben Reade and Marah: I would've drawn this out longer for the simple fact of bringing back Kyle Sampson. 

    Shayne Lewis and Lizzie Spaulding: Casting aside, I like the idea of these two on paper, and them having a dysfunctional toxic relationship similar to Josh and Reva, and of course their families having never gotten along, playing a huge factor in the chaos of their relationship. 


  5. So we have had one LGBT character murdered and her body stashed somewhere, and now another one is going to be raped. Absolutely brilliant EE! 

    I was actually going to dip in and check on how EE is doing with Sam's return, I've seen some positive things said about it, but now I'm not so sure I should get back in considering what is  coming. 

  6. On 4/19/2022 at 5:41 PM, Mitch64 said:

    The good old circular Bauer Spanish style fireplace, which stuck it out almost to the end..( I just watched a Inside the Light on Rick and Mel and she is having her family over to the Bauers and somehow the fireplace ended up in the kitchen..) I have ALWAYS wanted a fireplace like that and most likely why I love Spanish style. This is a good, though odd set. Most soap homes were generic, the Bauers has the Spanish element and they even mimiced plaster in the walls.

    Maybe I just grew up on a faster pace but I do have to say, some of this is SLOOWWWW... "Viola called..." (pause)..."Did she say anything?" (pause)..."No," (pause) "Well I better call her back"  is a bit tedious..people in real life don't talk like that.

    Bernau is a piece of a** in his younger days, MG is ageless...Hope is dull (they needed the character back, but Rousell was like watching paint dry) and Charita was younger then, then I am now!!! No ego on her playing an adult woman's grandmother and such a comforting feeling watching her.

    That whole look of the Bauer home, while not traditional, really helped to make GL and the Bauer's feel like home. That fireplace, the kitchen, all iconic. It made GL stand out from the other soaps, and made the Bauer's also stand out compared to your typical soap family that the show should revolve around.  Gawd I miss that show 🥲

  7. Re: Guiding Light

    2001 was Lloyd Gold taking over from Claire Labine. His tenure started off ok, Claire Ramsey and Alan Spaulding were mixing it up in Springfield as antagonists in quite a few stories. I think you still had some of the Richard/Cassie/Beth/Edmund story playing out, and Edmund/Beth being featured heavily. Introduction of Gus Aitoro, and him mixing it up with Harley and Danny/Michelle. Blake/Ross were given a fatal attraction storyline involving law student Tory Granger. San Cristobal earthquake. Also you had Tony/Catalina/Marah/Romeo story playing out with Catalina's murder mystery. Gold's tenure seemed to unravel when he penned the time travel story involving Josh/Reva/Olivia. When Taggart joined in 2002, she attempted to bring Gold's storylines back down to earth and while attempting to honor the show's history(2002 was the show's 50th Anniversary on TV).


    Left off that you also had Harley being pregnant with Rick's baby, and it being revealed at the Bauer BBQ in 2001. I found that particular story fascinating, as O'Leary and Ehlers played very well off each other. 

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