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Matt P.

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Everything posted by Matt P.

  1. Yeah Anna Lee stabbing Carrie was a plot that I came up with about five years ago. It sadens me and relieves me too that PP will be ending soon. Who knows maybe I'll do a reunion in the later years. It worked for Dynasty. The reason I think the triangle and the quadrangles are working is because all of the characters have history. Ginny has wanted Owen since day one but Tanisha claimed him. I still have people telling me who they want to be together. The girl who portrays Alley (Dani Rowley) is very vocal that she wants Blake and Alley to be together vs John and Alley. How will that all end?
  2. Oh lordy. Ria is such a SLUT! She says things that makes me hate her and love her. The guys are kind of dumb to go seek help from her because they should know by now that she's after one thing. It was a good setup for Kiko to reveal that D.C. was bro hoe's father. Very touching scene between Sister Pat & Madea. It seems all characters like to go to Salem. I think this gave Sister Pat the strength to fight for her family. Even though they hate her. Ash's love triangle reminds me so much of the Tanisha/Owen/Ginny plot. Love that Ash is slowly becoming crazy as it does run in the family. It was great to see Natalia back in action. She was literally in action with her fight with Bryan. Wish she would return to her vixenous business scheming roots. Sometimes babies make vixens weak. IE Sami Brady. Lauren's going to be found out! Hopefully Ty finds her because that would make for some good drama. Apple seems to be Mona's mentor/lover. I'm thinking that LaDonna will be her long lost sister. Nice cliffhanger.
  3. I am happy that mySONtv feels like its good old self again. Can't wait to get back into an Exciting Life in Salem! I will be commenting as soon as possible! Now all we need is A Hand of Heart & Diamonds plus Varied Lives to come back and we'll be in business.
  4. - - - Judge Valencia looked at her paper as she read her decision. She looks up at Nan. Carlos sneaks in and sits in the back to watch the action. Judge Valencia: I have decided to side with the plaintiff. Jenny: (to Hayley) We won? Hayley nods her head. Nan jolts out of her seat to speak. Judge Valencia: Miss Sheridan I advise that you sit down. Nan: May I approach the bench? Or just you? Judge Valencia: My decision has been made. But I… Nan: No you have to hear me out! Please?! Bryant: Nan just calm down and let her finish. Nan: The reason why I have done what I’ve done is because these people have been horrific to me! They have tortured me. They’ve hurt me in ways that I shiver when I think about. I come off as tough exterior but on the inside I’m a scared girl who only wanted friends. I just wanted to be loved. Tears pour out of her eyes as she pleads her case. Nan: I never got that. I never got that from my messed up family. (looks at Jenny) Or from people who pretended to be my friend or my boyfriend. That’s why I am who I am. Because the mean kids of this school made me into a villain! I can’t go to jail. Judge will you please reconsider your decision. Please? I beg you. After a brief pause, Hayley stands up agitated. Hayley: Your honor the defense’s plea should not be added towards the case or your verdict. Bryant: Yes it should be. It seems the plaintiff’s lawyer doesn’t have a heart. Much like her client. Jenny: (screaming) OBJECTION! Judge Valencia hammers her gavel. Judge Valencia: ENOUGH! You can quit with the waterworks and you two can learn to play nice. If I could ever get a damn word out to finish, I am sentencing Nan to the Cody Psyche Ward where professional doctors can take care of her and under their say will decide when she will be released. You will be placed in seventy-two hours. Judge Valencia hammers her gavel again. Judge Valencia: Court is adjourned. (under her breath) Thank god. Judge Valencia exits to her chambers. Nan just sat in her seat. Carlos slipped out, unnoticed. Jenny was about to leave the courtroom until Nan goes after her. Bryant tries stopping her. Bryant: Nan don’t! She ignores him. Jenny: You lost. Nan: You think all is done. But with me you’ve never won! All Jenny could do was laugh at her and walk out of the courtroom with her head up high. - - - Episode 135: Train Wreck of Emotions Series Creator & Head Writer: Matt Politylo Logo Desginer: Mary Zimmerman Guest Starring: Kristoff St. John as Gerald Arlington - - - In her empty bedroom, Rena looks at a picture that was taken of her family when she was younger. She was so much happier then she thought to herself. She then has a flashback of when she first saw him as a spirit. Rena: Daddy? Gerald: Yeah baby doll it’s me. Rena: But you’re dead. Gerald: That’s true. I’m here with you now. Rena: Am I dreaming? Gerald: It’s kind of like that. Look you’re a very special girl who has a very special gift. Rena: Oh boy. Gerald: You can talk to people from another side. People like me. But I want you to know that we’ll never hurt you. Ever! Rena: You can’t hurt me daddy. I love you too much. Gerald: I love you too baby doll. The flashback ends. Lenvy enters through the wall. Lenvy: I’m an only child also. Rena: It’s pretty lonely isn’t it? Lenvy: Yeah. Especially when you’re raised by one mother. My father died too but it was whenever I was very young. The one who raised me died. Little did I know that I was adopted and had a twin. When I was on earth, I wasn’t able to connect with my direct family. Rena: Sorry to hear that. (changing the subject) Where’s Will? Lenvy: Right behind me. He’s been busy. Will pops up out of the window and has a smile on his face. Will: I know something big! And it’s going to help you and Alicia be on good terms again. - - - Nan opens her cabinet in her kitchen apartment and takes down all of her glasses. She looks at one glass and hurls it against the wall. Smashing it into little pieces. Bryant: Watch it! Bryant walks into her kitchen and takes cover. Nan: Shut up you ambulance chaser! Bryant: Geez is this the thanks I get for the effort that was made? Nan throws another glass at him. Nan: I’m going to help you. I’m going to win. I never lose! Well you lost this one jerk. Bryant: Losing happens. Nan: Not with me it doesn’t. Do you know how embarrassed I was when Jenny practically rubbed it in my face that I was found guilty? It was gut wrenching. Bryant: But you’re going to be getting the help that you obviously need. Nan walks over to him and slaps him across the face. Nan: What did you just say? Nan goes to throw another glass at him until her phone rings. Nan: Stay right there. (answering) Hello? Anna Lee: Nan? What are you doing home? I thought you were at the trial. Nan: There’s news on that sis. We lost. Anna Lee: What?! Nan: Yep. I was found guilty. Jenny won. Anna Lee: I’m sorry to hear that. Nan: Save it. Where in the hell are you? Anna Lee: I’m about to get hauled off to jail and I only got one call so I thought it would be you. Nan: What did you do? Anna Lee: It’s a long story. Think Bryant might be able to help? Nan: Good news is he just might be. When are they allowing visitors? Anna Lee: All day tomorrow. Just hurry. I can’t stand to spend the night here. Nan: I’ll deal with it. Nan hangs up with Anna Lee. She smiles at Bryant. Bryant: Seems like someone’s in big trouble. Nan: Anna Lee needs your help. Would you reconsider taking on another Sheridan case? I know how much lawyers love money! Bryant: You’re crazy to think that I would even stand to look at either one of you! Bryant slams the door to escape Nan. She screams out of frustration and throws another glass at the wall. Nan picks up her cell phone and dials her father. Nan: Hi dad it’s me. I have some bad news and some good news. The good news is…I’m willing to give you forgiveness and the bad news is, it’s going to cost you. - - - Agatha slides two frozen ice drinks for Jenny on the counter of The Palace Café. Agatha: For the winner who I haven’t seen in forever. They’re on the house. Jenny: Thanks Agatha. It’s great seeing you. The door opens and Carlos walks in. He walks over and gives Agatha a hug. Carlos: You’ve done wonders for this place. Agatha: I’m not the only one. Believe me, working with Ginny at the café is ten times more enjoyable then the numerous years I spent at the hospital. Carlos: I hear that. Carlos walks away from Jenny who follows him. Jenny: Look…I’m sorry about the other day. I was being a jerk. Carlos: You won. Congrats. Jenny: Yeah but not if I don’t have you to celebrate with. Then this victory means nothing to me because she’s sure as hell done a hell of a lot to us. Carlos: I snuck in. Jenny: You did? Carlos: Yeah. I was curious to know if all of your hard work would pay off. Jenny: You should've told me you were there. Or you might have still been giving me the silent treatment. Carlos: Maybe I overreacted also. Jenny: No you didn’t. I was being an uber competitive bitch. Carlos: Pretty much but I love you for it. You have such passion when you put your mind to something. Jenny puts her arms around Carlos. Jenny: That’s how I feel about us. He leans in and kisses her. The kiss is interrupted by Blake and London. Blake: If anyone was able to take down Nan Sheridan, then I’m glad it was you. Believe me I tried many times but you’re the one who’s most successful. Jenny: Believe me I’m happy to have done it. Who all is coming? I only see Owen. Owen: Did I hear my name? Jenny: Just was saying that I'm happy you helped. Owen: What can I say? Glad that she finally got what was deserved. London: John is on his way. Not sure about Alley. Alley: We’re here thank you very much. John: Nice to see everyone. Owen: Well this is getting interesting. Jenny: What about Dylan? I thought he would be happy to celebrate Nan’s future. She did bad things to him a long time ago. Blake: He’s at the hospital with Carrie. I don’t think he’ll be able to make it. Carlos: How is she doing? Blake: The same I think. Jenny: Give them our best. Blake: Sure thing. Jenny: Have a frozen drink and have fun. It’s not champagne but it’ll do. This is for sure a special occasion. Jenny goes back to Carlos as the four look at each other. Owen also excuses himself. John: More like awkward occasion. Alley & London: JOHN! John: When did I lose free speech and the right to sarcasm? Blake: Alley maybe it’s time? London: Time for what? Alley: To let everyone know who the father of my baby is. John: Who is it? Blake: It’s me. Alley told me last night that I’m the father. Everyone takes a moment to digest the information. London: That’s kind of funny. John’s the father of my baby. Blake’s the father of Alley’s. Alley: Do we think we can all become like the four muskateers? John: So many jokes running through my head right now. Blake: I think first thing is first. We need to decide who it is we want to be with. Because that’s not exactly clear. - - - Later on in the evening, Alicia and Kellan finally enjoy themselves on their date. They were already on their second bottle of red wine. Kellan keeps pouring for her. Alicia: Are you trying to get me drunk? Kellan: You must not be if you can still speak clearly. Alicia: Wine makes me sleepy. It also makes me…friendly. She winks at him from across the table. He winks back. Kellan: Might have to order another bottle. Alicia: I’m really having a great time Kellan. Kellan: So am I. Alicia: I never thought that I would find someone like you. You came into my life out of no where and just swept me off of my feet. I’m really- Alicia’s cell phone goes off. Her caller ID read ‘YVONNE’. She didn’t want to answer it. Kellan: Who’s that? Alicia: I should’ve turned it off. Kellan: Well it’s going to keep ringing unless you ignore it or answer it. Alicia: This will only take a second. (answering) What? Yvonne: Whatever happened to saying hello? My how manners have just been swept away amongst our youth. Alicia: I’m really busy right now. Can I call you back? Yvonne: I’ll make it brief. Was the deed done? Is my daughter the laughing stock of Point Palace? Alicia: Not exactly. Yvonne: What do you mean, not exactly? Alicia: It just hasn’t been done yet. Yvonne: I gave you everything you needed to do it. It’s a simple conversation with a sleazy tabloid reporter. It’s not that hard Alicia! Alicia: (upset) It’ll get done just not now. I have other and better things to worry about. Ruining your daughter’s life is not tops on my list. Alicia hangs up her phone and returns her attention to Kellan. Alicia: Now. Where were we? Alicia finishes off yet another glass of wine. - - - At Cody Memorial Hospital, Ava opens the door to Bobbie’s hospital room. Her eyes were awake but she still looked sick. James is holding Bobbie’s hand and smiles. Nate comes in behind her. Nate: We heard the good news. Ava: Maieve told us that Bobbie’s awake. James: I guess someone up there really heard my prayers. Ava: Hey Bobbie. Bobbie: Hi Ava. I missed you. Ava: I missed you too. However when you were sleeping we were all right here watching over you. Bobbie: That’s nice. Even you Nate? Nate: Yep. Even me. I was hoping we’d be able to face chat with each other but the doctor’s wouldn’t let me. Bobbie: Oh you and technology. Nate: Glad to see you’re doing okay. Bobbie: I’m sorry. Nate: For what? Bobbie: For what I did to you. For using you. Nate: Bobbie that’s been long forgotten. Bobbie: And to you dad. I’m sorry for everything that I put you through. I was being a brat. James: Hey that’s okay. You’re just being a mouthy teen. I never had one of those so I’m glad I was able to experience that. Bobbie: I love you dad. James: I love you too Bobbie. James looks at Ava. James: So does your mom. I’m sure she would have loved to have met you. Bobbie: I bet. James kisses her forehead. Tears came pouring out of Ava’s eyes. James was fighting back tears and Nate looked to the side. They all knew what was coming. Ava: Do you need me to get you anything Bobbie? Bobbie: A hug? Ava: Yeah I can give that. Ava leans over and hugs her friend. Bobbie: You’re my best friend. You always will be. Ava: Thank you so much. I’ve learned a lot from you. Bobbie closes her eyes. Nate: I think I’m going to get the doctor. Ava: Bye Bobbie. James: We love you. Bobbie: Bye. Her heart monitor was racing. Bobbie’s strength was falling fast. Ava places her hand on James’s shoulder. He embraces her. Then it happened. Bobbie flat lined. - - - Ginny paced back and forth in her apartment. She heard the knock and knew who it was. She opens it to find Tanisha. Ginny: For once you can come in. Tanisha: Are you going to attack me? If so, I’ll get my camera so that I can take you to court. Ginny: You would love that. Tanisha: Tried having you arrested once. It was funny. Ginny: We don’t share the same sense of humor. Tanisha: You’re right. Owen is no laughing matter. What’s your decision? Are you packing up? Ginny: Remind me again what happens if I don’t cooperate. Tanisha: God you’re either stupid or forgetful. If you don’t leave Owen and me alone then I go to the police about how Owen shot Blake. I’ll make it look like you could’ve saved him. He would never talk to you again! Ginny: Oh that’s right. Owen did you hear that? Tanisha: What? Owen appears from Ginny’s bedroom. He wasn’t happy. Owen: I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want it to be true but I heard what you were going to do. Tanisha: Baby I don’t think you- Owen: Understand? Please explain to me how you blackmailing Ginny through a crime which I never should’ve told you about in the first place could possibly be good for our relationship? Tanisha: I…uh…because…I love you. Ginny has been bothering us since day one. I wanted her gone so that we can fully be together. Owen: You wanted her gone at my expense? I could’ve gone to jail. Did you think of that? Obviously not. And to think everything that Alexia and my family has given you. You would go behind everyone, especially me, to do something so damaging! Tanisha: I would’ve have bailed you out. Everything would’ve been fine. We can get through is. Let’s get out of here. Let’s go back to Raleigh. I don’t care, I just want to be with you. Owen: Well I don’t want to be with you. I never want to see you again Tanisha. Don’t even think about going to the police with what you know. I’ll have five witnesses backing me up because these people would do anything to protect me. Tanisha: But…I love you. Don’t leave me for her! Ginny: This is all your fault. You have no one to blame but yourself. Tanisha: Shut up bitch! I hate you. Owen: Bye Tanisha. Ginny: I think it’s time you left. Tanisha: This isn’t over! Owen: Yes it is. I want nothing to do with you. Tanisha glares at Ginny. She leaves, slamming the door. - - - In the late evening at the Point Palace school board room, a meeting was underway. Benjamin, Lanoi, and Myra sit reviewing files. Benjamin: No one can find Bryan. This is getting to be a little strange. Lanoi: Bryan would never abandon his role as president. He wanted it way too much. Myra: We haven’t heard a word from him. I could call Blake. Lanoi: I think that’s the next best thing. He did amazing things for this school. The door opens and in comes Howard with Marli disguised as Nina. Benjamin: Howard? What are you doing here? Howard: I’m here to tell everyone what a mistake I made. This girl here has proof that Bryan Daniels will not be president anymore! Myra: I remember you. You were looking for Blake. Marli: Yes I was. I instead found Howard. I have on video Bryan Daniels threatening Howard’s nurse. Bryan paid her to poison Howard so that he would replace Blake as president. Benjamin: That’s a pretty hefty accusation. Marli puts the DVD down on the table. Marli: It’s all right there. You just have to press play. Myra calls Blake. Myra: (secretly) Hey it's Myra. You might want to come down to the boardroom. She hangs up with him. Howard: I can’t even watch it again. To think what that evil bastard did to me is unheard of. Not to mention unethical. Not the kind of person I want ruling this school. Lanoi: We can’t even find Bryan. That’s it. I think we need to make an executive decision as a board to fire Bryan Daniels and bring back Blake Hammerton as president of Point Palace. Lanoi is about to make a ruling until the doors are opened again. This time it’s Bryan looking cleaned up and well. He comes in with two policemen. Bryan: That won’t be necessary. I’m back! - - - Dylan waits outside of Carrie’s hospital room and talks to Blake on his cell phone. Dylan: Blake it was great catching up with you. We’ll talk soon. Bye. Dylan hangs up with Blake. Doctor Vexen taps Dylan on his shoulder. It makes him jump. Dr. Vexen: Sorry. Dylan: It’s okay. I’m just jumpy. Haven’t gotten any sleep lately . How’s Carrie doing? Dr. Vexen: It’s not good news. Dylan: (defeated) Go on. Dr. Vexen: She hasn’t made any changes. Her brain waves stay the same. Dylan: But there’s a chance she could wake up from her coma, right? I need every member of this hospital to fix her! Dr. Vexen: We’ve been waiting for weeks for a possibility and it seems like it might not happen. Dylan: What it sounds like is that you’re giving up on her. Dr. Vexen: If she doesn’t wake up soon there’s really nothing more this hospital could do. We may have to pull the plug on her breathing tube. Dylan walks into Carrie’s hospital room. She was still hooked up to her machine. The doctor was right, nothing was changing. He holds her hand and collapses next to her. - - - Rena drives in her car with Will and Lenvy in the backseat. They race to save Alicia. Rena: Let me get this straight. This Kellan guy is trying to kill her? Will: Yeah. I thought he was a good person in her life but he’s not. I heard it myself. Lenvy: We need to stop him. Rena: Where are they? I feel like I’m driving blind. While Rena talks to the ghosts that no one could see, she stops at a red light. Another driver notices her talking to herself and gives her a weird look. Rena picks up on it. Rena: Great! Will: Lenvy think. Where are they? Do you see them? Lenvy closes her eyes. She gets a vision of the two of them in a subway tunnel. Lenvy: They’re waiting for the Shuttle train! - - - Alicia holds on to Kellan. She was beyond her control from being drunk. Alicia: I…I…love you sah much. Kellan: I hate you. Always have. You killed my brother and now it’s your turn to die. Alicia: Wha-? Kellan: Remember Ivan? Alicia: Shot 'em. Huh? Nothing was making sense to her. She was too out of it. Kellan: (screaming) GOD YOU’RE SO DRUNK! Kellan looks over at the other people. Kellan: Sorry. She’s had too much. (whispering to her) Wouldn’t want you to slip and fall on the tracks. But it would be so fun to watch. He places his hand behind her back. The train starts to pull into the station as Kellan gets ready to push her in front of it.
  5. Sister Pat finally got what was coming to her but I actually felt sorry for her whenever she got it. This episode really made her shine. She broke down and had good reason to. It was very sweet to see Celeste and DC be the only ones who are willing to show her heart. Ria is such a hippicryte. She shouldn't be throwing stones in her glass ho house. Remind me again why Kiko has beef with Brian and Karl?
  6. It's so great that STEAM is back on mySONtv. Was this written by Tara months ago? Either way it was really good. I love how Ria's family put her in her well deserved place. Patti really loves her daughters. I realized that with your casting of Macy Gray & Jennifer Tilly means that you have two raspy evil vixens. Cannot wait to see what Mona's eulogy will bring to the town. It's very SAW VI. Welcome back to mySONtv!
  7. Matt P.

    S3 Episode 92

    Where has my GL fix been? I miss your updates! Is it on hiatus?
  8. - - - Anna Lee laughed out of frustration. With a firm grip, she digs her knife into the nearest leather chair. Anna Lee: Everyone compares me to her! I’m sick of it. Nan and I are two very different people. We operate in different ways! Dylan: Who are you? Anna Lee: We’ve never formerly met. I’m Anna Lee Sheridan. Nan and Tracie’s triplet. You remember Tracie right? The girl who you killed. Well Carrie’s memory was certainly triggered when her name was brought up. Dylan: What happened with Tracie was- Anna Lee: An accident. To me those are just words. Meaningless words. Actions speak louder then words. You dropped my sister to her death. Dylan: What do you want me to say? I couldn’t hold on. I didn’t have a firm grip and she slipped from my hands. I’m not some monster who purposely dropped her from that cliff. I didn’t choose Carrie over Tracie. If I could replay that moment I would’ve saved both of them. That’s what I wanted and it didn’t happen. Anna Lee: Which is why you have suffer the consequence. After I kill you tonight, I’m going to kill Carrie. Wasn’t our technological cat and mouse game so much fun? Dylan: You stabbed my fiancé. You put my life through hell. Anna Lee: But it all lead up to this moment. This is what you so desperately needed. You needed closure and to find out who did it. Edgar Allan Poe taught us that whoever gets revenge must let the person know why it was done. Otherwise it’s just...pointless. Dylan: I can stand here and say that I’m sorry about what happened but what you did is unspeakable. Anna Lee: This is poetic. You two can be together in the afterlife. Anna Lee starts walking towards Dylan. Anna Lee: Only you’re going to have to be the one who goes first. I should’ve changed my screen name to DylanKillah. Anna Lee goes to stab Dylan but he ducks out of the way. She tries again but with all his might he grabs onto her wrists to stop her. Anna Lee: (struggling) NO….you…must…die! Dylan pushes her off of him. She falls back onto his couch. He looks around for the light switch. The lights won’t turn on. Anna Lee: I cut the power stupid. Dylan turns around and Anna Lee is gone. - - - Episode 134: A Vixen’s Fate Series Creator & Head Writer: Matt Politylo Logo Designer: Mary Zimmerman - - - Across campus in Jenny’s room, tension was growing between Carlos and Jenny. Carlos is the first person to speak up. Carlos: I can’t sleep. Jenny: Neither can I. I keep thinking that C.C. is going to break out of jail and attack me. Carlos: She’s out of her lives for good! Jenny: Wasn’t that said the last time? Why didn’t you tell me? Why was I left in the dark? Carlos: Because you’re so wrapped up in this Nan case that I thought I could deal with this on my own. Jenny: You’re a good person and C.C. took advantage of that. Carlos: Then why can’t you just look past what happened? Jenny: Maybe if you would’ve told me it could’ve been stopped. We could’ve demanded a paternity test or filed for some sort of court ordered petition for custody. You hid this from me. I thought I was the only person who you whole-heartedly trust. Carlos: You are but you’re also obsessed with this feud between you and Nan. It’s changed you. Jenny: If this is your way of trying to get out of the dog house, I’d rethink your strategy. Carlos: Why is it always my fault? You freak out over the stupidest things. Jenny: Shut up! I do not! Carlos: I think I’m going to sleep alone tonight. Jenny: Sounds great to me. And by the way…your situation with C.C. might’ve cost me my case. We needed your testimony. Carlos: I did testify! Jenny: But it wasn’t good enough. Carlos: Nothing is ever good enough for you. Jenny: I have a case to win. Jenny opens the front door for him. Jenny: Good night! Carlos storms past her but turns around. Carlos: Take a good long hard look in the mirror chica. You’re not the same person! Carlos grabs the door handle to slam it himself. - - - Late night at Cody Memorial Hospital, Bobbie was asleep in her bed. She was hooked up to a vital machine. Ava touched her forehead. The door opens and Nate walks in with James. James: Any word? Ava: The doctor said things aren’t looking well but they’re doing everything that they can. Nate: This is because of her condition? Right? Ava: Yeah. We all know that time isn’t on Bobbie’s side. She had a dizzy spell, started having a seizure, and she hasn’t woken up since. Nate: That sucks. James: Then what do we do? Do I just stay here and watch her die? Because I won’t! I’ve already let her down once. I’m not going to do it again. James looks away as tears pour out of his eyes. James: I think I need a moment to myself. James leaves Bobbie’s hospital room. Nate: Why don’t you go after him. I’ll stay here and if anything happens I’ll get you. Ava: Thanks Nate. Nate: No problem. Ava leaves to find James at the nurse’s station. He’s giving the third degree to a harmless nurse. James: (screaming) TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW! WHERE THE HELL IS THE DOCTOR? (calming down) Please…just tell me. Something. Anything! Nurse: Sir you need to calm down. Ava puts her hand on his shoulder. Ava: Why don’t we sit and talk. They both take a seat. James: Crying is not going to do anything. I feel so useless and helpless. Ava: You came back. James: What? Ava: You returned. You came to see your daughter and to reconcile with her. That shows that you have a heart. And I know that you always did. James: Yeah? I guess it’s too little too late because she’s in there dying. If she goes tonight, the last moment that I had with her was an ugly one. James stands up to leave Ava alone. Now the tears were coming out of her eyes. - - - In his own darkened living room, Dylan searches for a weapon. Dylan: Anna Lee? Where did you go? She doesn’t answer. He finds an umbrella to strike her with. Dylan: I think you’re a coward. That’s why you hid behind a mask. She still doesn’t answer him. He makes his way through his home looking for her. Dylan: Come out and face me! Dylan hears a door slam. He slowly creeps toward his bathroom, figuring that’s where she went to. Dylan: You hiding from me? I thought you were this big scary killer. Why don’t you finish the job! Dylan opens the door fast but there’s no one in there. Behind him Anna Lee screams as she runs out of his bedroom trying to stab him again. He steps out of the way and trips her. She falls to the bathroom floor. Anna Lee: You’re going to die. I’m done playing games with you! Dylan raises his umbrella to strike her with but she kicks it out of his hand. He was defenseless. She gets back up to chase him. He runs through the living room. She catches up with him and tackles him to the ground. The knife gets raised. Anna Lee: This is for Tracie! Anna Lee goes to stab Dylan until he kicks her in the stomach making her fly through a glass china cabinet. Dylan gets up, tries making his way to the door, but with shards of glass and all, Anna Lee stands back up. Anna Lee: (screaming) YOU MUST DIE! Anna Lee throws the knife at him but it hits the wall. The door busts open and Detective Miltner come in with two police men with their guns pointed at her. The two police men take out handcuffs to place her under arrest. Detective Miltner: You’re under arrest. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. The police men escort Anna Lee to the cop car. Dylan: Thanks Detect Miltner. Would’ve been nicer if you came sooner. Detective Miltner: We didn’t see her come in. Dylan: I’m just glad I told you what was going on. I might’ve been killed if I hadn’t. Dylan shakes his hand. He looks around at his room that had been destroyed. Dylan: I’m sure you need a statement. I’m just…relieved. Now I can only pray that Carrie gets better. - - - The next morning, Alicia walks to The Point Palace Enquirer. She is right about to knock on Mik Lanlo’s office door but is stopped by Rena. Rena: Don’t do this. Alicia: Are you stalking me? For real? It seems like everywhere I go, you always end up there. Rena: All I’m asking is for you to look into your heart and see that you exposing me isn’t going to do anything. Alicia: That’s not true. You’ll be the laughing stock of the school. Rena: I don’t believe you’re that cruel! Alicia: And I didn’t think you’d be so calculating as to plot what you did with Jace and Will. We saw where that got them. Now if you’ll excuse me… Alicia places her hand on the doorknob. Rena: Will sent me here. Alicia was confused. Alicia: What did you just say? Rena: Yeah. I know exactly what you planned with my mom because Will has been talking with me. Alicia: (giggling) You’re ape [!@#$%^&*] crazy! Rena: Just- The two are interrupted by Kellan. Kellan: Hey Alicia. Alicia: Kellan what are you doing here? Kellan: You told me you were planning on seeing Mik and I saw your car out front so I put two and two together. Rena: Not to interrupt but Alicia would you please reconsider? I beg you. Rena walks away from Kellan and Alicia. Kellan: What was that all about? Alicia: She’s absolutely insane! Kellan: Who is she? Alicia: My soon to be ex roommate. Kellan: Oh...her. (changing the subject) So I was hoping I could whisk you away for a cup of coffee. Alicia looks at Mik’s door. Alicia: I am sort of in the middle of something. Kellan: It’s the only time I have since I'm still on call with the hospital and I really want to see you. Alicia: Fine. My business can wait for a handsome doctor like you. Alicia takes Kellan’s hand as they walk to his car. Rena watches from a far and breathes out a sigh of relief. - - - Marli disguised as Nina knocks on the door of Howard Ballinger. A new, older, nurse opens it. Nurse: May I help you? Marli: I’m here to see Mister Ballinger. Nurse: Do you have an appointment? Marli: I don’t but it’s kind of urgent if I see him. Nurse: Can I have your name? Marli: My name is Nina. Nurse: Wait right here. The nurse leaves but quickly returns with Howard. He used places his cane next to the door and looks at Nina. Howard: I’ve never seen this girl a day in my life. Marli: No you haven’t but I have some very important information for you. Howard: Pertaining to what? Marli: Point Palace and Bryan Daniels. Howard: If you came to ask me to remove Bryan it’s not going to happen. He’s doing an excellent job. Marli: You remember Abigail? Howard: Yes. She was one of my best nurses. Marli: Do you know the reason why she quit? Howard: She needed to spend more time with her family. Marli: She was being blackmailed by Bryan. Howard: That’s absurd. Marli: It’s the truth and I have proof. Do you have a DVD player? Howard: Yes I do. Marli digs through her purse and pulls out a DVD for him. Marli: Play this video. You’ll see just what a mistake it was to have Bryan back in control. And how Blake is the one who truly deserves the position. Marli leaves Howard to wonder just what was on the DVD. - - - In the warehouse, the hole for Bryan’s escape from the door was at a standstill. It was big but not big enough. He was tired and weak. Bryan: I’m going to get you. You bitch! Bryan stands up from the dingy floor and begins looking around. He stumbles a bit. He then hears a familiar voice. Nan: Failure! Bryan: My little sex pod. You came to rescue me. Nan: As if. I came to show you that as you rot in here Hammerhead has a better chance of being president. Bryan: No he doesn’t! Nan: Yes he does. Bryan: So what do I do? Nan: End it. Bryan: I’m trying but I can’t break out. Nan: I meant your life. Kill yourself. Bryan looks around but can’t find anything. His delusion of Nan has since ended. He feels his tie and an idea to hang himself pops into his mind. Bryan: Maybe you’re right. You always did know best. Maybe it’s best if I throw in the towel! - - - In John’s room, London walks in with baby L.J. John: Hey. London: Hi. I was just going to put her down for a nap. She was such a good girl today. We got sundaes and I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a coffee drinker on our hands. L.J. tried sipping my Palace Café coffee. John: Cute. London walks into L.J.’s room to put down her daughter. London: What’s wrong? John: Nothing. London: You haven’t formed a single sentence. That’s how I know something is wrong. John: Yes! Yes something is definitely wrong. I saw you kissing Blake yesterday! London: Oh no. You weren’t supposed to see that. John: Were you going to hide it from me? London: Eventually I would’ve told you. John: Eventually. That’s very promising. London: I’m sorry you saw what you did. But…I need to tell you that I still have feelings for him. John: And what about me? London: You will always have a special place in my heart. John: Thanks. London: Besides you still have feelings for Alley, right? John: Maybe. London: Ever since I returned things have been so different between everyone. Now there’s a baby on the way. John: And then you’re locking lips with Blake. London: We just to find out who it is we’re destined to be with. You and I have a past that’s not as big as what you and Alley have. Vice versa with me and Blake. John: So then what happens next? London: I don’t know but I think it’s best if we all discuss it like rational adults. - - - Blake wakes up from a nap on Alley’s couch. She kisses him on his cheek. Blake: Hey you. Alley: Hi. I didn’t mean to wake you. Blake: It had to be done. How was your doctor’s appointment? Alley: It went very well. I learned a lot. Blake: I want to thank you for everything you’ve given me. You offered me a home whenever I needed shelter the most. Alley: I love you. Blake: That’s such a strong word. Alley: You’re acting strange. Blake: Yeah. I’m kind of in a weird mood. Alley: I’m the one who’s pregnant. Blake sits up and holds her hand. Blake: I need you to be honest with me about something. Alley: Okay? Blake: If we broke up…would we be able to go back to being best friends? Alley: Why would you ask something like that? Blake is silent. Alley: You want to break up? Blake: I think I still have feelings for London. Alley: And I think…no wait…I’m sure that I’m having your baby! Alley storms out of her own apartment to leave him alone. - - - Later that evening, Tanisha takes Owen’s hand as they walk out of the glass elevator to their table at The River Teal. Tanisha: We had our first date here. Owen: We did? Tanisha: Yeah silly. Actually I think I was with someone else and you were with someone who we won’t ever mention. Owen: Oh yeah that’s right. That was kind of a disaster. Tanisha: Damn straight. Owen: I’m glad that you planned something for the two of us. Tanisha: Our anniversary comes only once a year. Owen: I can’t believe that it’s been three years already. Tanisha: I can. We’re meant for each other. Their date is interrupted by Ginny’s cell phone. She looks at the caller ID. Tanisha: It’s work babe. I’ll be right back. Tanisha moves to a private spot of the restaurant. She answers the phone with a smirk on her face. Tanisha: Perfect timing. Owen and I were just enjoying our anniversary dinner. Ginny: Don’t make me puke. I’ve given a lot of thought about what you want. Tanisha: You gone or you gone? Ginny: What are you doing tomorrow? Tanisha: Owen. Again and again. Ginny: How he can ever fathom that disgusting mouth of yours is beyond me! Tanisha: And how he still puts up with an ugly hag like yourself is over my head too! Ginny: Tomorrow we meet and we can discuss the terms of the agreement. Tanisha: Don't waste my time Ginny! Ginny: I'm not. I promise. Tanisha: Fine! Ta ta bitch. Tanisha hangs up with Ginny to return to the table. Owen: Good news? Tanisha: Very. Seems by tomorrow that something that I’ve been working on will definitely go my way. - - - Kellan is alone in his room. No Sean. No Alicia. Just himself. He is writing in his personal diary and talks out loud. The classical music was playing as he pours himself a glass of red wine. Kellan: Soon the time will come before I end her. Today I had coffee with her and all I could think of was how I wanted to poison her! He takes a sip of his wine. Kellan: But I have a plan. I plan on wining her and dining her to the point where she’s obliterated. Then an accident will take place after I push her in front of a subway car. Kellan laughs in an evil way. Will and Lenvy overhear his sinister plan. Will: And here I thought Rena might have been able to get through to him for Alicia but this guy’s trying to kill her! Lenvy: Yeah this is pretty messed up. Will: How are we going to save her? Lenvy: I don’t know Will. Will: I got it! Lenvy: What? Will: This is my destiny. I thought that I was supposed to repair Alicia’s friendship with Rena but not only can I do that but I can also save Alicia. I can fix everything and get into heaven! - - - The next morning, Nan was pacing back and forth outside of the courtroom. She was on the phone with Anna Lee who wasn’t picking up. Nan: Anna Lee I don’t know where the hell you are but get your ass over to the courthouse immediately! Bryant: Nan you really need to calm down. Nan: Calm? My life is in the hands of what that judge says in there. I’m freaking out! And losing is not an answer for me. I've gone through too much to let that red headed slut over there win! Bryant: Well don’t forget that you hired me. And I’m the best. Nan: We’ll see now won't we. The bailiff lets everyone into the courtroom. Only lawyers were allowed in with their clients. Carlos broke off from Jenny to give her the space she needed. Judge Valencia: This case has gone on way too long. I’m going to let both the defense and the prosecution give their closing statements before I make my ruling. The prosecution will start. Hayley: Thank you your honor. Hayley stands up. Hayley: When we first look at this case it’s very she said, she said. Childish if that. But why would my client make a claim against Nan Sheridan? There was so much evidence thrown out because of accusations that couldn’t have been backed up. Claims that would make your head spin your honor. But everything that was discussed in this court is true! Nan Sheridan has committed so much more then just malice. She has destroyed lives! What kind of a person sets out to do that? Hayley sits down. Hayley: Thank you your honor. Judge Valencia: Defense may proceed. Bryant stands up. He buttons his suit and smiles. Bryant: Nan Sheridan has had a tough life. We all saw it with her parents. Maybe she just hasn’t been able to play nice in the sandbox. The reason why Nan fights back is because she feels the need to retaliate. She’s retaliated from those who betrayed her. Jenny and Nan were once friends. How did a friendship end so badly? How much pain can one person take? Life isn’t fair but it only makes us stronger. That’s what I’ve learned from my client. That she’s a strong person who has been given a bad life. She shouldn’t be punished for that your honor. Bryant sits down. Judge Valencia: Both make for very good arguments. But I have a ruling. I’ve heard things that have made my skin crawl. Quite frankly I agree with Miss Stevenson. How can a person like Nan be real? But I also understand and I feel sorry for you Miss Sheridan. Which is why I can only think of one ruling for you. Everyone was clenching to find out what the verdict was going to be.
  9. Kellan's identity and purpose is revealed in upcoming episodes. I love how you hate Blake. He's like my favorite character to write for. Nate got amnesia when he was hanging out with Bobbie while Ava was doing research on Bobbie's parents. Bobbie tried seducing Nate but he rejected her so she hit over the head with a book when he was going to tell Ava what happened. When he came to, Bobbie used his amnesia to make him think that they were together. Remember the last season finale? It was Dylan and Carrie's wedding until Carrie fell over the upstairs choir banister after being stabbed. The only reason Lenvy and Will is a ghost is because I didn't want to kill Will off. Plus because of his past, what with killing Zak and everything else that he's done, may or may not get him past the pearly gates. When Lorrister says I should strangle you is a throwback to when Blake Carrington strangled Alexis. Thanks for reading ML. I so wish I could have the time to edit these episodes because I'm finding typos and repeating of words. Wishful thinking I guess.
  10. Marissa is desperate and you will for sure see that in the next episode. The court room scenes have been fun to write but I kind of wish I could give Nan more to do. She sort of has to sit on the sidelines and wait for her faith. I have also been enjoying the London/John/Alley/Blake quad. These two couples have such history with each other. Ava is such a stronger character in the last season. A lot of that has to do with Bobbie and pretty much everything she's been through. Dealing with alcoholism, being a lesbian, Zak's death, losing Ike and Vicki to save their relationship, James/Peggy/Laney, and through all of that she'll have to deal with Nate. So much drama and it makes me so happy to see you back at mySONtv!
  11. Matt P.

    Update 1

    I am so happy to hear this. ML welcome back! SONOP will for sure be making a change this year.
  12. Matt P.

    S3 Episode 92

    Oh crap Charissa isn't ready! I truly thought what she was doing was such a selfless act. It really made me like her more. Loved the confrontation between Annie and Marah. Marah really has amped up the vixen role and it's about time. I never liked Ava on GL. I don't know why. Maybe it's because she always battled with Lizzie. Very good ep. I can see the need to trim the cast down a bit.
  13. The only drawback with the courtroom scene is that Nan sits on the sidelines and can't be Nan. She really has to censor herself to be good since all eyes are on her. She's sort of pulling some strings behind the scenes but she has to be sneaky while doing it. Glad you liked everything else.
  14. I felt the cliffhanger endings where you had to wait for the next episode was become redundant that I wanted the reveal to be a double cliffhanger. This way there's two (possibly three if you include Tracie) that could be CarrieKILLAH. This plot was something that I came up with five years ago. I always wanted to do it. C.C.'s stunt reminded me of Edge of Night. She was so desperate like Emily Michaels was back in 1981. Only C.C. got a little more violent. All I know is with three episodes left there seems to be more drama building up!
  15. - - - Alley’s eyes scanned the paper. She folds it and places the document in her purse. Dr. Harnlo: Hopefully it was the outcome you wanted? Alley: This definitely will change things. Dr. Harnlo: If you need counseling on how you can say it to the father, I’m always available. Alley’s cell phone rings. She looks at the caller ID. Alley: Excuse me. Alley gets up out of her chair to go outside of Dr. Harnlo’s office for some privacy. Alley: Hello John. What’s up? John: I was hoping you would be able to tell me. Alley: When you’re vague, then I have no idea why the heck you called me in the first place. John: Tell me why you rushed out of the courtroom. Alley: That’s none of your business. John: You were out so fast we weren’t able to have one of our many awkward converstations. Alley: And like this isn’t one now? I had something important to attend to. John: Something dealing with the baby? Alley: Yes. John: Since I could be that baby’s father, I think I have a right to know. Alley: Fine. I rushed out of there so I can see my gyno. John: Is everything alright with…our- (corrects himself) the baby? Alley: Yes the baby’s fine. There is a pause between the two of them. Alley: I’m surprised you haven’t deleted my number. John: Can’t say that it hasn’t crossed my mind more then once. Especially when I think you of and the Point Palace Prince. Alley: Nice to talking to you too. We’ll be in touch. Alley hangs up with John and returns to Dr. Harnlo’s office. Dr. Harnlo: Everything alright? Alley: Yeah. Just fine. And about that counseling. I don’t think I’m going to need it. I’ll let the father know when I think the time is right and Blake is going to be a wonderful father. - - - Episode 133: Carrie’s KILLAH Series Creator & Head Writer: Matthew Politylo Logo Designer: Mary Zimmerman Guest Starring: Kamar De Los Reyes as Dr. Hemlaz - - - C.C.’s hands were shook while she holds a knife close to Jenny’s throat. Jenny was scared. Thinking that it could end right now. Carlos: Put the knife down C.C. You don’t want to do this. C.C.: I don’t? And why not? Why not end the person who took everything I’ve ever wanted? Carlos: Because you’ll have it on your conscience. I know you have one of those. C.C.: You think that I’m trash. Don’t change your story to save your girlfriend. Jenny: Just let me go! C.C. You be quiet or I’ll slice out your larynx so that you can’t speak at all. Jenny: Don’t…don’t kill me. Dr. Hemlaz: I’ll tell security that you had a miscarriage and need some more attention. C.C.: In return for what? Dr. Hemlaz: Let the girl go and set us free. C.C.: Nope. For once this is way too good. I have control. I have power. Dr. Hemlaz looks outside and locks eyes with a nurse who saw what was going on. He motions for her to get help. She quickly runs. Jenny: Tell her you love her Carlos. Carlos: What? Jenny: I know it’s what she wants to hear so tell her. C.C.: Yeah Carlos! With conviction. I want you to say that you love me. Carlos is silent. C.C.: (screaming) SAY IT OR JENNY DIES! Carlos: Fine. I… Before he could get the words out security busted into the hospital room with armed weapons. One security guard fires a shot to scare C.C. and it works. C.C. let go of Jenny. The gun shot startled her. Jenny ran towards Carlos as C.C. went to grab her. C.C.: NOOOO! The security guards got to C.C. first. They wrestled her to the ground. And places her under arrest. Carlos: (comforting Jenny) You’re okay chica. You’ll be okay. It’s over with her. - - - The next day, Ava knocks on The Anderson’s door. Maieve answers with a smile on her face. Maieve: Hello there Ava. Bobbie’s out back in the yard. Ava: Thanks Maieve. Has she been okay? Maieve: She’s been very quiet lately. I tried finding out what was bothering her but she won’t budge. I’m sure she’ll open up to you. Ava: I’ll do my best. Ava opens up the backdoor to Maieve’s cozy backyard. Bobbie was sitting on a swing couch looking out at the beautiful scenery. Ava: It’s a little chilly out here. Bobbie: Yep. Ava: I like that sweater you’re wearing. Bobbie: Cool. Ava: Bobbie I’m trying to break the ice here. You can at least say more then one word. Bobbie: Fine. Why don’t you start be dropping the conversation crap and admit why you’re really here. Ava: Excuse me? Bobbie: I know why you want to talk to me. Ava: Oh. Go ahead. Bobbie: James obviously told you about our conversation at the diner. Well I’m not sorry for it. I don’t want to be fake! That’s exactly how I was being in front of everyone. Ava: All I ask is for you to give James a second chance. Don’t be fake with him or me or anyone. Be you but be open. Bobbie: Look I… Bobbie stands up and begins to stumble. Ava: Are you okay? Bobbie: Yeah I’m fine. Bobbie places her hands in front of her to gain composure. Ava: You don’t look okay. Why don’t you sit down and relax. I’ll have Maieve get you some water. Bobbie: NO! I’m fine okay! Bobbie’s dizzy spell worsens as she passes out to the ground. Ava gets on the ground with her. Ava: Bobbie! (hollering) Maieve call an ambulance. Quick! - - - The Palace Café was calming down after the rush hour crowd left. Ginny was going over the books in the back office when Agatha knocks on the door to let herself in. Agatha: Hey partner. Feel like talking about that great idea you had? Ginny: How busy is it out there? Agatha: Let’s just say we did great this morning. It’s kind of dead on the floor. Everyone’s in class. Ginny: Nice to know. But yeah if you have a few I- Agatha: I’m just pulling your leg. Owen’s here to see you. Maybe you can hold that thought. Ginny: He’s out there? Now? Agatha: You look fine. Go talk to him. Ginny: Thanks Ag. We will for sure chat. Ginny walks out past the counter. She smiles when she sees Owen waiting for her. Owen: I was hoping I could get some coffee. Ginny: If we were dating it would be on the house everyday. Owen: Oh well then my girlfriend wouldn’t like that. Ginny: That’s right. You two are still an item. What can I help you with? I’m sure you didn’t come here to chat about espressos or roasted beans. Owen: I wanted to talk to you about the kiss we shared. Ginny: (embarrassed) It was impulsive. And I’m sorry. Owen: No don’t be. Don’t tell Tanisha this but I liked it. Ginny: Really? Owen: Yeah. Ginny: There’s something you should know about your girlfriend. Owen: She’s stupid. She doesn’t deserve me. She’s a liar. She’s a bitch. She’s… Ginny: She’s blackmailing you through me. Owen: What?! Ginny: Yeah. We had a little run in and she told me that she plans on going to the police about you shooting Blake, if I don’t leave town. Owen: She said that? She would actually go through with that? Ginny: Of course she said it would have been anonymous and somehow my fault. Because since I’m here, still going after you, I could’ve saved you. That’s what she would’ve spun. Owen: Ginny I don’t believe this. Ginny: Of course you don’t. You are such a nice person that you want to see the good in everyone. I get it. Owen: I’m sorry but she’s my girlfriend. She’s crazy about me. I don’t see her doing this. Ginny: And you think I would make this up? Owen: No...I- (stopping himself) I just think that this feud you two have over me is silly. Maybe a little annoying. Ginny: I’ve wanted to put an end to this since the day I met that witch. She’s the one who won’t stop. She never does. Believe me on this one okay? I have a way to prove it if you trust me. - - - Nate walks in the lobby of The Palace Plaza. He is about to walk out the door until someone catches his eye. Nate: James. Funny running into you here. James: Why? Do you own the hotel? Nate: No I live here. James: Point Palace does have some really nice apartments from what I remember. Nate: Why the hell haven’t you left town yet? James: Go right for the jugular why don’t you. Nate: We were interrupted yesterday. You met your daughter, you had a reunion with Ava…time’s up. Bye. James: I’m not going anywhere and you’re not going to stop me! Nate: Want a bet? Nate moves in closer to James to stands up to face him. James: You really are annoying. You know that? Why can’t you just go back to losing your memory? Usually amnesia makes a person appreciate what they’ve lost. Nate: And you’ve lost Ava. Move on. James: You’re the one who lost her. I’ll admit that maybe feelings have been brought back but she just doesn’t want to see you. Nate shoves James. Nate: Take that back! James: How about I do that with my fist? Before raising his fist towards Nate’s face, James’s phone went off. James: I have to take this call. Hey Ava. What’s up? Ava: You have to come to the hospital. James: Why? What happened? Ava: Bobbie fainted. Her condition has worsened. Get here soon! James: Did the doctor’s tell you anything? Ava: No one knows anything yet. James: I’m on my way. James hangs up with Ava. Nate: What happened? Is Ava in the hospital? Is she okay? James: I’m not sure what’s going on. Bobbie fainted and they took her in. Nate: My car’s out front. I’ll take you. James and Nate exit to rush off to see Bobbie and Ava. - - - Alicia calls tabloid reporter Mik Lanlo. He answers his cell phone while sipping a latte and walking to his car in the parking lot. Mik: This is Mik. Talk to me. Alicia: Hi Mik my name is Alicia Amberson. I’m calling- Mik: How’s your recovery been? Alicia: I’ve recovered fine. Thanks for asking. Mik: We wrote a story on Jace going to jail and you being shot. Made for an increase in readers. Especially with the whole Will Pazner fiasco. Alicia: I don’t know how to respond to that. Thanks I guess? Mik: What can I help you with? Need a copy? Alicia: No. I have a story for you. Mik: As good as the one you produced for me on your own? Alicia: Maybe even better. Mik: Just maybe? Alicia: Can we meet tomorrow at Azario’s. Say three p.m.? Mik: I’ll be there. I hope the story’s good. Alicia: Oh it is. Good’ay. Alicia hangs up with Mik. She turns opens her door and sees a large bouquet of red roses blocking her view. Kellan: May I come in? Alicia: These must’ve cost you a fortune. Kellan: You’re worth it. Alicia takes the flowers and places them on her coffee table. Alicia: I’ll have to find a home for these. How long can you stay for? Kellan: Not that long. I’m due for surgery soon. Alicia: Oh that’s right you’re a busy doctor. I can’t forget how you saved my life. Kellan: Just doing my job. Falling for you was an extra perk. Alicia: I like when you say things like that. Kellan: I was hoping you’d say yes to dinner, drinks, and a romantic night of sex. Alicia: Yes. Yes. And hell yes. Kellan: Is that a yes? Alicia: So is this. Alicia rests her arms over his shoulder and kisses him tenderly. Kellan: I’ll let you know when we can do that trifecta night of fun. Alicia: Definitely. Thanks for the flowers. If I’m ever having a bad day, I can just look at these. Kellan leaves Alicia’s room and walks back to his car with a disgusted look on his face. Kellan: And soon you’ll find out that you killed my brother! And how you have to pay for that! - - - In Rena’s room, Will appears through the wall and finds Lenvy with Rena. Lenvy: What did you find out? Will: Things aren’t good for Alicia. She’s in cahoots with Yvonne to go to the press about you being able to talk to us. Rena: My mom convinced Alicia to go to the press? Will: Yep. She was on the phone with Mik Lanlo. Rena: Great. I’ll be the laughing stock of Point Palace. I’ve never wanted this to happen. Lenvy: What do you think we should do? She needs to be stopped or at best needs to understand your powers Rena. Rena: She won’t talk to me. She hates me after everything that happened with Will and Jace. Will: It’s time you stand up to her. Talk to her before it’s too late. Rena: Yeah you’re right. I have to. Thanks you too. Rena rushes out of her room to find Alicia. Will is alone with Lenvy who looks at him awkwardly. Will: I was always able to read your mind. Lenvy: Then tell me what I’m thinking right now. Will: You want a resolution about my feelings with Rena. Lenvy: Nope. I was thinking that if you’re trying to get past those pearly gates…you’re going to have to do a lot better then having Alicia not go to the press over Rena. You did kill a person. Lenvy vanished in thin air leaving Will to think of what else there was to do. - - - Marli disguised again as Nina walks down the hallway into the office of Point Palace. She stops in front of Myra’s desk to get her attention. Myra: May I help you? Marli: (in Russian accent) I’m looking for Blake Hammerton. Myra: He doesn’t work here anymore. Marli: Surely you have his address. Or phone number. Anything? Myra: We’re not allowed to give out that information. Besides I don’t know if you’ve read the news lately but Mister Hammerton’s house was recently damaged from a fire. Marli: I did not. But I have important package for him. I must see him immediately. Myra: Well you’re not going to find him here. Sorry. Marli: Thank you. Marli walks away from Myra’s desk and walks down the hallway. She overhears Benjamin and Lanoi in a heated discussion. Benjamin: Where in the hell is he then? It’s like he just disappeared. Lanoi: I have no idea Ben. He hasn’t responded to any of our e-mails or my text messages. He probably used his big salary to take an undeserved vacation. We both know how selfish he is. Benjamin: It’s times like this I wish Blake was still president. He never would have abandoned ship. Never! Lanoi: We can’t fire him. Howard would have to do that and Howard wants him in. Marli ran out of the administration building to her car. She pulls out of her cell phone and calls the office where Bryan was captive. After a fake message pick up, she leaves her message. Marli: Hope you’re having fun by yourself. I know you can hear me. Just wanted to let you know that I overheard Benjamin and Lanoi talking about you. They’re very disappointed by your absence. They want Blake back so bad. Once I find Blake. It will happen. She hangs up her phone. Bryan was hard at work in his escape. With his shoe he pounds on the door which has since become dented. Bryan: Hammerhead couldn’t possess half the power I have! Bryan pounds his shoe against the door. Bryan: He has too much heart. Pound. Bryan: I rule with an iron fist. Each pound became more and more forceful. Bryan: I’m going to get out of here. And I’m going to get my company back. Point Palace belongs to me. You’ll be arrested Marli. His anger seeping from his soul into his clenched fist. He pounds the wall again but this time he makes a large dent in the door. Bryan: I’m escaping! - - - Outside of the courtroom Carlos walks up to Jenny to check up on her. Carlos: How are you doing? Jenny: I’d be a lot better if we didn’t talk about what happened. Carlos: Believe me I want to forget about C.C. as much as you do. Jenny: Good. Carlos: What I can’t believe is what you just said. I know when you’re mad about something and I know when you’re mad at me. So spill it. What’s wrong? Jenny: Not now. I’m focused on one thing and only one thing. That’s taking Nan down. Carlos wanted to answer but knew it was best if he didn’t. He was cut off by Hayley. Hayley: We’re being called in. Jenny: Make sure apply pressure to her. Anna Lee will crack. I just know it. Hayley: Will do. They walk into the courtroom and take their seats. Nan looks at Anna Lee and quietly has her own private side bar with her sister. Nan: I don’t care what the hell you have to do. Think of clowns. Stare off in space. Act like you have tourettes. It doesn’t matter to me. But do not crack under pressure! Anna Lee: Of course Nan. Nan: You’re my only hope sis. I explained to you why we did what we did. If you admit to anything they’ll send you to jail. You won’t survive! So don’t mess up! Judge Valencia: Court is now in session. I’m choosing the witness. Miss Anna Lee Sheridan. Approach the bench please. Anna Lee: Yes your honor. Anna Lee approaches the bench and is sworn in by the guard. Her hands were already shaking. Judge Valencia: Mister Cranston you may examine your witness. Bryant: Thank you. Anna Lee you live with your parents Lorrister and Felicia correct? Anna Lee: I do. But I moved in briefly with Nan. Bryant: Why did you come to Point Palace? Anna Lee: Because both of my sisters came here. I wanted to see them. Bryant: That’s when you found out about your sister Tracie? Anna Lee is silent. She looks down and was fighting tears. Anna Lee: (soft) Yes. Tracie. Bryant: Their sister Tracie died in an accident your honor. Hayley: Objection. Irrelevant to the case. Judge Valencia: Sustained. Please stay on track Mister Cranston. Bryant: Yes your honor. When you stayed with your sister what did you notice or observe? Was she the same? Anna Lee: She was the same person…just…sad. I can tell that the people here have really done a number on her. That’s what I noticed. Bryant: I rest my case. Hayley stands up to cross examine Anna Lee. Hayley: Anna Lee Nan didn’t want you to come to Point Palace did she? Anna Lee: She didn’t want these people to hurt me. She was only looking out for me. Hayley: How did you meet Jenny? Anna Lee: She informed me about my sister. Hayley: So you’re saying that my client came to you, not even knowing you, and told you information about your sister? Bryant: Objection. We’re back to what was just deemed irrelevant. Judge Valencia: Agreed. No more word about Tracie for the time being. Hayley: Yes your honor. Anna Lee did you help your sister kidnap Jenny? Anna Lee: What? Hayley: I repeat. Did you help your sister kidnap Jenny? Did she convince you to take Jenny hostage so that she could complete whatever evil misdoings with my client? Did She? Bryant: Objection! Leading the witness. Judge Valencia: Overruled. Answer the question. Anna Lee: I…we…Um. Judge Valencia: You’re under oath. Anna Lee looked at Jenny whose face was sympathetic. She then looked at Nan whose stern face told her to lie. Judge Valencia: Time’s ticking. Anna Lee’s mouth was open. She had to speak. She had to say something. Anna Lee: No. I nor my sister are kidnappers. Jenny made that part up! - - - Blake walks into The Palace Café and before going to the counter he stops when he notices London alone. Blake: Fancy running into you here. London: Hey. How are you? Blake: I’m fine. Where’s John? Is he in the john? London: Cute. No he’s at home with L.J. Blake: You said home. I guess you really have become acclimated with John’s apartment. And the family life. London: I’m sorry about what happened to our home. Did the police ever find out anything? Blake: They suspect arson. If that’s true then I’m pretty sure there’s a long list of suspects. London: Whoever it is will definitely gets what’s coming to them. Blake: Let’s hope. So…how is L.J.? I miss her you know. London: She’s growing up. I’m just happy that I get to be a part of her life. Blake: Who knows? I might have a kid myself. London: With Alley. Yeah I kind of don’t want to think about that. Blake: The feeling’s mutual about you and John. (beat) Do you ever think about us? London: Sure. All of the time. Blake takes London’s hand into his. London: Blake don’t. Blake: Why? It feels like nothing’s changed. London: But we both know that everything has. We’re with two people who- Blake: At one point deserved to be together. London: Like us. Blake: Yeah. Like us. They both look into each other’s eyes. At the same time, they kiss. Little did they know that John walked in and witnessed it. - - - Later that night, Dylan was alone in his room. He kept staring at his computer screen. There was another message from CarrieKILLAH. He accepts the invite to start a voice chat with them. CarrieKILLAH: You’re in luck Dylan. Dylan: Not really. My fiancée is almost dead because of you. I don’t consider that luck. CarrieKILLAH: I decided not to kill her. Dylan: Great. I did what you said. I didn’t go to the police. I’m starting to think that you’re not going to come through for me. I don’t think you’re real. I think this a hoax. CarrieKILLAH: Don’t push me! Dylan: Then prove it! Show me who you are. CarrieKILLAH: I’m outside. The voice chat ended. The power in his room shut off. He was alone in the dark. Dylan quickly ran for a flash light. He turns it on and looks for his phone. A rock is thrown through the window and almost hits him. He ducks to the ground. Then he heard the lock on the door open. Dylan: Is that you? Have you come to finish me off? Silence. Dylan: I’m right here! Forget Carrie. Come kill me. You’ve wanted to get back at me and make me crazy. Good job. He heard footsteps. Dylan: I still don’t think you’re real! I think you’re a fluke. Dylan swung his flashlight around and saw CarrieKILLAH dressed in a cloak with their white mask. He put the flashlight in their face. Dylan: Take the mask off! CarrieKILLAH pulls out a knife. Dylan: What’s that? The knife you used to stab Carrie with? CarrieKILLAH shakes their head yes. Dylan: If you want to kill me. I think I at least deserve to know who you are and why you did it! (screaming) SHOW ME YOUR FACE! CarrieKILLAH takes their mask off. It falls to the ground. Dylan was shocked to see who was standing before him. His shock turned into confusion. Dylan: Nan?
  16. Matt P.

    S3 Episode 87

    I absolutely love the father/daughter bond between Ed and Michelle. It's really sweet and was clever that their loss of loved ones can bring them closer together. Everyone needs to move on so Michelle move on with J. I like them together. Lizzie should slide back into her Paris Hilton phase. That's when she was fun. She seems all grown up. Especially when she goes to visit Colin. Light Talk is only going to put more pressure on Maureen. She really needs help with her baby. Someone needs to step in and help this teen mom out. I'm just waiting for Light Talk to turn into Jerry Springer. But then again this is Sprinfield. Not Pasadena or Cody. I was so hoping for Leah to slap Marti but Marti does have a point. Leah doesn't own Springfield. Can't wait to see how this rivalry heats up. Nice ep!
  17. Matt P.

    Storyline Previews

    Out of all of these plots I'm definitely interested in the pairing of Stefano and Vivian to get revenge on Kate and Victor. I love having two powerhouse villains in control! Can't wait to see how that plays out.
  18. Matt P.

    All The Days

    Can't wait to check out your blog! Good luck with everything and have fun at mySONtv.
  19. Matt P.

    S3 Episode 86

    I have so much to comment about this episode. One of the things that I appreciate on FTL is that even if I tune out for a few episodes, I can always be invested to tune back in and know what's going on. FTL acts just like a real daytime drama. What GL should have been when DK/EP were writing it. I was hoping the whole time for someone to punch someone during the teen drama and when Zach hit James, it was a sigh of relief. I was kind of hoping for Leah (in the heat of the moment) to slap James but in the end true love conquers all. I ran into Karla Mosley on the streets in Times Square and thought of your blog. She was nice, all smiles, but like everyone else in NYC she was on her way somewhere and had no time to talk. Remy's death seems very similar to how Coop went on GL. It just seems like no one can ever stay together in Sprinfield so I'm not to sure if these two will last. Rocky and Kevin's relationship seem abusive so why don't they just cut their loses? Or are they truly meant to be together and they want their relationship to survive? I'm rooting for these two but I'm sort of hoping for Shayne to try to make it some sort of love triangle. Michelle getting a new man? For me it will always be Danny. I swear if it were PP, a Danny clone would emerge during Michelle's wedding. And of course Ash is there for bleeps and giggles. My favorite scene was between Annie and Michelle. It was as if I could picture Cynthia giving that amazing Annie passion that she had when she was on the show. Thank you for that psychotic/delusional slap. I'm hoping that Rena gets wind of this and puts an end to Annie's need for a "family" that was never hers. (Though I would still be rooting for Annie). I'm glad to see that you still write this blog. I feel like mySONtv has changed since a year ago. Almost true to real soaps. Eerie isn't it?
  20. Hey everyone check out this great interivew I did with OSW Magazine who caught up with me after I sort of fell off the radar when my other series Kensington Way ended. Special thanks to Ty Junior (OSW Creator) for his amazing contributions.
  21. Didn't see Apple being Ash and Alexis's mother. Funny that they all have A's in their names. How the hell does Sister Pat blame no one but herself? Yes DC had something to do with Kevin's death but he mostly blamed her. Hello?! Take responsibility for your actions. I'm happy to see Rue back. She has some funny one liners now. She was definitely being missed in Passadena. Lynn needs to take my advice from the previous post or nothing will get done. I really hope we get to read Kevin's funeral. STEAM has gotten really good the past 3 episodes and it's wierd that one year ago today it was when it was posted. That's sometime ML. Please return to writing this amazing series. Come back to SONOP/mySONtv.
  22. This was the episode where Sister Pat got her day of reconing. It was truly so many years in the making. I love how much you captured Celeste from DAYS. Will she be psychic or psycho? Miss Jenkins is my new favorite. I love the Madeaisms. You and I are so similar when it comes to writing Nan/Nat. They both are bitches who will do anything to keep what it is they want. Bryan is just a dumb guy caught in the middle. Hey Sharan, you don't want anyone hearing about your sexcapades with Daniel, then don't go blabbing it at the jail house. Good ep.
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