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Bright Eyes

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Everything posted by Bright Eyes

  1. You're bringing in these newbies correctly so far. Half the fun of the show is all these different interactions. Personally, I would have liked to see a little more hesitation and reservation between Hayley and Skye, but there's no way their relationship will be all roses so I'll just wait. Linking Anjelica to Lindsay was a very nice touch. I wonder what she did that put her in the clink. LoL
  2. I also can't wait for Skye / Haylet. Their relationship (or lack thereof) will be one of the most interesting things of the series, for sure. Hayley / Clint was an interesting interaction. I wonder if he and Erica will clash. Peter's a very naughty boy it seems. I imagine Peter isn't his real name either?
  3. Are these people from New Hampshire, especially Brianna, aware of Hayley's alcoholism? I guess this will be a huge point in the Hayley/Erica relationship. GH history question: Did Skye and Ric ever hook up? It seems like they would, but I wouldn't want to assume. Interesting to see Skye knows Lucas by a different name. Which brings me to a random thought, don't you think it's time a soap had a male prostitute. So many females have been on the game and never a guy. It'd make a nice change. And now this Jacqueline person ... is there a reason her last name hasn't been revealed? Considering all the other new characters have them, me thinks she's related/connected to someone we all know. Oh, and cute title!
  4. Ah, my Skye is back in my life and though I love her facing off against Skye her remark about Blair having children with many men was odd. And I know Mateo has disappeared, but why does Hayley go by her maiden name? Is this a CELEB thing or are they divorced? And with Rick Her(b)st on the cast, I just have a feeling he'll be getting between Blair and Skye. The chemistry sure as hell would be on fire.
  5. Thanks for the clarification on that Jaqueline scene. As for Erica, now that Kendall is finally dead, I like to think that Erica is back to the age she's supposed to be and the De-SORAS'ing of her character can be forgetten.
  6. Yay Kendall's dead! JR is a hero! I'm guessing (and hoping) that Blair's competition is SKYE! And if it is we can finally see more of the Skye/Hayley relationship. And as a plus, I love that Blair is away from all her unwatchable baggage. Let's keep it that way for a nice long time. "Erika Kane is going to New Hampshire." The line of the episode. Absolutely hilarious. All in all good first episode with intriguing bits like Mateo's disappearance to make us want more. However, this part confused me ... "(Outside of the empty restaurant, Victoria answers her cell phone) Jacqueline: Well hello, Ms. Rappaport. I didn't think I'd be hearing from you again." Whose Victoria? Whose Ms. Rappaport? This scene made no sense to me.
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