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The Light NEVER went out...

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John Hu On Harley's Mind, John Hu Has Arrived

EXT. DOCKS – NIGHT A thick fog nearly consumes the setting when a boat pulls in. A pair of feet steps off the boat and it is revealed to be John Hu. He looks around and likes what he sees. Suddenly, a Don Chi, Hu’s henchman, steps off the boat from behind him. He has a briefcase in hand. Don: Pretty foggy here tonight, huh? John: Just how I like it. Don: So you never told me why we’re here in Springfield. John: Patience, patience. All good things to those who wait.




INT. LEWIS CONSTRUCTION TRAILER – DAY Josh and Billy enter giggling and joking with one another. This moment ceases once they realize Reva lying on the sofa in a deep sleep. Josh: Reva? Josh walks over to her and gently shakes her to awaken her. Reva: (groggy) Bud? Is it morning? Josh points to a portable clock on the desk nearby, which reads “9:00 A.M.” Reva: Colin! Reva jumps up and starts to collect herself. Josh: Is he here? Josh scopes t



As the Clock Winds Down. . .

FADE IN: INT. SPAULDING MANOR – STUDY We open up with India on the phone. It is clear that she is anxious. India: Alan, call me when you get this message. This is very important. India hangs up the phone as Dorrie enters the room. She plops down on the sofa. Dorrie: Well aren’t you anxious. You only get this anxious when you’re onto something. (eager) What is it, Mother? India scopes around to see if anyone is looking. She then closes the door to the study and si




INT. HAWK'S APT BANG! BANG! Rusty (OC): Pa! Come open the door! Trista and Laurel stand frozen in place as Rusty still beats at the door. Rusty: Pa! You there? Don't make me kick the door down. Hawk rushes out the kitchen and ushers the two women into the kitchen before rushing back over to the door to let Rusty back in. Hawk: What?!!!! Rusty: What took you so long? Hawk: I was taking a nap, boy! Rusty brushes past Hawk, entering. Rusty: I heard yelli




INT. SPAULDING ENTERPRISES (HALL) Open up on Vanessa walking down the hallway with her face buried in some documents. J enters from a side door, and not noticing Vanessa, bumps into her. Vanessa: J? J: Hey, Aunt Vanessa. Vanessa: Honey, were you looking for me? J: Um . . . uh no. I was actually here to see Alan. Vanessa: Alan? On Vanessa desiring to know why, CUT TO INT. COMPANY Buzz comes from the kitchen with a plate and brings it Harley, who sips on he



The Past & the Present

INT. BAUER KITCHEN Open up on Michelle fixing lunches for the kids, and then Danny comes down the stairs. Danny: The kids aren’t down here yet? Michelle: No. (then) Hope! Robbie! Hurry up! Danny: I’m gonna be late if they don’t hurry up. Michelle: For what? Danny: Michelle, the debate! You don’t remember? Michelle: (covering) Oh—oh yeah. It just slipped my mind. Danny: OK . . . You’re going to be there, right? Michelle: I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Danny: Goo




INT. CARRIAGE HOUSE (DINAH'S) Jason lies on the sofa peacefully. All of sudden a pillow bashes him in the head. He jumps up to see Dinah, furious, holding the pillow. Jason: What was that for?! Dinah: I can't believe you. Jason: I know you aren't about to read me the riot act, Dinah. Dinah: No. But I am going to save you from yourself. Take it from me, you don't wanna do this, Jason. Jason rolls his eyes. He grabs his pillow and blanket and starts to storm off.




INT. SPAULDING LIVING ROOM Phillip, Lizzie, Beth, James, Alan Michael, Bill, India, Dorrie, and Alan enter tossing their belongings off to the side. They all slump onto the various chairs, still stricken with concern for Alex. Beth: Do you all know when visiting hours begin tomorrow? A-M: Some time around 8 AM. Beth: Thanks. I'll go visit Alex after the board meeting. Alan: (becoming alert) Board meeting? Phillip: Yeah. The one we were supposed to have today? I postponed it til




INT. CEDARS (ER/HALLWAY) Alex lies motionless hooked up to the machines as her family crowds around outside her room waiting patiently. Suddenly, Rick makes his way down the hall and Phillip spots him and rushes over to him. The rest of the family follows suit, crowding behind Phillip with worried looks on their faces. Alan: Give it to us straight, Bauer! Lizzie: Shut up, Granddad. Phillip: Any news? Rick: Yes. Alex will be just fine. Beth: Thank God. Rick: She just had a sli



Getting the Ball Rolling (SUPERSIZED EPISODE)

INT. OLIVIA’S ROOM Olivia rolls out of bed and draws the blinds to window, bringing in a surge of sunlight. She walks over to her vanity where she plops down and has a seat, examining herself in the mirror. Suddenly, in the mirror splits (in Olivia’s mind), showing her Id (primitive side), which looks very sluttish, and her superego (moralistic side), which looks very natural and maternal, looking back at her. Olivia: What the fu— (rubbing her eyes) Am I going insane? Sup




HUGE CASTING NEWS AT TGL: THE GUIDING LIGHT Four characters from the past are returning to the canvas on a permanent basis to help shake up the show. To center the show back around the Bauers, Michelle and Danny Santos (Paul Anthony Stewart and Joie Bethany Lenz) are rejoining the series along with Carmen Santos (Saundra Santiago) and soon by Carmen's daughter, Pilar (now being portrayed by Lindsay Hartley). Expect Danny & Michelle's story to start soon on the SUPERSIZED EPISODE o




INT. LIBRARY Trista and Rocky sit at a table filled with books. Both are deep into their studies until Trista's tapping on the pen interrupts Rocky. Rocky: You OK? Trista: Huh? Rocky: You were tapping your pencil on the table. Trista: Dear God, I am so sorry. Rocky: No you're fine. They go back to studying, then Trista: Does something look like it is bothering me? Rocky: (looking up) You tell me. Trista: OK. I'm not. Rocky: Then w

New Beginnings

INT. REVA'S KITCHEN Reva stands at the sink washing dishes. She is deep in thought, replaying the conversation over and over from the other day. Hawk's voice: She is a Shayne. Your mother and I knew. . . Your mother and I knew. . . Your mother and I knew. . . Reva: Oh, Pop. What have you done. If Rusty ever finds out, all hell will break loose. Marah (OS) : Mom, What are you talking about? Reva nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of Marah's voice. Marah walks ove

The Truth Shall Set You Free PT 3 FINAL

INT. REVA'S LIVING ROOM Reva, holding Colin, and Trista sit on the sofa in silence. Reva is somewhat still befuddled over the news she just received. Trista: Look, I wanted to ease into the situation and not just pop declaring that I am a Shayne. Reva: I understand but how? Trista: Through sex. I mean how else-- Reva: No. I mean how do you know that you are Rusty's child for sure? Trista digs into her satchel bag and pulls out a tattered photo album. She hands it to

The Truth Shall Set You Free PT2

INT. ALAN MICHAEL'S OFFICE Picking up where we left off with Holly standing in front of the door, stunned. Holly: Did I hear you correctly? Holly steps into the office closing the door. Alan Michael and Hope are uneasy at this point. Holly: Hope? Hope: (sighs) Yes. Its me. Holly covers her mouth, at a loss for words. She tries fighting back the tears. Holly: But you are supposed to be-- Hope: Dead. I know. (glances at Alan Michael) Some people eve


After a long hiatus, TGL: THE GUIDINGLIGHT is coming back! However, with good news, there is bad news. The show is having major casting changes. See below: Sarah Brown as Cassie Layne Kristolyn Lloyd as Tierra Renaldi Kim Matula as Trista Tucker Chris Fountain as Rocky Cooper Drew Garrett as Jason Marler Chad Duell as Kevin Marler Megan Ward as Harley Cooper Matthew Ashford as Reginald Wilson Wendy Moniz repri


ALERT!!! TGL: The Guiding Light will be taking a hiatus for awhile. But stay tuned and read the other great blogs here on SON.




FADE IN: INT. SPRINGFIELD U - DAY - MEL'S CLASS Mel stands by the open door handing out an assignment as the students leave. Mel: Everyone have a good weekend. And these are your cases that you will be arguing on for the final. So be prepared. Kevin, still by his desk, kneels down and grabs his backpack. Mel looks past the outgoing crowd onto Kevin. Mel: Kevin. Kevin looks over at Mel, attentive. Mel: Could you stay for a second so I can speak




FADE IN INT. CHAMBERLAIN MANOR - DAY - FOYER (Picking up where we last left off) Nola: (fighting the tears) My baby boy. Nola hugs J tightly. Nola then pulls back from him. Nola: What made you come home? Are you two in trouble? J: Here we go... Tom: Aunt Nola, what makes you think that we are in trouble? We just came to spend time with you guys. Nola: Oh really? Get over here you. Tom walks over and hugs Nola. Meanwhile, J hugs Matt and Quint. But




FADE IN: INT. TRISTA'S DORM - DAY Trista studies three outfits that she had lied out on the bed. Daisy eases into the room. Trista turns around acknowledging her. Trista: Hey you. Where have you been? Daisy: I had to run to the store and grabs some items for my Grandma Reva. I just came by to change before I headed over there. Trista: But I thought you were eating at the Coopers -- I mean your Mom's house? Daisy: I was but I changed my mind. I might just come o




FADE IN: INT. SPAULDING MANOR - DAY - DINING ROOM (Picking up where we last left off) Alan: What is going on? Why are you two looking like deers in headlights? AM: N--No reason. Alan: OK... As soon as you two get over whatever has come over you both, come in the parlor and join us for a drink. Hope: Will do, Alan -- I mean Mr. Spaulding. Alan, still weary, walks out the room. AM: How could-- Hope grabs him by the arm and drags him into the




INT. SPRINGFIELD UNIVERSITY DORMS - DAY - TRISTA & DAISY Trista sits at her desk blasting music while typing up her article. Sitting on the floor next to her is a huge mail sack of letter. Trista occasionally reaches down and grabs an envelope. KNOCK! KNOCK! Trista takes off the headphones and opens the door, revealing James Spaulding. The sight of James just irritates her. Trista: Now what? James: (peeking past her) I was just seeing if you were-- Trista: Doin



The Aftermath (A minisode)

FADE IN: INT. MEL'S BEDROOM - DAY Mel lies in fetal position amongst the darkness. She is still -- emotionless. Meanwhile, Leah bangs on the door repeatedly. Leah: Mom! I know you are in there. Let me in. Please. Come on... Leah breaks down and props her head on the door. Leah: Mom, please... I'm so, so sorry... The doorbell then rings. Leah staggers down the stairs to the door. She opens it and reveals Remy, Clayton, Christina, and Felicia. Leah: (wiping




INT. BEACON HOTEL - NIGHT - MAIN LOBBY Cassie guides the paramedics through the main entrance. Cassie: (pointing) The ballroom is in there. The paramedics enter into the: BALLROOM where they rush up to Ed, who is still overlooking Phillip. Paramedic #1: How is he, Dr. Bauer? Ed: Still faint. Paramedics 2 & 3 lift Phillip up and places him on the gurney. A full life face mask is placed on Phillip's face. The paramedics lead Phillip out with the Sp




INT. BEACON HOTEL - NIGHT We pick up where we last left off with Phillip consuming the drink. Grady watches on eagerly anticipating the outcome. As Phillip downs the last drop, he falls for the floor, convulsing. Then motionless. Beth lets out a loud scream. Beth: Phillip! The sight of Phillip sends the crowd into a frenzy. Beth kneels down next to Phillip and feels his pulse. It's faint. Beth: Mother! Rick! Someone help him. Rick and Lillian join Beth next to



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