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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Great episode. I loved that Nikolas brought up all of the danger around Sonny and even pointed out who was close to him that he lost because of their connection to Sonny.
  2. Another great episode!! I actually felt bad for Michael, something I haven't been able to do in a long time, lol.
  3. Scott

    PCE: Episode 87

    I like that you have Brenda and Jason as friends! I love the new logo, btw.
  4. I love how you write your teens and that you guys give them a place that's there own. I like the idea of showing them at school. I love Brenda and love that she's back in PC!!!
  5. Scott

    PCE: Episode 85

    I love that Bobbie was feisty and conniving with the guard!!! Thats just how she should be.
  6. Scott

    PCE: Episode 83

    Yet again, another great episode. I loved the development with Kevin and Monica, and I loved that you touched on Bobbie and Alan's friendship, with her wanting to know how he is.
  7. Another great episode. I love the Cassadine storyline. And the Quartermaine sl is awesome too!!!
  8. Scott

    PCE: Episodes 78-80

    Great Episode! I've been waiting for the this next episode for soooo long, lol, you have no idea, lol.
  9. Scott

    Episode 1

    You have a great first episode here. I hope you start posting again.
  10. Scott


    So John is Sami's dad, and Caroline is John's mother? Wow I wish I had kept up with your blog. It all sounds so great and interesting!
  11. Great episode! That officer was waaaaay to nice to the hitman, my god i got pulled over doing 70 in a 60 and got a ticket, along with the officer yelling at me, lol. Cassandra is an uber bitch, and I love it. I hope Yvette and her have a real face off, maybe throw down?!
  12. Scott

    Sit Up! Episode39

    So...Ashley's alive? Thats a great twist!
  13. Lol thanks Tishy. Ive always had a problem with patience, lol
  14. Great Episode, i love Ria even if she is sort of naive.
  15. Great Episode. I liked the ending, it was very "soapy"
  16. Ryan...waiting for that next episode is killing me!!!
  17. Scott

    #47 Thursday July 5th

    Just checked out your blog for the first time and I love it!!!
  18. Scott

    Casting News

    I'm not sure how others feel about her, but I love Joy Bisco, great choice.
  19. Great Episode. I love how your showing the Q's reactions.
  20. That was great! Kevin's an ass, he should've had more restraint than that, especially considering the situation. I'm not gonna lie, I like Tracy hugging Emily. It showed that she finally accepts her as part of the family. I also loved everyone giving Kevin crap for showing up.
  21. Great Episode. I like how you let people find out about Alan.
  22. Fantastic Episode. That was classic Tracy and I loved the interaction between the Qs.
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