Hmm, I wonder if Hayley's little extravagance is a nightmare and not actually reality? We shall see next week.
Happy to see the Victor/Todd situation is going to be addressed. Though, and I'm sure we'll get more answers next week, is Todd in prison or are he and Starr in Port Charles? And if Skye is involved with Victor's kidnapping, then I can only wonder what Viki will have to say about this which can then cause problems between her and Clint. And heartthrob Jack is gay! ... though I still think he has to pay for his attempted murder and bullying past so I hope his world comes crashing down soon enough. And looking Christian Alexander up he did play Kristina's abuser boyfriend, so maybe I'm not far off.
Oh Onyx Kane just does not play around!
And best of all, there's going to be a grand event that will get everyone in the same room. It'll be nice to see Tad finally get to interact with everyone else. Though, I apologize, but why is he in Heaven's Meadow again? I've forgotten. LoL