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RECAP EPISODE OF ANOTHER WORLD The takeover of Cory Publishing – Rachel and Amanda hired Allen Lovett, who has been working with Reginald Love to force Rachel to sell Cory Publishing. It was also revealed that Iris, Rachel’s ex-stepdaughter, was masterminding the whole takeover from prison. As part of the plan, Reginald got Iris’s release hearing moved up quickly, so there was no time for Rachel and Cass to form a strategy. Rachel decided not to testify against Iris to keep her incarcerat



ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 43 Cory questions Rachel about Carl's past

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 43 Creative consultant on this episode: ML Cooks Cory questions Rachel about Carl BAY CITY CENTER Dante and Elizabeth sit at a table eating ice cream. Dante: What are we gonna do this weekend? Elizabeth: I don’t know. You tell me. Dante: Grant gave me a gift certificate to Tops. Elizabeth: Wow really! They’re expensive. Dante: The food’s good though isn’t it? Elizabeth: Just like you. They kiss. Elizabeth: My boyfriend is taking me t



ANOTHER WORLD Episode 42 Allen is arrested!

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 42 Allen is arrested!! Donna implores Vicky to work things out with Jake. Vicky catches Jake and Frankie in an embrace. MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky brings tea to Donna in the living room, and sits next to Donna on the couch. Donna: How have you been? Vicky (sighs): As well as can be expected Donna. Donna: I came to check on you. I know things can’t be going great right now. Vicky: If you came to be a downer, you can walk back out the door. Donna: Victori



ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 41 Rachel gets key evidence against Allen

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 41 Rachel gets key evidence against Allen tonipaulinasharlenejakeracheljohn DR TAYLOR’S OFFICE Policemen and forensics officers are dusting and walking around the office, and TONI BURRELL walks up to one of the officers, looking around. Officer: Lieutenant, this is weird. Toni: True. Officer: There’s no computer… Toni: I don’t see any signs of struggle here. Officer (giving her a baggy): We got this bullet casing. It appears Dr. Taylor was shot

ANOTHER WORLD Episode 40 FRIDAY CLIFFHANGER...John makes a shocking discovery

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 40 Friday Cliffhanger John makes a shocking discovery MCKINNONS HOUSE Marley finds Vicky in a seemingly familiar place…Michele’s bedroom. Marley: Vicky? Vicky: Just…remembering my daughter. She and I were going to go take a trip to wherever she decided she wanted to go to school. She was leaning toward Harvard. I miss her so much Marley. Marley: I know. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. Vicky: So much potential, so ma

ANOTHER WORLD Episode 39 Iris places her bid for Cory Publishing

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 39 Iris makes her bid for Cory Publishing In this episode BAY CITY CENTER Once again, reporters, press, and organizers are scurrying about as another press conference is about to take place. Dante is walking about and sees Bridget sitting at a table again, and decides to join her. Dante: Hey. Bridget (looking around): You’re not meeting your crazy girlfriend here are you? Dante (chuckling): No not today. Can I sit? Bridget: Sure. What brings you

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 38...Rachel announces the sale of Cory Publishing

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 38 Rachel announces the sale of Cory Publishing In this episode Kirkland, Charlie, Frankie, Sharlene, Rachel, Amanda BAY CITY CENTER People are walking around setting up a podium. The press is gathering. And Kirkland is walking around with a cup of coffee, looking around. He sees a KBAY reporter and a cameraman setting up as well. Someone bumps into him. Kirkland: Oh excuse me…Charlie Winthrop? My my. Charlie: Guess I could say the same thing. Kir

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 37 Felicia Reassures Cass

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 37 FELICIA REASSURES CASS In this episode WINTHROPS HOUSE Cass opens the door and Felicia walks in. They exchange hellos and greet each other with kisses. Cass: You’re absolutely glowing. Felicia: How could you tell? Cass: I haven’t seen a grin like that since your wedding to Mitch…wait a second. Felicia shows him her engagement ring. Cass: Wow. Congratulations! They hug and Felicia then asks him to give her away a

ANOTHER WORLD Episode 36 Marley comforts Vicky

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 36 "Marley comforts Vicky" In this episode MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky opens the door, and Marley walks in...and Marley tenderly hugs her sister. Marley: How can I help? Vicky (crying): You being here is enough. I have nobody. Marley: That’s not true. You have me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOVE MANSION Bridget walks in and Donna quickly approaches her. Donna: Where have you b

ANOTHER WORLD Episode 35 "Iris gets a mysterious phone call"

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 35 Iris receives a mysterious phone call In this episode – Rachel, Allen, Jake, Reginald, Iris CORY PUBLISHING Allen walks into Rachel’s office, and Rachel is sitting at her desk. Allen: Hey I saw Amanda’s office cleaned out. What happened? Rachel: I told her to take a leave of absence. Allen: Why? Rachel: I’m sorry but I do not have to explain my business decisions to you. Allen: Amanda works her ass off, and you tell her to take a leave



ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 34 Amanda is relieved of her duties

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 34 Amanda is relieved of her duties in this episode, Rachel, Amanda, Greg, Lindsay, Grant, Iris, Reginald RACHEL’S OFFICE Rachel is on the phone. Rachel: What do you mean no? We have banked with you for a number of years and you can’t give us another line of credit? Nobody’s been more loyal than we have, and we’ve always paid back what we’ve borrowed. Amanda walks in as Rachel continues her conversation. Rachel: I will write a letter to yo



ANOTHER WORLD episode 33 Grant questions Paulina

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 33 Grant questions Paulina In this episode, Paulina, Grant, Frankie, Cass, Jake, Vicky CARLINOS HOUSE Paulina opens the door, and Grant is there holding a bouquet of flowers to Paulina’s surprise. Grant: Would you mind putting these in some water? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PI FIRM Frankie is at her desk thinking about her last conversation with Charlie, and Cass walks in. Frankie: C



ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 32 Someone stalks Sharlene

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 32 Someone stalks Sharlene in this episode...Rachel, Felicia, Bridget, Cory, Sharlene, Dr. Taylor CORY MANSION Rachel opens the door… Rachel: Felicia! Come on in. Felicia: How have you been? Rachel: You don’t know the half of it my friend. Felicia: That doesn’t sound good. Rachel: It isn’t. Mac’s company is in big trouble, and I don’t know what else I can do to get us out. -------------------------------------- LOVE MANSION



ANOTHER WORLD Episode 31 Monday Jake Walks Out on Vicky!

ANOTHER WORLD EPISODE 31 Monday Jake Walks Out on Vicky!!! IN THIS EPISODE: Jake, Vicky, Tyrone, Donna, Marley, Allen, Iris, Dante ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCKINNONS HOUSE VICKY SITS IN THE LIVING ROOM WITH A BLANK STARE ON HER FACE, AND JAKE SURPRISES HER… Vicky: What are you doing with that? Jake: I'm taking Mary to the airport, and I’m moving out --------------------------------------------




MCKINNONS HOUSE Jake opens the door and gets a big surprise. Jake: Mary! Mary: Come here. Mary gives him a hug. Mary: I'm so sorry. She was such a sweet girl. I'll never forget the summer that we kept them. Jake (teary eyed): I'm gonna miss her. ------------------------------ CORYS HOUSE Cory sits in the living room teary eyed when Rachel walks up to him. Cory: How could we be saying goodbye to Michele? How could she be gone? Rachel: I know honey. I asked those



ANOTHER WORLD Episode 29 "Thursday"

IN THIS EPISODE CASS'S HOUSE Cass opens the door... Cass: Lindsay? Oh my goodness. Lindsay: Hi Uncle Cass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORY PUBLISHING Rachel is on the phone in her office looking on her computer when Amanda walks in. Rachel: Oh my God. Amanda: Mom what's wrong? Rachel: The buyouts went through. We are in big big trouble. -----------------------------------------------------------------------




IN THIS EPISODE TOPS Mitch and Felicia have just been seated. Felicia: We haven’t been here in a while. Mitch: Because you didn’t ask. Felicia: You know I love this place. Mitch: Didn’t someone tell you about variety? Felicia: This from the king of the set in his ways coalition. Mitch: Are you saying that I’m an old man? Felicia: Your words not mine. Mitch: You love this old man don’t you? Felicia: Hmmm I suppose so, as long as he comes home to me. The waitress



ANOTHER WORLD Episode 27 "Tuesday"

In this episode... Grant, Charlie, Frankie, Jake, Vicky, John P.I. FIRM Frankie is at her desk and she gets a visitor... Frankie: Charlie? Charlie: The one and only. Frankie: Wow I'm surprised to see you after the way we left things downstairs. Did Cass encourage you to come here? Charlie: Sort of. Do you mind if we...go downstairs to get a latte or something? Frankie (smiling): I'd love that. -------------------------------------------------- MCKINNONS HOUSE Jake: S



BACK TO AW Episode 26 3/26/2012 "Monday"

Characters in this episode... MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky is on the phone in the living room... Vicky: Okay...Everything's set? Thank you. Vicky sees someone coming out of the kitchen. Vicky: Michele? Is that you? Michele: Hi mom. -------------------------------------------------- MONTGOMERY HOUSE Tyrone sits on the couch and Marley comes out with a plate and two cups. Marley: Do you want something to drink? Tyrone: Some liquor would be nice. Marley: I was thinking mor



Story updates on BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD

LAST WEEK (episodes 21-25) ---Jake and Vicky dealt with the aftermath of taking Michele off life support ---Battle lines were once again drawn between Rachel and IrisLAST WEEK (episodes 21-25) ---Jake and Vicky dealt with the aftermath of taking Michele off life support ---Battle lines were once again drawn between Rachel and Iris ---Allen and Amanda gave in to their desires ---Charlie walled off Frankie ---Kirkland returned to Bay City ---Frankie suggested hypnosis for Sharlene



BACK TO AW Episode 25 "Friday"

IN THIS EPISODE... ------------------------------------- P.I. FIRM JAKE is sitting at his desk with his feet up on his desk thinking about his arguments with Vicky. Jake: Sure could use a distraction. RACHEL WALKS IN... Rachel: Jake I'm surprised to find you here. I'm so sorry about Michele. Jake: Thank you. Rachel: Why aren't you home with Vicky? Jake: Long story. Don't care to get into it right now. Rachel: I understand. Jake: I know you didn't come here to give



BACK TO AW Episode 24 3/22/2012 "Thursday"

In this episode.... P.I. FIRM Sharlene walks in while Frankie is at her desk looking at the junk mail picture of St. Croix wondering why she got such a reaction to it. Frankie: Aunt Sharlene. Sharlene: Thanks for seeing me. Frankie: Anytime. How's Gregory? Sharlene: He's gonna start his physical therapy soon. Frankie: Well that's good right? Sharlene: Yeah it's progress. He's itching to start. -------------------------------- HOSPITAL Lindsay walks into Greg's roo



Back to AW Episode 23 3/21/2012 Wed..."Full of Surprises"

In this episode.... MCKINNONS HOUSE Vicky sits on the living room couch and Jake walks in. Jake: Open the door. Vicky: Nobody knocked. Jake: It's a surprise. Vicky: Jake I'm really not in the mood. Jake: Vick just go open the door okay. Vicky reluctantly does so and gets a pleasant surprise. Vicky: Kirkland! Oh my God! They hug each other tightly. "I'm so sorry mom." he says regarding Michele's death. Vicky: About what honey? I'm so glad you're home. Kirklan



Back to AW Episode 22 3/20/2012 Tues.

HOSPITAL JOHN AND SHARLENE are at GREG'S bedside. Sharlene: How are you feeling? Greg: You guys keep asking me that. I still can't walk. John: We're gonna keep asking you that because we're your parents. Sharlene: Your father's right. Greg: So dad has the swelling gone down yet? John: Actually your body is healing quickly. Greg: So when can I start physical therapy? John: Patience son...patience. Sharlene can I talk to you outside for a minute? OUTSIDE OF Greg's ro

Back to AW Episode 21 Monday March 19, 2012

BAY CITY CENTER Cass and Charlie walk and talk side by side. Cass: So what do you plan on doing? Charlie: I dunno dad. I'm just gonna sit around and do nothing. Cass: Charlie I'm serious. Cass stops and faces his daughter. Cass: You are going to have a hard life if you don't have an education. Charlie: Don't you think I know that? I've applied for courses at BCU. Cass: Okay that's a good start. You know your mother's back in town. Frankie walks up and taps Charlie on

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