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Bright Eyes

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Blog Comments posted by Bright Eyes

  1. As someone who hates SORAS'ing, it would have been cool if you corrected the ages of David and Mike. Like has been said by countless people, Steven could have easily taken David's place. Mike's would be more tricky, but I always envisioned Danny Grant would have been a nice substitute. But I guess that's for me to write for myself. 


    Anyway, I do hope you find the time to re-introduce Valerie and Danny at some point. Other than some unpopular story choices, the Grants' exits are really the only big scar on the show by this point.


    Was Donna's friend Anne (and her mother Susan) supposed to be Anne Peters and Susan Martin Peters, who would be years into living in LA with Eric, or was it just some clumsy coincidence? 


    Seeing Trish and Brooke/Stephanie at loggerheards with no hint from Stephanie that they were best friends is strange to me. Though, in the recaps you were posting it seemed to be an afterthought as well.


    I hope Steven gets a chance to become something more than a damp squid (in reference to his time on the real show).


    I'm rooting for Chris and Mary to reunite. 


    The new Jordan Barr aspect with Marlena/Don was well done. It made me think that bringing in characters that we know, but putting your own spin on them could be quite fascinating. 


    I wish ALL these classic characters could stay on the show. That's not probable, but it'll be hard to say goodbye to any of them when you feel they've come to their temporary or permanent end.


    All in all though, good work. It'll be great to see what you do with the big couples of Bill/Laura, Mickey/Maggie, and Doug/Julie. I'm not envious at such a task to keep those plates spinning.


    Remind me where Donna and Pete were in their story here. Had she even gotten pregnant yet? Already miscarried?

  2. Every time I read an episode it's like going back a thousand years. It feels like a lifetime ago. I like that you've stuck to your guns. It must be strange to keep going when so much has happened since in real life. 


    Have you explained yet (I can't remember) how Anjelica got into cahoots with Stefano since they never crossed paths during her original stint?


    I hope Nick's comeuppance, whatever it may be, won't be fatal. I know Abby had other things on her mind, but Nick is still her cousin who she was very close with when he first came to Salem. It felt like she barely knew him.


    The Abe/Kate etc conversation made me realize how ready I am for Sheryl/Jordan/Jerome to be exposed. The story has been too isolating from major characters. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jordan told Rafe the truth about everything in a prior episode, right?


    I'm also ready for more of the Roman story. 


    How many episodes has Theresa been in that coma now?


    Happy to see Andrew in Salem. 


    You're inching close to number 200 ... for a fan-fiction that's a pretty big deal. Any big plans for it?

  3. With Steve's happy expression, I'm guessing the next Pawn is Jack. I get the intention Carlivati is doing with Jack, going back to the character's origins to eventually tell a story of needing redemption which was his strongest trait before becoming a clown, but if Jack is the Pawn, I assume you'll be telling such a tale in a much better way. Of course, if he isn't the Pawn, than ignore everything. 😄


    Just to be clear, did Sheryl definitively kill the real Crystal Clarke or was it just implied? 


    I hated Nick gloating to Victor about his machinations. I thought he was smarter than that. Either way, I hope this time his comeuppance, whenever that may be, won't end in his death. And, of course, that his family (Marie, Jessica, Joshua, Alex) may show up at some point. I do think Marie, being the first heroine of the show, deserves at least a recurring role. However, you should only do what you want with your version. I'll be reading regardless.

  4. Man, Kim has really turned into a complete irrational bitch. Having Kayla around would help immensely. Though I think you got rid of her because you weren't a fan? Still, a short arc where she comes in to help deal with this Roman mess* would be ideal. The loneliness aspect of the story really works.


    *Just semantics, I'm enjoying the story as it unfolds, no doubt.

  5. Thanks for posting this on SON. I would have never seen it otherwise. EON was before my time (I was born in '89), but I've always loved whatever I could find of the show and consider it my favourite soap opera of all time. I will certainly start from the beginning of your fan-fiction.


    I've already read the very first two chapters. So many wonderful things.


    Queen Raven having a very prominent role due to now being a matriarch to a bunch of grown children with a bevy of dramas of their own.  Following in her footsteps, they really didn't have choice in the matter. Charlotte especially, with the first episode having her cheat on her husband. I had to laugh with glee.


    Reading the character bios to help familiarize myself with some characters, it was fascinating that you creating children from different soaps, like ATWT or SFT, and brought them to Monticello. It really opens up the world building and the potential to bring on a number of fantastic characters from soap history.


    I'm also happy you're addressing the cliffhangers from the finale. Making the street mystery an infamous cold case was a brilliant idea.


    And, of course, the first murder was so exciting. A day is never dull in Monticello, that's for sure.


    My only gripe (and I've only read the first two chapters remember) is that I didn't feel Mike and Nancy had enough prominence at their own celebration.

  6. I really hope that Hope just arrested her great-nephew!


    I like that Valerie is looking into Chris Kositchek/Roman. I wouldn't be able to resist telling the tale either.


    Good casting on the Will front. I was never a big fan of Massey and Wilson was horrific. I hope you'll rectify Brady the same way if he ever turns up alive. Lowder was DOA and Martsolf has been a failure time and time again. I'd personally suggest Chad Brannon.


    It's so odd to see a random character like Liam still around. That's not a criticism, as long as I'm free to imagine him without the horrible ageing hair-do he sported on the show.


    Have you done anything with Bo yet or is he still MIA?

  7. Believing Stefano to be in the mansion, him confronting Sami will be fun. I wonder though why, if Sami believes Marlena killed E.J. - the man she supposedly loved - Sami isn't dropping her in it every chance she can.

    And I did like the scene, but it's odd to imaging Stefano and Carrie in the same scene. I don't know why.

    Yummy Riley, I'm guessing, is the son of Neil Curtis or Don Craig.

  8. The weird thing is, I've never liked Tad or Michael E. Knight, but curiosity just gets the best of me and then there's the fact that I'm a product of wanting everything at once generation. So you have to blame my nagging on society!

    And seeing Jack paying legally doesn't bother me. This is actually what I hate to see soap fans complain about. It's paying in their personal lives that I'm more interested in. However, it is sad to see that you are keep Todd and Starr in New York. Those poor, poor Port Charles residents. LoL

    Though I see you didn't mention Port Charles specifically, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but are Cole and Hope dead? It would be nice if you kind of retconned that Starr went to live in L.A. with Langston and Markko, while Cole faked his death to chill with his parents. (Now I'm fan-fictioning! I apologize!)

  9. Hmm, I wonder if Hayley's little extravagance is a nightmare and not actually reality? We shall see next week.

    Happy to see the Victor/Todd situation is going to be addressed. Though, and I'm sure we'll get more answers next week, is Todd in prison or are he and Starr in Port Charles? And if Skye is involved with Victor's kidnapping, then I can only wonder what Viki will have to say about this which can then cause problems between her and Clint. And heartthrob Jack is gay! ... though I still think he has to pay for his attempted murder and bullying past so I hope his world comes crashing down soon enough. And looking Christian Alexander up he did play Kristina's abuser boyfriend, so maybe I'm not far off.

    Oh Onyx Kane just does not play around! ;)

    And best of all, there's going to be a grand event that will get everyone in the same room. It'll be nice to see Tad finally get to interact with everyone else. Though, I apologize, but why is he in Heaven's Meadow again? I've forgotten. LoL

  10. It's now time for Anjie to show us what she's made of. Let's see how she gets herself out of Lindsay's clutches ...

    I wonder if there will be an all out war eventually with the newbies vs. the vets. It'll be fun when we get to see more details into their plans, motives and how the stories hopefully intersect each other. Things are building very nicely.

    I hope Hayley at least has some drunken sex. She needs to hop on something, me thinks.

  11. These newbies sure do hate people from Pine Valley. The Lucas / Jaquie scene was hilarious and I could just imagine Lindsay being so proud being able to show up Viki. Lindsay really has been your MVP of the show so far.

    The Hayley was very dark and very, very sad. Especially the end, where she takes to the alcohol, AGAIN! Damn good soap there. It'll add such a wonderful layer once Erica becomes more involved.

  12. Best episode yet. It was refreshing to see Viki in business mode. She was Victor Lord's progeny after all and we haven't seen her act like it in years.

    Finally Skye truly is a Chandler again. The explanation was certainly reasonable, but I do hope Skye and Adam do undergo one last DNA test to be absolutely sure! Maybe they could frame it! LoL

    You're writing for Lindsay is on par. I can easily picture her saying it all, especially that out of prison line. Girl is not ashamed of nuthin'. On the other hand, I am finding Skye to be a little too schmaltsy for my tastes.

  13. Is this mystery woman going to be ONYX Kane? LoL

    I wonder if Lucas will turn into Hayley's Jonathan Kinder? But when exactly did Skye have time to marry Lucas? The backstory there should be interesting.

    I loved the Skye / Adam scenes, but I thought it odd that JR's recent rehabiliation wouldn't also be a reason for Adam to seek out Skye.

    I know Skye and JR were never close, but did JR and Hayley ever have some semblance of a relationship?

  14. You're bringing in these newbies correctly so far. Half the fun of the show is all these different interactions.

    Personally, I would have liked to see a little more hesitation and reservation between Hayley and Skye, but there's no way their relationship will be all roses so I'll just wait.

    Linking Anjelica to Lindsay was a very nice touch. I wonder what she did that put her in the clink. LoL

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