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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Episode#280: Christmas Eve!

Episode#280: Christmas Eve -Many days have passed since the chaos at St.Luke’s, and all of Salem is preparing for Christmas Eve. The Hortons are all at the Horton House starting the traditional Ornament Hanging, many of Marlena’s children/step-children are gathered at Chez Rouge to honor her memory, and others are going to Midnight Mass…which is outside due to Elvis’s explosion inside St.Luke’s. -Down in the Secret Room, Nicole and Jan are having a very lonely Christmas Eve. Jan continues



Episode#279: The Nightmare Couple Before Christmas

Episode#279: The Nightmare Couple Before Christmas -At the police station, Bo and the other officers are continuing the investigation of Marlena’s murder. One of the officers says that they’ve investigated it a lot these past few weeks, and he’s sorry, but Sami’s story just doesn’t make any sense…they can’t find a scrap of evidence pointing to this guy even existing. Bo sighs, and he admits that he soon may have to arrest his niece! -Will and Destiny are at the Spears Mansion…they’re watch



Episode#278: Married!

Episode#278: Married -Steve continues to try to break out of his prison…the ropes slowly come off! -At the Horton House, Laura and Maggie continue to argue. Jeremy helps Nick and Abby get the tree up, and as they do he bumps into Mike! Jeremy angrily tells Mike to watch where he’s going, and Mike tries to plea with him and asks him if they can’t at least cooperate around the times of the holidays, and Jeremy says not after he slept with his girlfriend! Jeremy stomps off and Mike tries to g



Important Update!

From LIS EP/HW Tara Smith: Due to the holidays, I have been very busy and unable to post episodes...therefore, the Christmas/New Years episodes of LIS shall air this week!!!! Be on the look out for them, and my deepest apologies to them not being able to be posted on time!




"2009 will be a gigantic year for LIS, it has so much ghoing on...December 08 was only the beginning." Tara Smith previews Marlena's Death:"The aftermath continues to play out...Sami is the town bad girl, she's reformed in recent years, but combined with her past and the craziness of Stan, the law won't be easily convinced. It would almost be ridiculous for her not to be charged. There have been a few cases with Sami like this before, the murder of Franco Kelly and when Kate and Eugenia set h



Episode#277: Stefano and Vivian's Deed

Episode#277: Stefano and Vivian’s Deed -At the Horton House, Maggie, Laura, Abe, Jeremy, Robin, Nick, Abby, and Mike are all there putting the Christmas tree up to get ready for the Annual Ornament Hanging on Christmas Eve. Jeremy tries to avoid Mike, and both Laura and Maggie sigh as they see him staying away from his father. Laura pulls Maggie aside and tells her that this has to stop! -Outside the Spears Mansion, Greta is coming out of a secret entrance and walks out to the sidewalk, an



Episode#276: The Taxi

Episode#276: The Taxi -Greta comes to visit Jan and Nicole, and sees Jan trying to figure out a way to escape. Greta laughs and says how cute, and tells Jan to just give it up, she’s not getting out of here. Nicolee asks Greta if they have to be in there can she at least go away, and Greta responds that there’d be no fun if she did, and she just thought she’d tell them how their loved ones are! -Lucas walks around the kitchen of the Spears Mansion, and says he still can’t believe that Jan



Episode#275: Elvis's Next Move

Episode#275: Elvis’s Next Move -Down in the Secret Room beneath the Spears Mansion, Jan and Nicole continue to try to withstand living together. Jan paces and says that they have to get out of here soon, because she’s engaged and Lucas is going to wonder what happened to her. Nicole just brushes it off, and Jan angrily tells her to listen, and that she is going to get out of here no matter what it takes! -Sami rushes into her room at the Salem Inn, and she says this is perfect, she’ll be a



Episode#274: The Race to Stop Stefano

Episode#274: The Race to Stop Stefano -Megan continues to stand in the DiMera Courtyard, saying how her father’s plans are coming full circle, and none of his children will be able to stop him…. -Carrie and Brandon greet each other at Chez Rouge, and Brandon notices Carrie is distracted and questions her about it. Carrie explains the situation about Sami, and Brandon says he heard about that and has no clue whats going on with her. Carrie explains that although the evidence points to Sami



Episode#273: Kate Confronts Tony

Episode#273: Kate Confronts Tony -Carrie is at Chez Rouge, still distraught over Marlena’s death. Alexis enters and orders a drink, her being distraught over the situation with Jeremy and Mike, and she and Carrie meet, and explain their situations to each other, and Carrie is horrified to learn about what Mike did, and Carrie explains that she knew Mike very well, and at first Alexis says “Not another ex.”, but Carrie assures her that she won’t judge her for what she did, and Alexis comforts



Episode#272: Vivian's Doubts

Episode#272: Vivian’s Doubts -Renee comes down at the DiMera Mansion and asks Lexie if she’s seen Stefano anywhere, and Lexie says no, and Renee says she hasn’t seen him in hours… -Valentine walks across the Alamain Mansion, and thinks about everything that has been happening with Alamain, and she says that despite that…her life has been just about perfect. She slowly takes out a picture of someone from a drawer, and says she’s sorry she had to leave him, but she has a better life in Salem



Episode#271: The Plan Commences

Episode#271: The Plan Commences -At the Spears Mansion, everyone is just getting up and around…and as Lucas walks through the living room, he is STUNNED when he discovers a note from “Jan” on the coffee table! -Robin and Laura continue to face-off over Mike and Jeremy, and Laura tells Robin that she just needs to go back to Israel! Robin asks how Laura, a woman who she’s barely met, can tell her to go back to Israel when she’s barely been back in Salem for a week! Laura says that she’s se



Episode#270: Diva in Salem!

Episode#270: Diva in Salem! -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Kate comes downstairs in her robe and brushes her hair, and she sees Celeste in the living room with Victor, and she walks in and smirks and says how cute. Victor tells Kate he is spending some private time with a very special person, and to get out. Kate laughs and says fine, but as she turns to leave, the doorbell rings, Kate goes to answer it, and it is revealed to be DORIAN LORD! -In Europe, there is a woman seen walking through a



Episode#269: Marlena's Funeral Part 2

Written by: Tara Smtih and Very Special Guest Writer ML Cooks Episode#269: Marlena’s Funeral Part 2 -Marlena’s funeral begins. Many many people from the past attend as Father Jansen begins…and everyone looks and gets emotional at the coffin of the great Marlena Evans… *Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA * -Maggie gives a heartbreaking euology about her best friend…she says that there was no other person in this town left that was better than Marlena. Sh



Episode#268: Marlena's Funeral Part 1

Episode#268: Marlena’s Funeral Part 1 -Several days have passed in Salem since Marlena Evans’ historic murder. The town of Salem is now preparing to bury a beloved woman…. -Down in the Secret Room beneath the Spears Mansion, in the bathroom besides the actual room itself, Jan is in the bathtub, as Nicole sleeps on one of the beds. Jan slowly gets out of the bathtub and puts a bathrobe on that she found lying around in there, and suddenly as she brushes her hair both her and Nicole hear som



Episode#267: Marlena's Wake

Episode#267: Marlena’s Wake -Maggie gasps as she hears of Marlena’s death, and says that this is impossible! Abe tells her that he must have heard it wrong, and that it doesn’t make any sense. Maggie sits down on the couch and says that not another pillar of Salem can be gone! She begins to cry, saying how Marlena was her great friend, and Abe slowly reaches his hand out and touches her shoulder. He tries to assure her it will all be alright. -Jan runs over to Nicole and tells her to just



Episode#266: Stami or Sami?

Episode#266: Stami or Sami? -Will is dragged into the holding cells down at the police station, and as he is thrown into one, he is shocked to see Julie and Hope in the cell across from them! Julie gasps at seeing Will, and comments how it seems everyone is ending up in jail with them these days! Will sighs and comments how this day just gets worse, and Julie then says: Julie:William Horton, what are you doing in jail, and, you finally came to your senses and came back to Salem? Will:Yea



Episode#265: Marlena Is Dead!

Episode#265: Marlena is Dead! -A new day has arrived in Salem! -Down at the DiMera Mansion, Stefano, Renee, Kristen, Peter, and Elvis are all in the living room. Stefano is reading the newspaper when suddenly, on their brand new TV, a local news station interrupts, and all of them look as the news anchor announces that Marlena Evans has been shot and killed in her penthouse! Kristen drops the earrings she was putting on as Elvis spits out his orange juice, and Stefano stares in shock, and




DEIDRE HALL OUT, ROBIN STRASSER IN, ERIKA SLEZAK, ERIC WINTER, AND ALEXIS THORPE ALL RETURN! As "Affairs of the Hearts" concludes, and the last of ML Cook's episodes have aired, exits and arrivals come to LIS! First, the most shocking announcement of all: Deidre Hall, who has been CENTRAL to the canvas of LIS since its premiere, has been fired when her character Marlena was killed off by Stan/"Stami"(Dan Wells/Alison Sweeney). A move that has stunned fans, and it also means that another one o



AOTH FINALE: Death of an Icon!

Downtown Salem, Marlena gets a knock on her door. She opens it and smiles when she sees her son Eric Brady. They hug each other. Marlena “It’s so good to see you Eric.” Eric “It’s good to see you too. I’ve missed you so much.” He walks into the apartment and sees his half sister Carrie, Tony Dimera, and Anna. He walks over to Carrie and hugs her. Eric “Long time no see.” Carrie “Indeed. You’re looking good.” Eric “Thank you. Where’s Austin?” Marlena “Now that is somethi



AOTH Episode#14: Swan Song

The Horton House Maggie is pulling some fresh donuts out from the over as Mike walks in. Mike “MMM, smells like old times. SO many great memories of great grandma.” Maggie “Oh I know. We all miss Alice dearly.” Maggie sits the donuts on the counter and then gives Mike a hug. She then pulls back after she realizes is something is wrong with her nephew. “What’s the matter Michael?” Mike takes a seat at the table as Maggie does the same. Maggie “Is it Jeremy? You two still haven’t



AOTH Episode#13: Affairs of the Hearts

Salem University hospital. Lucas “You kidnapped you own daughter? How, why?” Will “Arianna’s parents were threatening to take her from me. They don’t like me for getting their daughter pregnant and blames me for her death. They want my daughter to replace the daughter they lost. But I am not going to let that happen. That’s why I took my baby girl and Destiny, being Arianna best friend helped us.” Lucas “Son, you’ve committed a crime. Your daughter is now sick because of what you’ve



LIS Episode#264: The Beginning of the End

Salem University Hospital Maggie rushes into the hospital, overwhelmed with joy after her visit to the church and the signs she got from God and Mickey. She approaches the door into Abe’s room, and stops in nervousness for a moment, but then takes a deep breath, and walks in. Abe Hey, Maggie… Maggie Abe….I’m so glad to see you. Abe What? Is something wrong? Maggie No, no, Abe, everything’s right. Its all right… Abe, looking confused Maggie, what are you talking about? Mag



AOTH Episode#12: Dad at 16 Pt.2

Salem University Hospital Lucas is holding his son Will after learning his baby’s mother is dead. “Son I am so sorry. How did it happen?” Will pulls away from his father and looks into his eyes, wanting to be honest and bury the hatchet, “Her name was Arianna. I named our daughter after her so we can always remember her.” Lucas “That’s very nice of you. Tell me what happened to her? How did Arianna die?” Will “She died while giving birth.” Will pauses and turns away from his fath



AOTH Episode#11: Dad at 16!

The Penthouse Grille Jeremy and Alexis are seated at a table. Jeremy “You look very lovely tonight.” Alexis “You don’t look so bad in that tuxedo. I surely was not expecting you to clean up so nice.” Jeremy “Why is that?” Alexis “You just didn’t look like the type to wear a suit.” Jeremy “Come on, I’m a Horton.” Alexis “That you are” She says as the waiter comes over. Alexis “I’ll talk a sex on the beach.” Jeremy “Give me a whatever is on tap.” Then the waiter wa



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