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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Scott

    PCE: Episode 38

    Loved the Episode, but a quick side question, is Blake Barrington from the same Barrington family as Alison?
  2. I loves it!!! It was amazing, and you were afraid it would be too much, please it wasnt enough!!!!
  3. That was a great Episode. There was so much emotion in it!!
  4. That was great!!! Sam's reaction to Alexis's hug was priceless.
  5. Scott

    New Promo!!!

    You are really good at these promos, and writing!! I wish you werent ending it all
  6. Scott

    Major Changes Coming!

    I love the sound of everything and can't wait to see it play out
  7. Great Episodes, I love what your doing!!!`
  8. Scott

    PCE: Episode 18

    Great Episode! I also loved the Q scene and Edward overhearing Monica. And I loved Skye calling Lorenzo out!!
  9. Scott

    Novi: Summary

    This actually sounds alot like my town. I live in a small, rural town thats been growing rapidly for the test ten years. I love the idea and goodluck with it.
  10. Great job like usual!!! Im so excited to see all of your stories play out. THis arc is looking to be a great one, even better than the first, which is saying something!!!
  11. Love the choices! Love that your are bringing on characters that have ties to GH past and not some random ones.
  12. Great Episode, I love the Sarah/Patrick/Robin/Steven dynamic!
  13. wow, i was way off base, i thought for sure it was Frankie! Great job, that video was so chilling, lol
  14. Holy crap King, I knew you were good, but this is amazing, I can't wait to see who it is!!
  15. I like the mixing up of Emily/Nikolas/Elizabeth/Lucky. Great Episodea
  16. Scott

    PCE: Episode 4

    No news on Courtney? Does that mean you axed her? A very good episode!
  17. Great Episode, I love that Sarah is fitting in with the Quartermaines!!
  18. Scott

    PCE: Episode 3

    Oh man poor Courtney, tell me that the kids werent around when the explosion went off.
  19. Scott

    PCE: Episode 1

    Oh poor Brandon, i liked his character. I can't believe that Noah did what he did. Bobbie better start to clean up now!
  20. Scott

    S&L: Episode 138

    I have this bad feeling that someone will die
  21. Scott


    Great Episode, you are so good at what you do!!!
  22. Scott

    The Storm - Episode 3

    Great Episodes so far, i love the character of Zander and i liked that you made him Frank Smith's son.
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