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Bright Eyes

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Everything posted by Bright Eyes

  1. Believing Stefano to be in the mansion, him confronting Sami will be fun. I wonder though why, if Sami believes Marlena killed E.J. - the man she supposedly loved - Sami isn't dropping her in it every chance she can. And I did like the scene, but it's odd to imaging Stefano and Carrie in the same scene. I don't know why. Yummy Riley, I'm guessing, is the son of Neil Curtis or Don Craig.
  2. If John is dead as well as E.J. then I think I just got an early Christmas present. Always hated John too ever since I can remember.
  3. Can I just say if E.J. is truly dead, you have an instant fan in me. I've hated him and James Scott's overrated ass from day one. And since he's not in your cast list, I assume I have reason to celebrate?
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