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AMC: Why why why

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So this summer one of the big stories will be a bar opening in the Fusion building (huh?) where Del, Amanda, Simone, Jamie, and Julia will hang out and have random sex with each other or something to that extent...I'm probably making it sound better than it will actually be lol. This is from SID.

So basically they are taking all their directionless weak characters and plopping them into the same non-story. Brilliant :rolleyes: Quite frankly they could just get rid of all those characters but I digress....

Here's my question: AMC typically does better than OLTL in all the demos and it often is right behind if not matching (or even on rare occasion beating) GH. So why is it always AMC that Frons tries to youth-anize so to speak. Why is AMC always subjected to these lame attempts to be hip and cool while OLTL and GH, for the most part, are allowed to tell real stories? On Monday the big "jump into soaps" day, OLTL had the climax of the Todd story, I haven't watched GH from Monday yet but I'm sure it good drama, while AMC was apparently sleazy T&A.

I just don't get why Frons sees AMC as the weak one and thus makes it weaker through his ideas. This bar thing sounds completely FF material.

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You're kidding me right? GH had it's bi-monthly shoot-out today, and for some reason, those things attract teenage girls. Did you not see on the FITS for this week all of the little girls screaming "I LOVE GH!"? And the funny thing, most soaps carry a TV-14 rating at least two episodes a week, yet these girls had to be no more than 10.

It's hilarious.

But seriously, I don't think GH and OLTL are immune to the "youthanizing." It's just that AMC has always had a foundation built on young love. They're just failing to see that what made the younth-oriented storylines of the 1970s-1990s successful was the meaningful involvement of older characters as well.

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The bar is meant to be the new "hangout spot" and will apparently give Fusion more income. This will be used to test some couples out as well as create tension at Fusion. It's a plot device, that's all.

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I just hope they don't make the new hangout spot as bad as that Memorial Day Episode was - chemistry free couples half naked getting it on. I'll agree with AMS (you right?) in saying if Josh/Jamie are getting it on with each other, maybe I'll be more open minded even if it's that "wrong." Hopefully Jamie and Amanda will get back together in a nice young romance!

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I can just imagine it now: brothels in the back, glory holes in the bathroom, candy flavored condoms and edible body lotion all for sale.

And um....isn't there supposed to be a Day Care at Fusion as well? Continuity McTavish....Continuity!!!!

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lol.... :lol: I wonder if ol'Palmer will be a regular visitor.

I'd love to see Myrtle riding the pole to the beat of the new Ying Yang Twins single.

lol...I can just see people looking at Kendall and quoting that movie Sweethome Alabama, "You brought a baby...to a Bar?!?"

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Frons is taking AMC back to early 2003 when the Fusion Four was ABC's answer to Sex and the City. Ugh. I thought the whole [!@#$%^&*] reason he gave for hiring McTavish was that she presented such dramatic and human material to him. So much for that.

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Jash! Break off a piece a dat! :D

I haven't seen this one posted online, are there any more details?

True enough, it's hard to imagine a group of young demo-friendly-types with less chemistry together. Well, except for Jamie and Joshie, naturally. If Frons is trying to pull AMC out of McT's the retro-1950s ether, I'm all for it but I'll also chuckle and say good luck. Just can't see any reason why the woman who whisked us there in the first place can write stories with a modern feel, imo.

I sure as hell want a change of scenery and motifs on AMC, that's fo sho. What I really want is a change in HWs, not new Summer hang-out sets. Remember the CD store from a couple of summers ago? If you want to spend money on sets, how about first, strike a match to those godawful Kendall and Zach condos and get them a decent place to live. Jeez, this people are rich, living in 1-Bedroom apartments.

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I think the Kendall/Zach condo sets are the best of the bunch I don't want them gone! Well I just hope its just a hang out not a sex house like the wording suggested that Agnes typed up.

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