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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Scott

    Updated Opening: 12/28/06

    You did a great job with it, i wish mine could turn out like that.
  2. Scott


    I definitely did not see the Cassie/Jeremy thing coming...and I too hope that Alice lives!
  3. Great Episode! I love the character of Scott Baldwin and your staying true to him.
  4. Hey I think its great that you are able to admit you have made mistakes and stuff. I wish i could do that but ive just made waaaaay to many.
  5. Hey i kinda like the Jason/Alison paring!!! Jalison!!!
  6. Yet another amazing episode!!! Im jealous that you can write GH so well.
  7. Love the twists and turns in this story!! I also loved the montages!!!
  8. As much as i hate to see Felicia go, your atleast showing her family and friends reactions which i appluad!!
  9. Oh pour Felicia!! I was near tears reading this.
  10. Hmm...is this a ploy to get more comments? Lol, its a great idea none the less
  11. Please allow for Felicia to be alright!! Great Eppy
  12. Scott

    S&L: Episode 32

    I agree with Tishy I like the Sam and Lucky thing
  13. Great Episode. I really liked the Emily/Nikolas stuff and the Brenda apperance was great.
  14. Scott


    I like the idea of Sam and Lucky!! And classic Skye sounds like shes coming back. I can't wait
  15. Scott


    King I gotta tell ya Im dying for more of your Days!!
  16. I have to tell you i really look forward to you putting new installments in this series out there! Your doing a great job and I can't wait to read your other stories!
  17. Sounds like a good mix of cast!!
  18. yay Kevin Collins!!! And him and Monica, interesting choice, I love it!
  19. Scott

    Episode #4

    Hey glad to see your posting episodes back here, youd probably get more exposure here anyway! But great episodes so far. I like the dynamic between Maddie/Shawn/Cassie/Matt, this is an interesting quadrangle!!
  20. I have to say im very intrigued to see who Monica's secret date is!
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