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Bright Eyes

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Everything posted by Bright Eyes

  1. The weird thing is, I've never liked Tad or Michael E. Knight, but curiosity just gets the best of me and then there's the fact that I'm a product of wanting everything at once generation. So you have to blame my nagging on society! And seeing Jack paying legally doesn't bother me. This is actually what I hate to see soap fans complain about. It's paying in their personal lives that I'm more interested in. However, it is sad to see that you are keep Todd and Starr in New York. Those poor, poor Port Charles residents. LoL Though I see you didn't mention Port Charles specifically, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but are Cole and Hope dead? It would be nice if you kind of retconned that Starr went to live in L.A. with Langston and Markko, while Cole faked his death to chill with his parents. (Now I'm fan-fictioning! I apologize!)
  2. Hmm, I wonder if Hayley's little extravagance is a nightmare and not actually reality? We shall see next week. Happy to see the Victor/Todd situation is going to be addressed. Though, and I'm sure we'll get more answers next week, is Todd in prison or are he and Starr in Port Charles? And if Skye is involved with Victor's kidnapping, then I can only wonder what Viki will have to say about this which can then cause problems between her and Clint. And heartthrob Jack is gay! ... though I still think he has to pay for his attempted murder and bullying past so I hope his world comes crashing down soon enough. And looking Christian Alexander up he did play Kristina's abuser boyfriend, so maybe I'm not far off. Oh Onyx Kane just does not play around! And best of all, there's going to be a grand event that will get everyone in the same room. It'll be nice to see Tad finally get to interact with everyone else. Though, I apologize, but why is he in Heaven's Meadow again? I've forgotten. LoL
  3. It's now time for Anjie to show us what she's made of. Let's see how she gets herself out of Lindsay's clutches ... I wonder if there will be an all out war eventually with the newbies vs. the vets. It'll be fun when we get to see more details into their plans, motives and how the stories hopefully intersect each other. Things are building very nicely. I hope Hayley at least has some drunken sex. She needs to hop on something, me thinks.
  4. These newbies sure do hate people from Pine Valley. The Lucas / Jaquie scene was hilarious and I could just imagine Lindsay being so proud being able to show up Viki. Lindsay really has been your MVP of the show so far. The Hayley was very dark and very, very sad. Especially the end, where she takes to the alcohol, AGAIN! Damn good soap there. It'll add such a wonderful layer once Erica becomes more involved.
  5. Best episode yet. It was refreshing to see Viki in business mode. She was Victor Lord's progeny after all and we haven't seen her act like it in years. Finally Skye truly is a Chandler again. The explanation was certainly reasonable, but I do hope Skye and Adam do undergo one last DNA test to be absolutely sure! Maybe they could frame it! LoL You're writing for Lindsay is on par. I can easily picture her saying it all, especially that out of prison line. Girl is not ashamed of nuthin'. On the other hand, I am finding Skye to be a little too schmaltsy for my tastes.
  6. Is this mystery woman going to be ONYX Kane? LoL I wonder if Lucas will turn into Hayley's Jonathan Kinder? But when exactly did Skye have time to marry Lucas? The backstory there should be interesting. I loved the Skye / Adam scenes, but I thought it odd that JR's recent rehabiliation wouldn't also be a reason for Adam to seek out Skye. I know Skye and JR were never close, but did JR and Hayley ever have some semblance of a relationship?
  7. The plot thickens. So many treacherous snakes on this show, anything can happen. I just hope the newbies know who their dealing with. It'll be interesting if they be able to play with the heavy hitters. Next episode should be great to have the much anticipated Adam / Skye scene. I do hope in the future, Rae Cummings could be a full time character on the show.
  8. Didn't see that cliffhanger coming. Can't wait to see how Lindsey knows Dixie. This episode just brought home to me that Skye is kind of the focal point that brings everyone together. However, Tad definately needs to be spread around more as his presence comes off superfluous to me. Brandon and Brianna. You can never trust siblings that share the same first initial!
  9. Skye producing Wave? BRILLIANT. That's a very nice chess move. An Adam / Skye scene. I really want an Adam / Skye scene. And Mateo dead wouldn't hurt, LoL. I wonder what Viki will have to say about Clint's plans.
  10. Educate me, why do Skye and Erica hate each other? That last scene was a sure fire way to make me instantly like Clint. On another note, Lorenzo is dead, right? Where is Lila Rae exactly?
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