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Everything posted by DRW50

  1. I like how Lindsay is slowly being integrated to the show.
  2. What was the conflict with Frankie and Felicia? Love that Iris/Rachel scene.
  3. I wasn't expecting that with John and Grant!
  4. Those scenes with Vicky and Bridget are so sad.
  5. This story with Amanda is just fantastic. She's been tempted by a bad boy before, with Evan, but this has much higher stakes. I'm glad you remembered Dennis (who was a jerk anyway, the last time he was in town).
  6. Great to use Kirkland in Grant's current story. I wonder whatever happened to Cindy!
  7. I wonder if Allen was wearing anything below the shirt! Great scenes with Iris and Reginald. I wasn't expecting that twist at all. Great stuff.
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