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AMC: Place your bets: Will ***** ***** be fired

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No kidding. Alec Musser will make it to the one year mark for what? 5 minutes of total airtime? Ridiculous.

Teri Ivens, Aidan Turner, Connie Fletcher, Krystal could be replaced by Brooke and they wouldn't have to change a single script....Sydney may be on more but what she does could be done by a cheap day player. It's mind-boggling. So much money could be saved. But of course, AMC can do no wrong :rolleyes:

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Demo-friendly, Fun in the Sun if He Had a Storyline-friendly, Alec has stayed this long for propping up the SoapStar franchise...gotta make the prize seem like an actual prize. Fronsie ditched the first one from GH pretty quickly. They acted for a while like Del was going to get a story, what with the mentions of him writing a book about PV...then nada. Methinks Meggie won't write for him.

I agree that Sydney got screwed.

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I don't get why good actor's like Sydney Penny immediately get the boot but some like Aiden Whatshisname get to stick around and torture us year, after year, after year. I mean didn't I hear he just got signed for a couple of more years? He has never had a romance that worked. Not with Maria, or Kendall, or Mia, or whoever else I'm forgetting. But does he get the boot? Nooooooo!, of course not. :angry:

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I just figure he is part of AMC's new push to put all these sexy men on the screen. AMC has always had some nice looking guys but never have they seemed to push it like they have lately. Their men in the past were more all-American type guys but now they are really going for the beefcake type guys and overloaded the show with them (Aidan, Jamie, Josh, JR, Ryan, etc. etc.). Luckily some of them can act, but others are there just for the looks, and the constant shirtless shots or even in their underwear which AMC seems to love doing in the last few years.

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Aidan's romance with Kendall certainly did work. They were quite popular for awhile there but McTrash decided not to work with their amazing chem. Instead we get crap day after day.

That said, I feel for Sydney. I think she is a good actress and believe it or not I really did like Julia/Ryan.

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Well on this we'll just have to agree to disagree, because I certainly was not a fan of this coupling and don't remember anything "Amazing" about them. :mellow:

Honestly I just don't think the actor is attracted to women and unfortunately unlike many other leading men in daytime he's just not a good enough actor to convince you otherwise. But that's JMHO.

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