Great episode. I loved that Nikolas brought up all of the danger around Sonny and even pointed out who was close to him that he lost because of their connection to Sonny.
I love how you write your teens and that you guys give them a place that's there own. I like the idea of showing them at school.
I love Brenda and love that she's back in PC!!!
Yet again, another great episode. I loved the development with Kevin and Monica, and I loved that you touched on Bobbie and Alan's friendship, with her wanting to know how he is.
Great episode! That officer was waaaaay to nice to the hitman, my god i got pulled over doing 70 in a 60 and got a ticket, along with the officer yelling at me, lol.
Cassandra is an uber bitch, and I love it. I hope Yvette and her have a real face off, maybe throw down?!
That was great! Kevin's an ass, he should've had more restraint than that, especially considering the situation.
I'm not gonna lie, I like Tracy hugging Emily. It showed that she finally accepts her as part of the family. I also loved everyone giving Kevin crap for showing up.