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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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It is terrible the way all the houseguests are treating George. They basically ignore him and laugh about him behind his back. He is never included in strategy discussions. Now he wins HOH because he actually tried to win and didn't try to throw it (such a novel concept) and they are treating him like dog crap. Even his supposed one friend Dani! I think the only one who has been remotely nice about him winning is Janie.

On Jokers - they had a talk with Dani and George where she basically threatened him to be very careful what he does because he is pissing people off. She was really nasty about it. After she leaves, he basically says to the camera that he has been alone since he entered the house. It was so sad!

Then she talks with Erika and says George goes next. That he is too dangerous because he can't be controlled and you don't know what he will do. Well, hello, if Dani bothered to include him in discussions maybe the nom would be more to her liking. Not to mention poor George got just a few seconds to make noms.

Then you have James acting like a baby screaming that he wants payback and George awakened a demon.

Frankly, I have had it with all of these babies. When George goes, I will probably give up BB as well.

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Wow. Honestly, after the clip I saw of Dani telling America to FO and now this nastiness, I no longer think she's that good of a person. I also don't like how she often tells the others what to do-about anything- and acts like their mom. She's a !@#$%^&*] and she plays way too hard and takes it to an ugly level. I like Woogie b/c they actually take BB for what it is- a GAME, and not to a personal level.

James is just an overgrown baby. I feel bad for Sarah.

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I do think Danielle's a good person. I still think April's a good person even though she called America assholes. :lol: It's the stress of the game with those two I think. They're good people outside, methinks.

Hmmmm. I can see Bogie wanting to keep James cuz thennnnn someone will get rid of him later, but wouldn't you want to get rid of one of the biggest threats left while you can? Especially while Erika considers herself Chilltown?

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LOL..Erika is deluded. She actually thinks she has CT and Dani's votes. I love how Will made her look like a fool on tv during the show basically saying LOD only has 4 members and she isnt one of them and they are going to use her and drop her

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